Revision history for Perl extension Template::Stash::AutoEscaping
0.0303 2014-01-31
- Minimal version of perl (CPANTS).
- Add LICENSE file (CPANTS).
- Add t/cpan-changes.t .
0.0302 2013-01-14
- Fix the POD validation problems ( t/pod.t ).
- Add t/pod-coverage.t and fix POD coverage.
- Add t/style-trailing-space.t to get rid of trailing whitespace.
0.0301 2011-01-06
- Add missing dependencies to the Makefile.PL, especially a
build_requires on 'URI'.
0.03 2011-01-05
- forked from Template-Stash-AutoEscape after some bug fixes and
Revision history for Perl extension Template::Stash::AutoEscape
0.01 2009-06-08
- original version
0.02 2010-06-08
- fix requires
- now [% hash.item(key) %] works as [% hash.item(key.raw) %] by default.
- Add the 'die_on_unescaped' and 'method_for_escape' options.
- Fix the name of the "Template::Exception" class.