Revision history for Perl extension R3::rfcapi.
0.32 1999-11-15
Incorrect handling of I/INT4/TYPINT in itab corrected.
Better error message for RFC_EXCEPTION when not declared in
interface (not returned by RFC_GET_FUNCTION_INTERFACE).
0.31 1999-11-10
Better support for N/NUMC/TYPNUM (character fields with only numbers).
0.30 1999-11-05
Added support for R/3 release < 40A.
0.21 1999-10-29
Changed to allow different sysnr than 0.
Corrected bug in r3_del_itab and r3_del_func; memory
was not freed correctly in 0.20.
0.20 1999-10-28
Last changes before first upload to CPAN.