Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# vim:set nocompatible expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 ai:
use strict;
use Carp;
#extends 'Robotics::Tecan::Genesis';
# Tecan Genesis
# Liquid handling commands
has 'position' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] }, );
has 'plungerMin' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0 );
has 'plungerMax' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 3150 );
has 'MAX_STEP' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] }, );
my $Debug = 1;
=head1 NAME
Robotics::Tecan::Genesis::Liha - (Internal module)
Handlers for low level liquid handling hardware
sub getPipettePosition {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $position;
my $tip = $params{"tip"};
my $code = $self->compile_xp("GET_STATUS",
tip => $tip, parameter => 0);
my $reply = $self->DATAPATH()->read();
if (!($reply =~ /^0/)) {
warn "!! ". __PACKAGE__. " expected '0' got '$reply' from hardware\n";
return -1;
$position = (split(/[,;]/,$reply))[1];
if (!defined($position) || $position < 0) {
warn __PACKAGE__. " - tip position error in reply '$reply'\n";
return -1;
warn __PACKAGE__. "Position of tip=$tip is ". $position. "\n" if $Debug>2;
$self->position()->[$tip] = $position;
return $position;
sub checkPipetteSteps {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $start = $params{"start"};
my $stop = $params{"stop"};
my $tip = $params{"tip"};
my $dir = $params{"dir"};
if (0) {
# From reading the vendor documentation,
# it would seem proper to get the "max displacement"
# of the syringe pump, for later calculations.
# However it returns "300". (?)
my $max = $self->MAX_STEPS()->[$tip];
if (!$max < 1) {
my $code = $self->compile_xp("RPP",
tip => $tip, parameter => 5);
my $reply = $self->DATAPATH()->read();
if (!($reply =~ /^0/)) {
warn "!! ". __PACKAGE__. " expected '0' got '$reply' from hardware\n";
return -1;
$max = (split(/[,;]/,$reply))[1];
if (!defined($max) || $max < 0) {
warn __PACKAGE__. " - tip max error in reply '$reply'\n";
return -1;
warn __PACKAGE__. "Max of tip=$tip is ". $max. "\n" if $Debug;
$self->MAX_STEPS()->[$tip] = $max;
if ($dir eq "a") {
if ($stop > $self->plungerMax || $stop < $self->plungerMin) {
return 0;
if ($stop < 1) {
return 0;
if ($start > $stop) {
return 0;
if ($start eq $stop) {
carp "plunger start eq stop";
return 1;
elsif ($dir eq "d") {
if ($stop > $self->plungerMax || $stop < $self->plungerMin) {
return 0;
if ($stop < 0) {
return 0;
if ($start < $stop) {
return 0;
if ($start eq $stop) {
carp "plunger start eq stop";
return 1;
else {
die "bad dir '$dir' for tip '$tip'";
sub getPipetteSpeed {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
# TODO: Get from liquid database
my $tip = $params{"tip"};
# return (plunger start speed, plunger end speed)
return (900, 1400, 2400);
sub getPipetteDelay {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
# TODO: Get from liquid database
my $tip = $params{"tip"};
# return delay
return 0;
sub convertVolToSteps {
my ($self, $vol) = @_;
# Constants should be queried from the hardware
# itself to be portable. Still looking for a way to
# do that.
my $maxvol = 1000; # uL
my $maxstep = 3150;
my $step;
# Tecan vol->steps uses uL
$vol =~ /^(\d+)([munp]*)/i;
if ($2 eq "u") {
$vol = $1;
elsif ($2 eq "n") {
$vol = $1 * 1000;
elsif ($2 eq "p") {
$vol = $1 * 1000 * 1000;
elsif ($2 eq "m") {
$vol = $1 / 1000;
if ($vol > $maxvol) {
carp __PACKAGE__. " improper volume '$vol'";
return -1;
$step = int($vol * $maxstep / $maxvol);
warn __PACKAGE__. " new steps for vol $vol ". $step. "\n" if $Debug;
return $step;
=head2 tip_aspirate
Aspirate with coupled tips from named arm. Use tip string to specify tips.
Specify volume and location, with optional liquid type, flags, etc.
Requires work table to be previously loaded.
Return status string.
May take time to complete.
