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Revision history for Perl extension Statistics::ROC.

Revision history for Perl extension Statistics::ROC.

0.01  Thu Jun  4 09:19:07 1998
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18

0.02  Fri Mar 3 2000
        - the module itself remains unchanged
        - changed the user interface
          - corrected some minor errors
          - added some new functionality: estimated and
            empirical ROC curve, calculation of optimal
            discriminative abiblity is now based on the
            empirical ROC curve, the optimal cut-off value
            (threshold) is now shown above the canvas,
            some new options of manipulating the drawing area
            were added
          - runs with Tk 8.0
0.03  sometime in 2001
        - standalone windows version
0.04  Sat Apr 28 2007
        - the module ( itself remains unchanged
        - changed the user interface
          - corrected some errors
          - removed Tk::Waitbox 
          - changed using Tk::FileDialog to Tk::getOpenFile
          - runs with activestates perl 5.8.8 and Tk804
          - tested on MacOS 10.4.9 (intel)