The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use Test::Requires 'Tie::IxHash';
sub ordered_hashref {
tie my %params, Tie::IxHash::, @_;
return \%params;
subtest 'select_query' => sub {
subtest 'driver: sqlite' => sub {
my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(driver => 'sqlite');
do {
my $stmt = $builder->select_query('foo' => ['foo', 'bar'], ordered_hashref(bar => 'baz', john => 'man'), {order_by => 'yo'});
is $stmt->as_sql, qq{SELECT "foo", "bar"\nFROM "foo"\nWHERE ("bar" = ?) AND ("john" = ?)\nORDER BY yo};
is join(',', $stmt->bind), 'baz,man';
subtest 'driver: mysql, quote_char: "", new_line: " "' => sub {
my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(driver => 'mysql', quote_char => '', new_line => ' ');
do {
my $stmt = $builder->select_query('foo' => ['foo', 'bar'], ordered_hashref(bar => 'baz', john => 'man'), {order_by => 'yo'});
is $stmt->as_sql, qq{SELECT foo, bar FROM foo WHERE (bar = ?) AND (john = ?) ORDER BY yo};
is join(',', $stmt->bind), 'baz,man';
subtest 'index hint with joins' => sub {
subtest 'not with alias' => sub {
my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(driver => 'mysql', quote_char => '', new_line => ' ');
do {
my $stmt = $builder->select_query(undef, ['foo', 'bar'], undef, {joins => [[foo => {table => 'bar', condition => ' ='}]], index_hint => 'index_hint'});
is $stmt->as_sql, qq{SELECT foo, bar FROM foo USE INDEX (index_hint) JOIN bar ON =};
subtest 'with alias' => sub {
my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(driver => 'mysql', quote_char => '', new_line => ' ');
do {
my $stmt = $builder->select_query(undef, ['foo', 'bar'], undef, {joins => [[['foo' , 'alias'] => {table => 'bar', condition => ' ='}]], index_hint => 'index_hint'});
is $stmt->as_sql, qq{SELECT foo, bar FROM foo alias USE INDEX (index_hint) JOIN bar ON =};
subtest 'new_condition' => sub {
my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(driver => 'sqlite', quote_char => q{`}, name_sep => q{.});
my $cond = $builder->new_condition;
isa_ok $cond, 'SQL::Maker::Condition';
is $cond->{quote_char}, q{`};
is $cond->{name_sep}, q{.};
subtest 'new_select' => sub {
subtest 'driver: sqlite, quote_char: "`", name_sep: "."' => sub {
my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(driver => 'sqlite', quote_char => q{`}, name_sep => q{.});
my $select = $builder->new_select();
isa_ok $select, 'SQL::Maker::Select';
is $select->quote_char, q{`};
is $select->name_sep, q{.};
is $select->new_line, qq{\n};
subtest 'driver: mysql, quote_char: "", new_line: " "' => sub {
my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(driver => 'sqlite', quote_char => q{}, name_sep => q{.}, new_line => q{ });
my $select = $builder->new_select();
isa_ok $select, 'SQL::Maker::Select';
is $select->quote_char, q{};
is $select->name_sep, q{.};
is $select->new_line, q{ };