# ABSTRACT: Retrieve PDF image and text data via MuPDF's mutool
$Renard::API::MuPDF::mutool::VERSION = '0.006';
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
use Alien::MuPDF 0.007;
use Log::Any qw($log);
use constant MUPDF_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION => 72; # dpi
our $MUTOOL_PATH = Alien::MuPDF->mutool_path;
fun _call_mutool( @mutool_args ) {
my @args = ( $Renard::API::MuPDF::mutool::MUTOOL_PATH, @mutool_args );
my ($stdout, $exit);
# Note: The code below is marked as uncoverable because it only applies
# on Windows and we are currently only automatically checking coverage
# on Linux via Travis-CI.
# uncoverable branch true
if( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
# Need to redirect to a file for two reasons:
# - /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS closes stdin/stdout <https://github.com/project-renard/curie/issues/128>.
# - MuPDF does not set the mode on stdout to binary <http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=694954>.
my $temp_fh = File::Temp->new; # uncoverable statement
close $temp_fh; # to avoid Windows file locking # uncoverable statement
my $output_param = 0; # uncoverable statement
for my $idx (1..@args-2) { # uncoverable statement
# uncoverable branch true
if( $args[$idx] eq '-o' # uncoverable statement
&& $args[$idx+1] eq '-' ) {
$args[$idx+1] = $temp_fh->filename; # uncoverable statement
$output_param = 1; # uncoverable statement
# uncoverable branch true
if( not $output_param ) { # uncoverable statement
# redirect into a temp file
my $cmd = join " ", # uncoverable statement
map { $_ =~ /\s/ ? "\"$_\"" : $_ } # uncoverable statement
@args; # uncoverable statement
my $redir = $temp_fh->filename; # uncoverable statement
@args = ("$cmd > \"$redir\""); # uncoverable statement
$log->infof("running mutool: %s", \@args); # uncoverable statement
system( @args ); # uncoverable statement
$stdout = path( $temp_fh->filename )->slurp_raw; # uncoverable statement
$exit = $?; # uncoverable statement
} else {
# Make sure STDOUT is :raw
open my $dup, ">&=", *STDOUT or die $!;
local *STDOUT;
open(STDOUT, ">&=", $dup);
binmode *STDOUT, ':raw';
($stdout, undef, $exit) = capture {
$log->infof("running mutool: %s", \@args);
system( @args );
die "Unexpected mutool exit: $exit" if $exit;
return $stdout;
fun get_mutool_pdf_page_as_png($pdf_filename, $pdf_page_no, $zoom_level) {
my $stdout = _call_mutool(
qw( -r ), ($zoom_level * MUPDF_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION), # calculate the resolution
qw( -F png ),
qw( -o -),
return $stdout;
fun get_mutool_text_stext_raw($pdf_filename, $pdf_page_no) {
my $stdout = _call_mutool(
qw(-F stext),
qw(-o -),
return $stdout;
fun get_mutool_text_stext_xml($pdf_filename, $pdf_page_no) {
my $stext_xml = get_mutool_text_stext_raw(
my $stext = XMLin( $stext_xml,
KeyAttr => [],
ForceArray => [ qw(page block line font char) ] );
return $stext;
fun get_mutool_page_info_raw($pdf_filename) {
my $stdout = _call_mutool(
# remove the first line
$stdout =~ s/^[^\n]*\n//s;
# wraps the data with a root node
return "<document>$stdout</document>"
fun get_mutool_page_info_xml($pdf_filename) {
my $page_info_xml = get_mutool_page_info_raw( $pdf_filename );
my $page_info = XMLin( $page_info_xml,
KeyAttr => [],
ForceArray => [ qw(page) ] );
my $root_media_box_p = Renard::API::MuPDF::mutool::ObjectParser->new(
filename => $pdf_filename,
string => Renard::API::MuPDF::mutool::get_mutool_get_object_raw($pdf_filename, 'Root/Pages/MediaBox'),
is_toplevel => 0,
my $root_media_box;
if( $root_media_box_p->data ) {
$root_media_box->{l} = $root_media_box_p->data->[0];
$root_media_box->{b} = $root_media_box_p->data->[1];
$root_media_box->{r} = $root_media_box_p->data->[2];
$root_media_box->{t} = $root_media_box_p->data->[3];
for my $page_hash (@{ $page_info->{page} }) {
unless( exists $page_hash->{CropBox} ) {
my $media_box = exists $page_hash->{MediaBox} ? $page_hash->{MediaBox} : $root_media_box;
$page_hash->{CropBox} = { %$media_box };
return $page_info;
fun get_mutool_outline_simple($pdf_filename) {
my $outline_text = _call_mutool(
my @outline_items = ();
open my $outline_fh, '<:crlf', \$outline_text;
while( defined( my $line = <$outline_fh> ) ) {
$line =~ /^
# #123,20,40
( \# (?<page>\d+)(,(?<dx>-?\d+),(?<dy>-?\d+))? )
# #page=123&zoom=nan,20,40
# #page=123&view=Fit
( \# page=(?<page>\d+)(&(view|zoom)=[^&,]+?)*(,(?<dx>-?\d+),(?<dy>-?\d+))? )
my %copy = %+;
$copy{level} = length($copy{indent}) - 1;
$copy{text} =~ s/\\x([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
$copy{open} = $copy{prefix} eq '-';
delete $copy{prefix};
delete $copy{indent};
delete $copy{reference};
# not storing the offsets yet and not every line has offsets
delete @copy{qw(dx dy)};
push @outline_items, \%copy;
return \@outline_items;
fun get_mutool_get_trailer_raw($pdf_filename) {
my $trailer_text = _call_mutool(
open my $trailer_fh, '<:crlf', \$trailer_text;
do { local $/ = ''; <$trailer_fh> };
fun get_mutool_get_object_raw($pdf_filename, $object_id) {
my $object_text = _call_mutool(
open my $object_fh, '<:crlf', \$object_text;
do { local $/ = ''; <$object_fh> };
fun get_mutool_get_info_object_parsed( $pdf_filename ) {
my $trailer = Renard::API::MuPDF::mutool::ObjectParser->new(
filename => $pdf_filename,
string => Renard::API::MuPDF::mutool::get_mutool_get_trailer_raw($pdf_filename),
my $info = $trailer->resolve_key('Info');
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Renard::API::MuPDF::mutool - Retrieve PDF image and text data via MuPDF's mutool
=head1 VERSION
version 0.006
=head2 _call_mutool
_call_mutool( @args )
Helper function which calls C<mutool> with the contents of the C<@args> array.