=item named motor arm - string, motor name (default: "liha")
=item (optional) tips - string, "1" or "2-6" or "2,4,1,7" or "1,5-8" or "all" (default: "1")
=item (optional) volume - string, specifying volume of 1-1000 for each tip, such as "20,20,20" (default: 10)
=item (optional) location - string, specifying "well" numbers or well co-ordinates (default: "1")
=item (optional) liquid type - string, from configuration database (default: "Water")
=item (optional) position - numeric, carrier location, 1-67 (default: 1)
=item (optional) site - numeric, rack position, 0-127 (default: 0)
=item (optional) inter-tip distance - numeric, 1-n (default: 1)
=item (optional) flags - various flags for specifying actions after aspiration (default: "")
=item (optional) flag argument - various arguments depending on flags (default: "")
sub tip_aspirate {
my $self = shift;
my %param = @_;
$self->tip_aspirate_type0( @_ );
sub tip_aspirate_type0 {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $motor = $params{"name"} || "liha";
my $tips = $params{"tips"} || "1";
my $volume = $params{"volume"} || "10";
my $location = $params{"at"} || 0;
my $liquid = $params{"liquid"} || "Water";
my $grid = $params{"grid"} || "11";
my $site = $params{"site"} || "0";
my $tipdist = $params{"tipdistance"} || "1";
my $flags = $params{"flags"} || "";
my $flagarg = $params{"flagarg"} || "";
my @tiparray = _tipStringToArray8($tips);
my $reply;
for my $tip (@tiparray) {
my $code;
my $position = $self->getPipettePosition(
tip => $tip);
if ($position < 0) {
warn __PACKAGE__. " bad tip position, ignoring operation\n";
my $step = $self->convertVolToSteps($volume);
if ($step < 1) {
carp __PACKAGE__. " cant aspirate $volume";
return "";
my $newposition = $step + $position;
# TODO: Add liquid property adjustments here
if (!$self->checkPipetteSteps(
tip => $tip,
start => $position,
stop => $newposition,
dir => 'a')) {
carp("Robotics plunger error, cant aspirate $step steps");
return "";
my ($ss, $se, $cutoff) = $self->getPipetteSpeed(tip => $tip);
my $delay = $self->getPipetteDelay(tip => $tip);
$code = $self->compile_xp("SET_SPEED",
endspeed => $se,
startspeed => $ss,
tip => $tip);
$code = $self->compile_xp("ASPIRATE",
position => $step,
tip => $tip,
chain => $code);
$code = $self->compile_xp("DELAY",
msec => $delay,
tip => $tip,
chain => $code);
$code = $self->compile_xp("EXECUTE",
tip => $tip,
chain => $code);
$self->DATAPATH()->write($code) if $code;
my $replyref = $self->DATAPATH()->EXPECT_RECV();
if ($replyref) {
if ($Debug>1) {
my $debug_str = YAML::XS::Dump($replyref);
$debug_str =~ s/\n/ /g;
warn __PACKAGE__." expected reply $debug_str\n";
$reply = $self->DATAPATH()->read();
warn __PACKAGE__." got reply ".
$self->decompile_reply_xp($reply). "\n" if $Debug;
if ($reply =~ /^[^0]/) {
# command error
carp "Robotics cmd error: $reply\n";
return 0;
return $self->decompile_reply_xp($reply);
sub tip_aspirate_type2 {
my $self = shift;
