The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
v0.0.5    2012-03-28 06:09:00 America/Chicago
	- Added additional missing function import ^^;

v0.0.4    2012-03-16 03:46:55 America/Chicago
	- Added missing function import from

v0.0.3    2012-02-27 19:39:59 America/Chicago
	- Add warning and disclaimer.
	- Corrected POD formatting.

v0.0.2    2012-02-27 18:25:36 America/Chicago
	- Miscellaneous code cleanup.
	- Removed unused dependencies.
	- Added documentation stubs for object methods.
	- Removed regexp modifier valid only in Perl versions > v5.12.

v0.0.1    2012-02-09 04:20:43 America/Chicago
	- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.