Returns the captured C<STDOUT> of the call.
This function dies if C<mutool> unsuccessfully exits.
=head2 get_mutool_pdf_page_as_png
get_mutool_pdf_page_as_png($pdf_filename, $pdf_page_no)
This function returns a PNG stream that renders page number C<$pdf_page_no> of
the PDF file C<$pdf_filename>.
=head2 get_mutool_text_stext_raw
get_mutool_text_stext_raw($pdf_filename, $pdf_page_no)
This function returns an XML string that contains structured text from page
number C<$pdf_page_no> of the PDF file C<$pdf_filename>.
The XML format is defined by the output of C<mutool> looks like this (for page
23 of the C<pdf_reference_1-7.pdf> file):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document name="(null)">
<page height="666" width="531">
<block bbox="261.18 616.16397 269.77766 625.2532">
<line bbox="261.18 616.16397 269.77766 625.2532" dir="1 0" wmode="0">
<font name="MyriadPro-Semibold" size="7.98">
<char bbox="261.18 616.16397 265.45729 625.2532" c="2" x="261.18" y="623.2582"/>
<char bbox="265.50038 616.16397 269.77766 625.2532" c="3" x="265.50038" y="623.2582"/>
<block bbox="225.78 88.20229 305.18159 117.93829">
<line bbox="225.78 88.20229 305.18159 117.93829" dir="1 0" wmode="0">
<font name="MyriadPro-Bold" size="24">
<char bbox="225.78 88.20229 239.724 117.93829" c="P" x="225.78" y="111.93829"/>
<char bbox="239.5176 88.20229 248.63759 117.93829" c="r" x="239.5176" y="111.93829"/>
<char bbox="248.4552 88.20229 261.1272 117.93829" c="e" x="248.4552" y="111.93829"/>
<char bbox="261.1128 88.20229 269.29679 117.93829" c="f" x="261.1128" y="111.93829"/>
Simplified, the high-level structure looks like:
<page> -> [list of blocks]
<block> -> [list of blocks]
a block is either:
- stext
<line> -> [list of lines] (all have same baseline)
<font> -> [list of fonts] (horizontal spaces over a line)
<char> -> [list of chars]
- image
# TODO document the image data from mutool
=head2 get_mutool_text_stext_xml
get_mutool_text_stext_xml($pdf_filename, $pdf_page_no)
Returns a HashRef of the structured text from from page
number C<$pdf_page_no> of the PDF file C<$pdf_filename>.
See the function L<get_mutool_text_stext_raw|/get_mutool_text_stext_raw> for
details on the structure of this data.
=head2 get_mutool_page_info_raw
Returns an XML string of the page bounding boxes of PDF file C<$pdf_filename>.
The data is in the form:
<page pagenum="1">
<MediaBox l="0" b="0" r="531" t="666" />
<CropBox l="0" b="0" r="531" t="666" />
<Rotate v="0" />
<page pagenum="2">
=head2 get_mutool_page_info_xml
Returns a HashRef containing the page bounding boxes of PDF file
See function L<get_mutool_page_info_raw|/get_mutool_page_info_raw> for
information on the structure of the data.
=head2 get_mutool_outline_simple
fun get_mutool_outline_simple($pdf_filename)
Returns an array of the outline of the PDF file C<$pdf_filename> as an
C<ArrayRef[HashRef]> which corresponds to the C<items> attribute of
=head2 get_mutool_get_trailer_raw
fun get_mutool_get_trailer_raw($pdf_filename)
Returns the trailer of the PDF file C<$pdf_filename> as a string.
=head2 get_mutool_get_object_raw
fun get_mutool_get_object_raw($pdf_filename, $object_id)
Returns the object given by the ID C<$object_id> for PDF file C<$pdf_filename>
as a string.
=head2 get_mutool_get_info_object_parsed
fun get_mutool_get_info_object_parsed( $pdf_filename )
Returns the document information dictionary as a
L<Renard::API::MuPDF::mutool::ObjectParser> object.
See Table 10.2 on pg. 844 of the I<PDF Reference, version 1.7> to see the
entries that usually used (e.g., Title, Author).
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Project Renard
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Project Renard.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.