dan - The literal unread
use dan;
print "foo"; # not displaying
no dan;
print "foo"; # foo
use dan the => 'Blogger';
print Dan the 'Blogger';
it is possible to solve it with force though there are utf8 pragma and no compatibility.
use utf8;
use dan force => 1;
print "foo"; # not displaying
no dan;
print "foo"; # foo
dan is not Dan Kogai. dan the unread to literal strings.
it is a present for perl 20 years old and 5.10 release commemoration.
- cat_decode
use dan cat_decode => sub { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/Jcode/Encode/; $str; }; print "Jcode";# Encode
use utf8; use dan force => 1, cat_decode => sub { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/Jcode/Encode/; $str; }; print "Jcode";# Encode
- force
use utf8; use dan force => 1; print "foo"; # not displaying
- the
use dan the => 'Blogger'; print Dan the 'Blogger';
Kazuhiro Osawa <>
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