# Due to Tecan limitation on passing ASPIRATE and DISPENSE
# through the named pipe, transmitting these commands do not work.
# Use tip_dispense_type0 instead to talk directly to the
# Tecan syringe pump.
if (0) {
my $motor = shift || "liha";
my $tips = shift || "1";
my $volume = shift || "10";
my $location = shift || '"0C0810000000000000"';
my $liquid = shift || "Water";
my $grid = shift || "11";
my $site = shift || "0";
my $tipdist = shift || "1";
my $flags = shift || "0";
my $flagarg = shift || "";
# Example: Aspirate(7,">> MagBeads in Viscous Soln << 23","BUFFER_UL",
# "BUFFER_UL","BUFFER_UL",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,11,0,1,"0C0870000000000000",0);
# Example: Aspirate(85,"Water","5",0,"5",0,"5",0,"5",0,0,0,0,0,18,0,1,"0C08ˆ0000000000000",0);
my $tipMask = _tipStringToMask8($tips);
my @volumes = split(",", $volume . ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0");
for $volume (0..7) {
if ($volumes[$volume] > 0) {
$volumes[$volume] .= '"'. $volumes[$volume]. '"';
my $volumestring = join(",", @volumes[0..7]);
my $wellstring = $location;
my $loopoption = "0";
my $loopname = "";
my $loopaction = "";
my $loopindex = "";
if ($flags) {
$loopoption = $flags;
my $cmd = "B;ASPIRATE(";
$liquid =~ s/"//g;
$liquid = '"'. $liquid. '"';
if ($loopoption > 0) {
$cmd .= join(",", ($tipMask, $liquid, $volume,
$grid, $site, $tipdist, $wellstring,
$loopoption, $loopname, $loopaction, $loopindex)). ");";
else {
$cmd .= join(",", ($tipMask, $liquid, $volume,
$grid, $site, $tipdist, $wellstring, "0")). ");";
return $self->Read();
my $reply;
return $reply;
sub tip_dispense_type2 {
# Due to Tecan limitation on passing ASPIRATE and DISPENSE
# through the named pipe, transmitting these commands do not work.
# Use tip_dispense_type0 instead to talk directly to the
# Tecan syringe pump.
if (0) {
my $motor = shift || "liha";
my $tips = shift || "1";
my $volume = shift || "10";
my $location = shift || "0C0810000000000000";
my $liquid = shift || "Water";
my $grid = shift || "11";
my $site = shift || "0";
my $tipdist = shift || "1";
my $flags = shift || "";
my $flagarg = shift || "";
# Example: Dispense(7,">> MagBeads in Viscous Soln << 33",
# "SAMPLE_UL","SAMPLE_UL","SAMPLE_UL",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,11,1,1,"0C0870000000000000",0);
my $tipMask = _tipStringToMask8($tips);
my @volumes = split(",", $volume . "," x 7);
my $volumestring = join(",", @volumes[0..7]);
my $wellstring = $location;
my $loopoption;
my $loopname;
my $loopaction;
my $loopindex;
if ($flags) {
$loopoption = $flags;
my $cmd = "B;DISPENSE(". join(",", ($tipMask, $liquid, $volume,
$grid, $site, $tipdist, $wellstring));
if ($loopoption > 0) {
$cmd .= join(",", ($loopoption, $loopname, $loopaction, $loopindex));
else {
$cmd .= "0";
$cmd .= ");";
=head2 tip_dispense
Aspirate with coupled tips from named arm. Use tip string to specify tips.
Specify volume and location, with optional liquid type, flags, etc.
Requires work table to be previously loaded.
Return status string.
May take time to complete.
=item named motor arm - string, motor name (default: "liha")
=item All other arguments (many) are the same as tip_aspirate.
sub tip_dispense {
my $self = shift;
my %param = @_;
return $self->tip_dispense_type0(@_);
sub tip_dispense_type0 {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $motor = $params{"name"} || "liha";
my $tips = $params{"tips"} || "1";
my $volume = $params{"volume"} || "10";
my $location = $params{"at"} || 0;
my $liquid = $params{"liquid"} || "Water";
my $grid = $params{"grid"} || "11";
my $site = $params{"site"} || "0";
my $tipdist = $params{"tipdistance"} || "1";
my $flags = $params{"flags"} || "";
my $flagarg = $params{"flagarg"} || "";
my @tiparray = _tipStringToArray8($tips);
my $reply;
for my $tip (@tiparray) {
my $code;
my $position = $self->getPipettePosition(
tip => $tip);
if ($position < 0) {
warn __PACKAGE__. " bad tip position, ignoring operation\n";
my $step = $self->convertVolToSteps($volume);
if ($step < 1) {
carp __PACKAGE__. " cant dispense $volume";
return "";
my $newposition = $position - $step;
# TODO: Add liquid property adjustments here
if (!$self->checkPipetteSteps(
tip => $tip,
start => $position,
stop => $newposition,
dir => 'd')) {
carp(__PACKAGE__. " plunger error, cant dispense $step steps");
return "";
my ($ss, $se, $cutoff) = $self->getPipetteSpeed(tip => $tip);
my $delay = $self->getPipetteDelay(tip => $tip);
$code = $self->compile_xp("SET_SPEED_END",
speed => $se,
tip => $tip);
$code = $self-> compile_xp("SET_CUTOFF",
steps => $cutoff,
tip => $tip,
chain => $code);
$code = $self->compile_xp("DISPENSE",
position => $step,
tip => $tip,
chain => $code);
$code = $self->compile_xp("DELAY",
msec => $delay,
tip => $tip,
chain => $code);
$code = $self->compile_xp("EXECUTE",
tip => $tip,
chain => $code);
$self->DATAPATH()->write($code) if $code;
my $replyref = $self->DATAPATH()->EXPECT_RECV();
if ($replyref) {
if ($Debug>1) {
my $debug_str = YAML::XS::Dump($replyref);
$debug_str =~ s/\n/ /g;
warn __PACKAGE__." expected reply $debug_str\n";
$reply = $self->DATAPATH()->read();
warn __PACKAGE__." got reply ".
