Revision history for Test-Requires-Git

1.008 2017-03-07 BOOK
    - Make sure the test suite works as expected when @INC does not contain '.'
      (closes RT #120537, thanks to KENTNL for the report)

1.007 2016-10-02 BOOK
    - Add an extra diagnostic reporting the git version used for testing
      (with a scheme to limit the number of times it's output, so as not
      to pollute test output too much)

1.006 2016-05-08 BOOK
    - Documentation improvements
    - Code improvements
    - Add tests for git versions with comments

1.005 2016-04-02 BOOK
    - Add support for a lone version argument (with implicit 'version_ge')
    - Minor documentation updates
    - Added a test using a git.git tag name

1.004 2016-02-29 BOOK
    - Use Git::Version::Compare to compare versions
    - Tests now cover 100% of the code
    - Rewrite the Changes file according to CPAN::Changes::Spec

1.003 2015-05-31 BOOK
    - A bare `use Test::Requires::Git` now checks if git is available
    - The -nocheck option skips that check when there are not other
      arguments to `use Test::Requires::Git`
    - The 'git' option makes it possible to set the path to git

1.002 2015-05-25 BOOK
    - Added supports for many aliases
    - Improved support for skipping "all remaining tests"
    - Made the test suite more reliable by not mangling the system
      (thanks to Christian Walde (MITHALDU) for the idea)

1.001 2015-05-12 BOOK
    - A bare test_requires_git will skip if git is not available
    - Improved test coverage

1.000 2015-05-10 BOOK
    - First published version