Revision history for Perl extension Reuters::SSL.

0.01  Wed Apr  3 11:49:44 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19
0.50  Wed Jul 31 16:50:00 2002
        - added some documentation
        - addes some type checking for robustness
        - found some memory leaks, but was unable
          to close them yes
0.51  Mon Sep 02 18:00:00 2002
        - added forgotten returnvalue 
        - added some static casts to avoid
	  compiler warnings
	(Thanks to Waseem Wali)
	- added sslErrorLog - function
	  to log into defined files and not only
	  the default files 
	- added optional Parameter to
	  sslSnkOpen to change the 
	  RequestType to Normal/Snapshot/Host
	- worked on to make the
	  output more readable
	(Thanks to Waseem Wali for proposals)