2010-10-13 Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>
* v1.04
* pod-mode.el: Suggest autoloading instead of plain requiring.
(pod-version): Update version number - this hadn't happened since
(pod-mode-command-face, pod-mode-head-face)
(pod-mode-command-text-face, pod-mode-verbatim-face)
(pod-mode-formatting-code-face, pod-mode-formatting-code-i-face)
(pod-mode-string-face): Inherit from the appropriate font-lock
face definitions instead of copying many of them.
(pod-add-support-for-imenu): Restore compatibility with Emacs 22.
2010-07-08 Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>
* v1.03
* Provide better dist metadata
* Don't ship example.pod with the dist
2010-07-08 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* v1.02
* pod-mode taken over by a lambda ninja :-)
* Big rework and improvements by Florian Ragwitz:
- introduce customizable, pod-specific faces
- new set of default fonts and sizes
- interactive commands/keybinds to create link formatting codes
- support weaver keywords for outline and imenu
- improve documentation
- support for balanced and nested formatting codes
- make Pod::Weaver command highlighting more robust
2010-06-02 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* v1.01
* fix meta information
2010-06-02 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* v1.0
* support for Dist::Zilla PodWeaver, by Florian Ragwitz
- Automatically load weaver keywords for files that
are part of a project
* big version bump as Demonstration der Stärke :-)
2009-02-15 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* v0.502
* more meta fiddling, although it still ignores the "abstract:"
2008-07-27 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* v0.501
* fixed link to the Emacs Language Mode Creation Tutorial
(after resurrecting and hosting it)
* fiddle with META.yml to help the indexer
2008-05-20 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* v0.5
* add META.yml to describe this distribution on CPAN
* add support for outline-minor-mode (#21828, Slaven Rezic)
2005-08-22 Steffen Schwigon <schwigon@cpan.org>
* v0.4
* imenu support, thanks to Slaven Rezic
* minor regex optimizations
* fixed incorrect regexes for L<>
2005-04-01 Steffen Schwigon <schwigon@cpan.org>
* v0.3
* more keywords
* X<>, Z<>
* more regexes for L<>
2003-05-02 v0.2
* font-lock-function-name-face for E<> entities
* fixed handling of doublequoted strings (cpan #2469)
* small regex finetuning
2003-04-25 v0.1
* initial version
* mostly syntax highlighting