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# Copyright @ 2002 Joseph A. White and The Institute for Genomic
#       Research (TIGR)
# All rights reserved.

Revision history for Perl extension SlideMap.

0.01  Wed Aug 22 17:20:03 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-A -X -n SlideMap

1.0  Tue Jan 29 11:48:00 2002
	First release version of SlideMap in fully functional form.
	Items that need to be implemented:
		Lucidia print pattern algorithm: nearly done
		Repeat mode for MD/MD3 arrayers; 
			note: use repeat as if it were a pen within a block
		Multi-algorithm convert functions based on _machine

1.1	 Mon Feb 4 22:00:00 2002
	Update finished; fully functional version with support for Lucidia 
	array printer.
	--added _x_repeat, and _y_repeat to main constructor parameters
	--added convert algorithms for Lucidia printer
	--changed method of handling repeated blocks: now included as part
		of the conversion algorithms
	--convert_well and convert_spot are now wrappers that test _machine
		and call appropriate subroutines.
	--changed _repeat to act as a flag for 'repeat' mode on MD/MD3 arrayers
	--added a get_meta method as a convenience to return meta_row, meta_col,
		sub_row and sub_col for array indeces.  
	Items to be added in future:
	--method to handle spot 'pitch' in micrometers, and number of spots
		desired.  Parameters are in place to accept x_pitch and y_pitch,
		but these are not currently used.  
	Bug fix:
	--In order to support the Stanford printers, the $_slide_col calculated
		during conversion must be complemented with _xspacing.  If statements
		were added to the default convert methods (this is not an issue for 
		the LUcidia printer).  

1.2  Thur Feb 7 16:20:00 2002

	Replaced multiple subroutines with algorithms for different arrayers with 
	single subroutine (one each for convert_spot and convert_well) that 
	dynamically generates an arrayer specific algorithm for the current 
	SlideMap object.  The subroutines are created as code refs (annonymous
	subroutines) that are then associated with class variables.  They are 
	called in the &initialize subroutine.  This change was made for ease of 
	maintenance and execution speed; the arrayer specific subroutines should 
	execute faster without the conditional code.  
	Two additional get methods, showConvertSpot and showConvertWell, were 
	added to print to screen the current algorithms in use by SlideMap. was updated to run 8 tests in various configurations.  

1.3 Fri Aug 4 2023

	Update VERSION to 1.3 for listing in metacpan.
	Updated documentation with current contact information; version 1.3.1.


	Added missing license files to the distribution.


	Bumped version to satisfy PAUSE/CPAN