use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.09';
use Tk;
use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::Frame);
Construct Tk::Widget 'ColorPicker';
require Tk::NoteBook;
require Tk::Pane;
use Imager::Screenshot 'screenshot';
my @colspaces = (
[qw[RGB Red Green Blue]],
[qw[CMY Cyan Magenta Yellow]],
[qw[HSV Hue Saturation Value]],
my %depthvalues = (
4 => 1,
8 => 1,
12 => 1,
16 => 1,
=head1 NAME
Tk::ColorPicker - Frame based megawidget for selecting a color.
use Tk::ColorPicker;
my $pick = $widow->ColorPicker->pack;
Tk::ColorPicker lets you edit a color in RGB, CMY and HSV space.
It has a facility to pick a screen color with your mouse.
It offers a history of previous selected colors.
It can work in color depths of 4, 8, 12 or 16 bits per channel.
You can switch color depth on the fly.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item Switch: B<-colordepth>
Default value 8 bits per color channel. Can be 4, 8, 12 or 16;
=item Switch: B<-depthselect>
Default value 0. If set a row of radiobuttons is diplayed allowing you to switch
color depth.
=item Switch: B<-historycolumns>
Default value 6. Number of columns in the history tab.
=item Switch: B<-historyfile>
Undefined by default. Here you set the filename from where the history is saved
and loaded.
=item Switch: B<-indborderwidth>
Default value 2. Borderwidth of indicator labels in the recent tab.
=item Switch: B<-indicatorwidth>
Default value 4. Width of the indicator labels in the recent tab.
=item Switch: B<-indrelief>
Default value 'sunken'. Relief of the indicator labels in the recent tab.
=item Switch: B<-maxhistory>
Default value 32.Specifies the maximum number of entries in the history list.
=item Switch: B<-sliderheight>
Default value 200. Sets the length of all channel sliders.
=item Switch: B<-updatecall>
Set this callback to reflect changes to the outside.
Gets the current color as parameter.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
sub Populate {
my ($self,$args) = @_;
my $sliderheight = delete $args->{'-sliderheight'};
$sliderheight = 200 unless defined $sliderheight;
my $dvar = '';
my $rvar = '';
$self->{COLORDEPTH} = \$dvar;
$self->{CONFIG} = 1;
$self->{DEPTHVAR} = \$rvar; #used for the radiobuttons in depthselect
$self->{HISTORY} = [];
$self->{SLIDERHEIGHT} = 200;
my $pick = $self->Button(
-text => 'Pick',
-command => ['pickActivate', $self],
-fill => 'x',
-padx => 2,
-pady => 2,
$self->Advertise(Pick => $pick);
$self->bind('<Escape>', [$self, 'pickCancel']);
my $nb = $self->NoteBook->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
my %varpool = ();
for (@colspaces) {
my @space = @$_;
my $lab = shift @space;
my $page = $nb->add($lab, -label => $lab);
for (@space) {
my $channel = $_;
my $slframe = $page->Frame->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 2, -expand => 1, -fill => 'y');
my $var = 0;
$varpool{$channel} = \$var;
my %hsv = (
Hue => 359.9,
Saturation => 1,
Value => 1,
my @m = ();
if (exists $hsv{$channel}) {
push @m, -from => $hsv{$channel};
unless ($channel eq 'Hue') {
push @m, -resolution => 0.001;
my $slider = $slframe->Scale(@m,
-to => 0,
-orient => 'vertical',
-command => ['ChannelUpdate', $self, $channel],
-variable => \$var,
)->pack(-pady => 2, -expand => 1, -fill => 'y');
$self->Advertise($_, $slider);
$slframe->Label(-width => 8, -text => $_)->pack;
$self->{VARPOOL} = \%varpool;
my $recent = $nb->add('Recent', -label => 'Recent');
my $hp = $recent->Scrolled('Pane',
-sticky => 'new',
-scrollbars => 'osoe',
-expand => 1,
-fill => 'both',
my $history = $hp->Frame->pack(-anchor => 'nw');
$self->Advertise(History => $history);