$self->decompile_reply_xp($reply). "\n" if $Debug;
if ($reply =~ /^[^0]/) {
# command error
carp "Robotics cmd error: $reply\n";
return 0;
return $self->decompile_reply_xp($reply);
=head2 tip_set_supply
Set type and location for the supply of pipette tips.
Return status string.
Returns immediately.
=item (optional) type - numeric, 1-4 (default: 1)
=item (optional) grid - numeric, 1-99 (default: 1)
=item (optional) site - carrier location, 0-63 (default: 0)
=item (optional) position - rack position, 0-95 (default: 0)
sub tip_set_supply {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift || "1";
my $grid = shift || "1";
my $site = shift || "0";
my $position = shift || "0";
# SET_DITI [type;grid;site;position]
# Example: SET_DITI;1;32;0;0
my $cmd = join(";", ("set_diti", $type, $grid, $site, $position));
return $self->Read();
=head2 tip_query
Query next available tip location, given tip type.
Return query status string (example: "0;32;0;0")
Returns immediately.
=item type - numeric, 1-4 (default: 1)
sub tip_query {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift || "1";
# GET_DITI [type]
# Example: GET_DITI;1
my $cmd = join(";", ("get_diti", $type));
return $self->Read();
=head2 tip_query_usage
Query usage of tip type.
Return tip usage string (example: "0;96")
Returns immediately.
=item (optional) type - numeric, 1-4 (default: 1)
sub tip_query_usage {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift || "1";
# Example: GET_USED_DITIS;1
my $cmd = join(";", ("get_used_ditis", $type));
return $self->Read();
=head2 tip_pause
Pause pipetting if robotics is in the PIPETTING state.
No arguments.
Returns error if any.
Returns immediately (?).
sub tip_pause {
my $self = shift;
return $self->Read();
=head2 tip_couple
Connect pipetting tips to liquid handling arm.
=item (optional) Tips to use. String, in the format: "1" or "2-5" or "1,4,8" or "all". Default: "1"
=item (optional) Type of tip. Numeric, 0-3, as defined in Tecan configuration MINUS ONE. Default: 0
=item (optional) Operational flags. Numeric. 0=none. 1=retry tip fetching up to 3 times at
successive positions. Default: 0
Returns error if any.
May take time to complete.
sub tip_coupleWorklist {
my $self = shift;
my $motor = shift || "liha";
my $tiparg = shift || "1";
my $type = shift || 0;
my $flag = shift || 0;
# GetDITI(1,0,0); - connect a tip to pipette #1 (the first pipette)
my $tipmask = _tipStringToMask8($tiparg);
my $cmd = "B;GetDITI(". join(',', ($tipmask, $type, $flag)) . ");";
#open(WORKLIST, ">/cygdrive/c/temp/genesis.gwl") || die;
#print WORKLIST "$cmd\n";
#close WORKLIST;
$cmd = 'LOAD_WORKLIST;Worklist(0,c:\temp\genesis.gwl,15,"Water");'.
my $reply = $self->Read();
return $reply;
=head2 tip_coupleFirmware
Couple (mechanically join) a pipetting tip(s) to liquid handling arm at the current arm position.
=item (optional) Tips to use. String, in the format: "1" or "2-5" or "1,4,8" or "all". Default: "1"
=item (optional) Type of tip. Numeric, 0-3, as defined in Tecan configuration MINUS ONE. Default: 0
=item (optional) Operational flags. Numeric. 0=none. 1=retry tip fetching up to 3 times at
successive positions. Default: 1
Returns error if any.
May take time to complete.
