Revision history for Perl extension XML::XMetaL.

0.01  Thu Jan 23 19:42:41 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-XAn XML::XMetaL

0.50  Sun Aug 03 16:45:00 2003
    - First CPAN release version. Still in alpha state.
    - now generates On_Macro_File_Load() call
      without trying to pass the active document as an argument.
      This is necessary because when the macro is called, the
      active document has not yet been opened.
    - XML::XMetaL::Base AUTOLOAD method used to generate
      default handlers that opened a dialog box when called.
      The dialog has been replaced with a status text message.
      This ensures that default events can be called without
      blocking normal XMetaL operation.