-balloon => ['PASSIVE'],
-colordepth => ['METHOD', undef, undef, 8],
-depthselect =>['METHOD', undef, undef, 0],
-historycolumns => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, 6],
-historyfile => ['PASSIVE'],
-indborderwidth => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, 2],
-indicatorwidth => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, 4],
-indrelief => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, 'sunken'],
-maxhistory => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, 32],
-sliderheight => ['METHOD', 'sliderHeight', 'SliderHeight', 200],
-updatecall => ['CALLBACK', undef, undef, sub {}],
DEFAULT => [ $self ],
DEFAULT => $self,
$self->after(300, ['PostConfig', $self]);
sub ChannelUpdate {
my ($self, $channel) = @_;
return if $self->ConfigMode;
if ($self->IsHSV($channel)) {
} elsif ($self->IsCMY($channel)) {
} elsif ($self->IsRGB($channel)) {
sub ChannelUpdateCMY {
my $self = shift;
my $max = $self->maxChannelValue;
my $pool = $self->{VARPOOL};
my $cvar = $pool->{'Cyan'};
my $cyan = $$cvar;
my $mvar = $pool->{'Magenta'};
my $magenta = $$mvar;
my $yvar = $pool->{'Yellow'};
my $yellow = $$yvar;
my $red = $max - $cyan;
my $green = $max - $magenta;
my $blue = $max - $yellow;
my $hex = $self->rgb2hex($red, $green, $blue);
sub ChannelUpdateHSV {
my $self = shift;
my $pool = $self->{VARPOOL};
my $hvar = $pool->{'Hue'};
my $hue = $$hvar;
my $svar = $pool->{'Saturation'};
my $satur= $$svar;
my $vvar = $pool->{'Value'};
my $value = $$vvar;
$value = 99.9999 if $value eq 100;
my ($red, $green, $blue) = $self->hsv2rgb($hue, $satur, $value);
my $hex = $self->rgb2hex($red, $green, $blue);
sub ChannelUpdateRGB {
my $self = shift;
my $depth = $self->colordepth;
my $mul = (2**$depth);
my $pool = $self->{VARPOOL};
my $rvar = $pool->{'Red'};
my $red = $$rvar;
my $gvar = $pool->{'Green'};
my $green = $$gvar;
my $bvar = $pool->{'Blue'};
my $blue = $$bvar;
my $hex = $self->rgb2hex($red, $green, $blue);
sub ClassInit {
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
$mw->bind($class, '<Escape>','pickCancel');
return $class->SUPER::ClassInit($mw);
sub colordepth {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
my $valref = $self->{COLORDEPTH};
if (defined $value) {
unless (exists $depthvalues{$value}) {
warn "invalid colordepth '$value'\n";
return $$valref
my $oldmax = $self->maxChannelValue;
$$valref = $value;
my $radiovar = $self->{DEPTHVAR};
$$radiovar = $value;
my $newmax = (2**$value) - 1;
my $varpool = $self->{VARPOOL};
for (qw/Red Green Blue Cyan Magenta Yellow/) {
my $var = $varpool->{$_};
my $oldval = $$var;
$self->Subwidget($_)->configure(-from => $newmax);
my $ratio = ($newmax + 1)/($oldmax + 1);
my $newval = $oldval * $ratio;
$$var = $newval;
return $$valref;
=item B<colorDepth>I<($hexcolor)>
Returns the color depth of $hexcolor.
sub colorDepth {
my ($self, $color) = @_;
$color =~ s/^\#//;
my %valid = (
3 => 4,
6 => 8,
9 => 12,
12 => 16
my $length = length($color);
return $valid{$length} if exists $valid{$length};
warn "Invalid color '$color'\n";
return undef
=item B<compoundColor>
Returns a hex color string based on the Red, Green and Blue channels.
sub compoundColor {
my $self = shift;
my $pool = $self->{VARPOOL};
my $vred = $pool->{'Red'};
my $red = $self->hexString($$vred);
my $vgreen = $pool->{'Green'};
my $green = $self->hexString($$vgreen);
my $vblue = $pool->{'Blue'};
my $blue = $self->hexString($$vblue);
return "#$red$green$blue";
sub ConfigMode {
my $self = shift;
$self->{CONFIG} = shift if @_;
return $self->{CONFIG}
=item B<convertDepth>(I<$string>, ?<I$depth>?)
Converts the depth of $string to $depth.