See also: tip_uncouple
sub tip_coupleFirmware {
my $self = shift;
my $tiparg = shift || "1";
my $type = shift || 0;
my $flag = shift || 1;
# GetDITI(1,0,0);
my $tipmask = _tipStringToMask8($tiparg);
# use firmware cmd; example #A1AGT170,500,100
my $cmd = "#A1AGT". join(',', ($tipmask, $type, $flag)) . ");";
return $self->Read();
=head2 tip_uncoupleFirmware
Uncouple (mechanically unjoin) a pipetting tip(s) from liquid handling arm at the current arm position.
=item (optional) Tips to use. String, in the format: "1" or "2-5" or "1,4,8" or "all". Default: "1"
Returns error if any.
May take time to complete.
See also: tip_couple
sub tip_uncoupleFirmware {
my $self = shift;
my $tiparg = shift || "1";
my $type = shift || 0;
my $flag = shift || 1;
# GetDITI(1,0,0);
my $tipmask = _tipStringToMask8($tiparg);
# use firmware cmd; example #A1ADT170
my $cmd = "#A1AGT". $tipmask;
return $self->Read();
=head2 _tipStringToMask8
Internal function.
Convert tip string into a numeric tip mask, where tips are numbered "1" to "8".
=item String: "1" or "2-6" or "2,4,1,7" or "1,5-8" or "all" (default: "1")
Returns: 8-bit numeric value.
sub _tipStringToMask8 {
my $s = shift || "1";
# tip 1 => return mask=1
# tip 8 => return mask=128
# tips 1-8 => return mask=255
# base index = 1 for calling argument of 1-8 vs. index=0 for calling argument of 0-7
return $s =~ m/all/i ? 255 : _convertStringRangeToMask8($s, 1);
sub _convertStringRangeToMask8 {
# arg0: string to parse, "1" or "1,2,3" or "1-3" or "3-5,6,7-8"
# arg1: index, 0 means bits are 0..7, 1 means bits are 1..8
# returns: 8-bit number
my $index = pop;
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/(\d+)-(\d+)/join ',', $1 .. $2/eg;
return _convertArrayToMask8($s =~ /\d+/g, $index);
sub _convertArrayToMask8 {
# arg0: numbers in array, (1,4,8)
# arg1: base index for bit number, 0 means bits are 0..7, 1 means bits are 1..8
# error checking: bit numbers outside 0+index .. 7+index are ignored
# returns: 8-bit number
my $n = 0;
my $base = pop @_;
my @bits = @_;
$n |= 1 << ($_ - $base) for grep { $_ >= $base && $_ <= 7+$base } @bits;
return $n;
sub _tipStringToArray8 {
my $s = shift || "1";
if ($s =~ /all/i) {
return (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
$s =~ s/(\d+)-(\d+)/join ',', $1 .. $2/eg;
return ($s =~ /\d+/g);
sub _convertWellToXY {
my ($self, %param) = @_;
my %coord;
if ($param{"wellname"}) {
($coord{"x"}, $coord{"y"}) =
elsif ($param{"wellnum"}) {
($coord{"x"}, $coord{"y"}) =
if ($coord{"x"} < 1 || $coord{"y"} < 1) {
carp "cant calculate well number from ". $param{"wellname"}. $param{"wellnum"};
return undef;
# Set y-space from tip number, default tip=1
$coord{"ys"} = $param{"tips"} || 1;
return %coord;
=head3 Developer information: Example LIHA firmware commands
position at waste:
tip 1 : dispense 119.30<B5>l 12, 8 JC-Greiner V-Bottom [11,2]
100.00<B5>l "Water" DITI <15 - 200<B5>l> Single
"Water" =>
tip 1 : aspirate 104.30<B5>l 1, 7 Tube 13*100mm, 16 Pos. [8,1]
100.00<B5>l ">> Water << 10" DITI <15 - 200<B5>l>
> D1,Q0
< D1,0,448
Sequence to position at well1, aspirate, dispense, position at waste:
? P = move relative plunger (pick liquid)
? I = turn valve to input
? O = turn valve to output
? D = move relative plunger (dispense liquid)
? c = set plunger stop speed (=SPP)
? V = set plunger drive end speed (=SEP)
R = execute command(s)
M = delay (milliseconds)
Dispense command sequence for tests:
The following has "no reply from GSC, pipe seems hung" bug:
The following works OK:
Aspirate command sequence for tests:
# XXX "GSC" command does not seem to transmit through named pipe?
1; # End of Robotics::Tecan::Genesis::Liha