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# This test program generates the UnitsByName.html and
# UnitsByType.html pages.
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.60';
use Physics::Unit ':ALL';
our @EXPORT = qw/GenPages/;
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/GenNameTable GenTypeTable/;
sub GenPages
my @return;
my $outFile;
# Generate Units by Name
$outFile = "UnitsByName.html";
push @return, $outFile;
open my $fh, ">", "$outFile" or die "Can't open $outFile for output";
print $fh header("Name");
print $fh trailer();
close $fh;
# Generate Units by Type
$outFile = "UnitsByType.html";
push @return, $outFile;
open $fh, ">", "$outFile" or die "Can't open $outFile for output";
print $fh header("Type");
# Print out the "Table of Contents"
my @t = ('unknown', 'prefix', ListTypes());
my @links = map " <a href='#$_'>$_</a>", @t;
print $fh join ",\n", @links;
# Print out the table
print $fh "\n <p>\n";
print $fh trailer();
close $fh;
return @return;
sub GenNameTable
my $fh = shift;
print $fh tableHeader(1);
for my $name (ListUnits()) {
my $n = GetUnit($name);
printrow($fh, 1, $name, $n->type(), $n->def(), $n->expanded());
print $fh " </table>\n";
sub GenTypeTable
my $fh = shift;
print $fh tableHeader(0);
my $lastType = '-';
for my $name (sort byType ListUnits())
my $n = GetUnit($name);
my $t = $n->type || '';
if ($t ne $lastType) {
print $fh typeRow($t);
$lastType = $t;
printrow($fh, 0, $name, $t, $n->def, $n->expanded);
print $fh " </table>\n";
sub header
my $sortBy = shift;
my $title = "Units by $sortBy";
return <<END_HEADER;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://st.pimg.net/tucs/style.css" type="text/css" />
<div class='pod'>
sub trailer
return <<END_TRAILER;
sub tableHeader
my $printType = shift;
my $th = " <table border='1' cellpadding='2'>\n" .
" <tr bgcolor='#003070'>\n" .
" <th>Unit</th>\n" .
($printType ? " <th>Type</th>\n" : '') .
" <th>Value</th>\n" .
" <th>Expanded</th>\n" .
" </tr>\n";
return $th;
sub printrow
my ($fh, $printType, $name, $t, $d, $ex) = @_;
print $fh " <tr>\n" .
" <td>$name</td>\n" .
($printType ?
" <td>" . typeStr($t) . "</td>\n" : '') .
" <td>$d</td>\n" .
" <td>$ex</td>\n" .
" </tr>\n";
# This is used in a couple of places. It returns a human-readable
# string for a type. If $t is undef, this returns "unknown";
# otherwise, this returns $t.
sub typeStr
my $t = shift;
return !defined $t || $t eq '' ? 'unknown' : $t;
# Used for sorting an array of unit names by type.
# Note: 'unknown' is first, 'prefix' next
sub byType
my $ua = GetUnit($a);
my $ub = GetUnit($b);
return altType($ua->type) cmp altType($ub->type) ||
$ua->factor <=> $ub->factor ||
$a cmp $b;
# This is used by the byType comparison routine. This takes a
# unit's type and returns a value that ensures that undef (type is
# unknown) is sorted first, then 'prefix' and then the other types.
sub altType
my $t = shift;
return !defined $t ? 0 :
$t eq 'prefix' ? 1 :
sub typeRow
my $t = shift;
my $ts = typeStr($t);
return " <tr bgcolor='#B0D8FC'>\n" .
" <td colspan='4'>\n" .
" <a name='$ts'>" .
($ts eq 'prefix' ? 'prefix (dimensionless)' : $ts) .
"</a>\n" .
" </td>\n" .
" </tr>\n";