If $depth is not specified, B<-colordepth> is used
sub convertDepth {
my ($self, $string, $depth) = @_;
$depth = $self->colordepth unless defined $depth;
return $string if $self->colorDepth($string) eq $depth;
$string =~ s/^(\#|Ox)//;
my $length = length($string) / 3;
$_ = $string;
my ($r, $g, $b) = m/(\w{$length})(\w{$length})(\w{$length})/;
my $conv = $depth / 4;
for (\$r, \$g, \$b) {
my $tag = $_;
while (length($$tag) ne $conv) {
if (length($$tag) > $conv) {
$$tag =~ s/.$//
} else {
$$tag = $$tag . '0';
return '#' . $r. $g . $b
sub depthselect {
my ($self, $flag) = @_;
if (defined $flag) {
if ($flag) {
unless (defined $self->Subwidget('DepthSelect')) {
my $bpcframe = $self->Frame->pack(
-before => $self->Subwidget('Pick'),
-fill => 'x',
$bpcframe->Label(-text => 'Depth:')->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 2, -pady => 2);
for (4, 8, 12, 16) {
my $depth = $_;
-text => $depth,
-value => $depth,
-command => ['colordepth', $self, $depth],
-variable => $self->{DEPTHVAR},
)->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 2, -pady => 2);
$self->Advertise('DepthSelect', $bpcframe)
} else {
if (defined $self->Subwidget('DepthSelect')) {
$self->Advertise('DepthSelect', undef);
return defined $self->Subwidget('DepthSelect');
=item B<hex2rgb>I<($hex)>
Converts $hex to Red, Green Blue values.
sub hex2rgb {
my ($self, $hex) = @_;
$hex =~ s/^(\#|Ox)//;
my $length = length($hex) / 3;
$_ = $hex;
my ($r, $g, $b) = m/(\w{$length})(\w{$length})(\w{$length})/;
my @rgb = ();
$rgb[0] = CORE::hex($r);
$rgb[1] = CORE::hex($g);
$rgb[2] = CORE::hex($b);
return @rgb
=item B<hexString>(I<$num>, ?I<$depth>?>)
Returns the hexadecimal notation of $num.
If $depth is not specified, B<-colordepth> is used
sub hexString {
my ($self, $num, $depth) = @_;
$depth = $self->colordepth unless defined $depth;
my $length = $depth / 4;
my $hex = substr(sprintf("0x%X", $num), 2);
while (length($hex) < $length) { $hex = "0$hex" }
return $hex
sub History {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{HISTORY};
=item B<historyAdd>(I<$color>)
Adds color to the History list.
Saves the list and updates the history tab.
sub historyAdd {
my ($self, $color) = @_;
return unless $self->validate($color);
=item B<historyClear>
Clears the history list.
sub historyClear {
my $history = $_[0]->History;
while (@$history) { pop @$history }
=item B<historyLoad>
Loads the history file if it is specified.
sub historyLoad {
my $self = shift;
my $file = $self->cget('-historyfile');
return unless defined $file;
return unless -e $file;
if (open INFILE, "<", $file) {
my $history = $self->History;
while (<INFILE>) {
my $line = $_;
push @$history, $line;
close INFILE;
=item B<historyNew>(I<$color>)
Adds $color to the history list
sub historyNew {
my ($self, $color) = @_;
return unless $self->validate($color);
my $history = $self->History;
my ($pos) = grep { $history->[$_] eq $color } 0 .. @$history - 1;
splice(@$history, $pos, 1) if defined $pos;
unshift @$history, $color;
my $size = @$history;
pop @$history if $size > $self->cget('-maxhistory');
=item B<historyReset>
Clears the history list. Then saves and updates.
sub historyReset {
my $self = shift;
=item B<historySave>
Saves the history list.
sub historySave{
my $self = shift;
my $file = $self->cget('-historyfile');
return unless defined $file;
my $history = $self->History;
return unless @$history;
if (open OUTFILE, ">", $file) {
for (@$history) {
my $color = $_;
print OUTFILE "$color\n";
close OUTFILE;
sub historySelect {
my ($self, $item) = @_;
=item B<historyUpdate>
Updates the history tab.
