Changelog for Text-Fingerprint
0.006 2014-06-20T13:19:29
- Dist::Zilla maintenance (Stanislaw Pusep)
- drop PWP::Encoding dependency (Sergey Romanov)
0.005 2012-12-10T23:52:35
- unidecode() *before* split (Stanislaw Pusep)
0.004 2012-12-09T19:14:25
- let Perl regexp care about proper Unicode tokenization (Stanislaw Pusep)
0.003 2012-12-07T16:10:44
- code cleanup (Stanislaw Pusep)
- fixing support for Perl < v5.14 (again) (Stanislaw Pusep)
- eg/ outputs to locale settings (Stanislaw Pusep)
- eg/ now expects UTF-8 encoded dictionary (Stanislaw
0.002 2012-12-04T14:54:48
- added word clustering example (Stanislaw Pusep)
- prototypes, at last! (Stanislaw Pusep)
- better code readability (Stanislaw Pusep)
- updated Dist::Zilla profile (Stanislaw Pusep)
- test refactor (Stanislaw Pusep)
- now requires Perl v5.008 instead of v5.014 (Stanislaw Pusep)
- Changelog (Stanislaw Pusep)
0.001 2012-03-29T18:08:46
- some documentation (Stanislaw Pusep)
- INIT (Stanislaw Pusep)