Revision history for nextgen

0.06 - 2010-10-08
  Added reasons for nextgen::blacklist
  Fixed bug with: perl -Mnextgen -Mnext -e1

0.05 - 2010-10-06
  Added support for nextgen::blacklist, for all your blacklisting needs (chained require implimentation)
  Many more tests
  Added more useage examples in the synopsis

0.04 - 2010-10-05
  Reimpliment the -e portion now `perl -Mnextgen -e'package Foo; use nextgen; Foo->new'` works
    added t/02* for tests

0.03 - 2010-10-04
  With community input fixedbugs with importing Moose, over Moose::Role
    provided a flag to disable the assumption of programming in the OO

0.02 - 2010-10-04
  Fixed bug with '-e' or '-E', added tests
    Aparently `use Mod ();`, stop BEGIN {} from running, not in perldoc -f use

0.01 - 2010-10-04
	Initial fork:
	- Added Moose for non-Main packages
	- Added when run under '-e', or '-E'
  - Added autodie
  - Added indirect
  - Changes to Module::Install
  - renamed to `nextgen`
  - added ltos of tests

Revision history for Modern::Perl

1.03    Wed Feb 18 00:40:40 UTC 2009
    - removed duplicate use lines (Damien Learns Perl)
    - fixed (hopefully) v-string warnings (Damien, David Moreno)
    - enabled C3 MRO (Evan Carroll)

1.02    Tue Jan 27 03:44:29 UTC 2009
    - removed the current need for B::Hooks::Parser (suggested by chocolateboy)

1.01    Tue Jan 27 01:11:48 UTC 2009
    - fixed a documentation typo reported by Vasily Chekalkin
    - added caveats to the documentation per bug report from Ben Hengst

1.00    Mon Jan 26 22:41:28 UTC 2009
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.