sub historyUpdate {
my $self = shift;
my $history = $self->History;
my $column = 0;
my $row = 0;
my $numcolumns = $self->cget('-historycolumns');
my $page = $self->Subwidget('History');
for ($page->children) {
for (@$history) {
my $color = $_;
next unless $self->validate($color);
my $l = $page->Label(
-cursor => 'hand1',
-background => $color,
-borderwidth => $self->cget('-indborderwidth'),
-relief => $self->cget('-indrelief'),
-width => $self->cget('-indicatorwidth'),
-column => $column,
-row => $row,
-padx => 2,
-pady => 2,
$l->bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', [$self, 'historySelect', $color]);
my $balloon = $self->cget('-balloon');
$balloon->attach($l, -balloonmsg => $color) if defined $balloon;
$column ++;
if ($column eq $numcolumns) {
$column = 0;
$row ++;
sub hsv2rgb {
# The procedure below converts an HSB value to RGB. It takes hue,
# saturation, and value components (floating-point, 0-1.0) as arguments,
# and returns a list containing RGB components (integers, 0-65535) as
# result. The code here is a copy of the code on page 616 of
# "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics" by Foley and Van Dam.
my($self, $hue, $sat, $value) = @_;
my($v, $i, $f, $p, $q, $t);
my $depth = $self->colordepth;
my $mul = (2**$depth)/65536;
$hue = $hue / 360;
$v = int(65535 * $value);
my $ret = $v * $mul;
return ($ret, $ret, $ret) if $sat == 0;
$hue *= 6;
$hue = 0 if $hue >= 6;
$i = int($hue);
$f = $hue - $i;
$p = int(65535 * $value * (1 - $sat));
$q = int(65535 * $value * (1 - ($sat * $f)));
$t = int(65535 * $value * (1 - ($sat * (1 - $f))));
my @rgb = ();
@rgb = ($v, $t, $p) if $i == 0;
@rgb = ($q, $v, $p) if $i == 1;
@rgb = ($p, $v, $t) if $i == 2;
@rgb = ($p, $q, $v) if $i == 3;
@rgb = ($t, $p, $v) if $i == 4;
@rgb = ($v, $p, $q) if $i == 5;
#convert to the proper depth
my @r = ();
for (@rgb) {
push @r, int($_ * $mul)
return @r
sub IsCMY {
my ($self, $channel) = @_;
my %hsv = (
Cyan => 1,
Magenta => 1,
Yellow => 1,
return exists $hsv{$channel};
sub IsHSV {
my ($self, $channel) = @_;
my %hsv = (
Hue => 1,
Saturation => 1,
Value => 1,
return exists $hsv{$channel};
sub IsRGB {
my ($self, $channel) = @_;
my %hsv = (
Red => 1,
Green => 1,
Blue => 1,
return exists $hsv{$channel};
=item B<maxChannelValue>
Returns the maximum values for the Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow channels,
based on B<-colordepth>.
sub maxChannelValue {
my $self = shift;
my $ref = $self->{COLORDEPTH};
my $depth = $$ref;
return (2**$depth) - 1 if $depth ne '';
sub pickActivate {
my $self = shift;
return if $self->pickInProgress;
my $bindsave = $self->bind('<Button-1>');
$self->{'_bindsave'} = $bindsave;
$self->{'_cursorsave'} = $self->toplevel->cget('-cursor');
$self->bind('<Button-1>', [$self, 'pickRelease', Ev('X'), Ev('Y')]);
$self->{'_BE_grabinfo'} = $self->grabSave;
$self->toplevel->configure(-cursor => 'crosshair');
sub pickCancel {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->pickInProgress;
my $bindsave = delete $self->{'_bindsave'};
$self->bind('<Button-1>', $bindsave);
my $cursor = delete $self->{'_cursorsave'};
$self->toplevel->configure(-cursor => $cursor);
if (ref $self->{'_BE_grabinfo'} eq 'CODE') {
delete $self->{'_BE_grabinfo'};
sub pickInProgress {
return exists $_[0]->{'_bindsave'};
sub pickRelease {
my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless $self->pickInProgress;
my $img = screenshot;
my $color = $img->getpixel(x => $x, y=> $y);
my $red = $self->hexString($color->red, 8);
my $green = $self->hexString($color->green, 8);
my $blue = $self->hexString($color->blue, 8);
my $hex = $self->convertDepth("#" . $red . $green . $blue);
sub PostConfig {
my $self = shift;
=item B<put>(I<$color>)
Changes all sliders to match $color
sub put {
my ($self, $color) = @_;
$self->UpdateAll($color) if ($self->validate($color));
=item B<rgb2hex>(I<$red>, I<$green>, I<$blue>, ?I<$depth>?)
