The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Revision history for Pod::Weaver::Section::SourceGitHub

0.57  2024-01-22
    - Fix extra https:// in front of repo urls

0.56  2017-07-31

0.55  2017-07-31
    - make signature.t an author test (generated by dzil)
    - use https url for github web page instead of http

0.54  2011-02-01
    - require Dist::Zilla 4.101800: Prereq -> Prereqs

0.53  2010-05-06
    - do not crash dzil if repo is not a github repo

0.52  2010-03-30
    - use Dist::Zilla's distmeta accessor (requires Dist::Zilla 1.092680)

0.51  2010-03-30
    - initial release