Revision history for Perl extension Pod::Plainer.

1.04  2014-07-04
	- added META.json
	- use Test::More

1.03  2010-08-25
	- deleted C<use if deprecate> to remove dependency on 'if',
		which is not available in 5.006, as reported in #RT60721.
		I think C<deprecate> is only necessary for versions that
		appear in the core.

1.02  2010-02-11
	- change email address 

1.01  2009-09-20
	- added t/pod-coverage.t
	- added more documentation and Makefile.PL options
	- resolved CPAN RT #49699 re INSTALLDIRS

1.00  2009-09-13
	- added C<use deprecate>, updated AUTHOR email

0.01  Sun Sep 13 14:58:42 2009
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XAn Pod::Plainer
	- t/plainer.t Makefile.PL from perl/ext/Pod-Plainer