Converts the red, green and blue values to a hexstring.
If depth is not specified, B<-colordepth> is used.
sub rgb2hex {
my ($self, $red, $green, $blue, $depth) = @_;
$red = $self->hexString($red, $depth);
$green = $self->hexString($green, $depth);
$blue = $self->hexString($blue, $depth);
return '#' . $red . $green . $blue;
sub rgb2hsv {
# The procedure below converts an RGB value to HSB. It takes red, green,
# and blue components (0-65535) as arguments, and returns a list
# containing HSB components (floating-point, 0-1) as result. The code
# here is a copy of the code on page 615 of "Fundamentals of Interactive
# Computer Graphics" by Foley and Van Dam.
my($self, $red, $green, $blue) = @_;
my($max, $min, $sat, $range, $hue, $rc, $gc, $bc);
#convert to 16 bit;
my $depth = $self->colordepth;
my $mul = 65535/(2**$depth);
my @r = ();
for ($red, $green, $blue) {
push @r, int($_ * $mul)
($red, $green, $blue) = @r;
$max = ($red > $green) ? (($blue > $red) ? $blue : $red) :
(($blue > $green) ? $blue : $green);
$min = ($red < $green) ? (($blue < $red) ? $blue : $red) :
(($blue < $green) ? $blue : $green);
$range = $max - $min;
if ($max == 0) {
$sat = 0;
} else {
$sat = $range / $max;
if ($sat == 0) {
$hue = 0;
} else {
$rc = ($max - $red) / $range;
$gc = ($max - $green) / $range;
$bc = ($max - $blue) / $range;
$hue = ($max == $red)?(0.166667*($bc - $gc)):
(($max == $green)?(0.166667*(2 + $rc - $bc)):
(0.166667*(4 + $gc - $rc)));
$hue += 1 if $hue < 0;
return ($hue * 360, $sat, $max/65535);
sub sliderheight {
my ($self, $height) = @_;
if (defined $height) {
$self->{SLIDERHEIGHT} = $height;
unless ($self->ConfigMode) {
for (qw/Red Green Blue Cyan Magenta Yellow Hue Saturation Value/) {
# for (qw/Red Green Blue/) {
$self->Subwidget($_)->configure('-length' => $height);
return $self->{SLIDERHEIGHT};
sub UpdateAll {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
sub UpdateCall {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
return if $self->ConfigMode;
$self->Callback('-updatecall', $value);
sub UpdateCMY {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
my ($red, $green, $blue) = $self->hex2rgb($value);
my $max = $self->maxChannelValue;
my $pool = $self->{VARPOOL};
my $cvar = $pool->{'Cyan'};
$$cvar = $max - $red;
my $mvar = $pool->{'Magenta'};
$$mvar = $max- $green;
my $yvar = $pool->{'Yellow'};
$$yvar = $max - $blue;
sub UpdateHSV {
my ($self, $val) = @_;
my ($red, $green, $blue) = $self->hex2rgb($val);
my ($hue, $saturation, $value) = $self->rgb2hsv($red, $green, $blue);
my $pool = $self->{VARPOOL};
my $hvar = $pool->{'Hue'};
$$hvar = $hue;
my $svar = $pool->{'Saturation'};
$$svar = $saturation;
my $vvar = $pool->{'Value'};
$$vvar = $value;
sub UpdateRGB {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
my ($red, $green, $blue) = $self->hex2rgb($value);
my $max = $self->maxChannelValue;
my $pool = $self->{VARPOOL};
my $rvar = $pool->{'Red'};
$$rvar = $red;
my $gvar = $pool->{'Green'};
$$gvar = $green;
my $bvar = $pool->{'Blue'};
$$bvar = $blue;
=item B<validate>(?I<$color>?)
Returns true if $color is a valid hexcolor.
sub validate {
my ($self, $val) = @_;
my $repeat = $self->colordepth / 4;
return $val =~ /^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){$repeat}$/
=head1 LICENSE
Same as Perl.
=head1 AUTHOR
Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)
=head1 BUGS
Switching color depth straight after initialization gives unwanted results.
Cancelling a pick operation only works in the context of L<Tk::ColorEntry>.