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AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Manual::Notebook::InferenceUsingTFHubEnformerGeneExprPredModel - Using TensorFlow to do gene expression prediction using a pre-trained model


The following tutorial is based on the Enformer usage notebook. It uses a pre-trained model based on a transformer architecture trained as described in Avsec et al (2021) and introduced in Avsec's DeepMind blog post Predicting gene expression with AI.

Running the code requires an Internet connection to download the model (from Google servers) and datasets (from GitHub, UCSC, and NIH).

Some of this code is identical to that of InferenceUsingTFHubMobileNetV2Model notebook. Please look there for explanation for that code. As stated there, this will later be wrapped up into a high-level library to hide the details behind an API.

NOTE: If running this model, please be aware that

  • the Docker image takes 3 GB or more of disk space;

  • the model and data takes 5 GB or more of disk space.

meaning that you will need a total of 8 GB of disk space. You may need at least 4 GB of free memory to run the model.


The following document is either a POD file which can additionally be run as a Perl script or a Jupyter Notebook which can be run in IPerl (viewable online at nbviewer). If you are reading this as POD, there should be a generated list of Perl dependencies in the CPANFILE section.

You will also need the executables gunzip, bgzip, and samtools. Furthermore,

  • Bio::DB::HTS requires libhts and

  • PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot requires gnuplot.

If you are running the code, you may optionally install the tensorflow Python package in order to access the saved_model_cli command, but this is only used for informational purposes.


Load the library

First, we need to load the AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow library and more helpers. We then create an AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Status object and helper function to make sure that the calls to the libtensorflow C library are working properly.

  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use utf8;
  use constant IN_IPERL => !! $ENV{PERL_IPERL_RUNNING};
  no if IN_IPERL, warnings => 'redefine'; # fewer messages when re-running cells
  use feature qw(say);
  use Syntax::Construct qw( // );
  use lib::projectroot qw(lib);
      if( IN_IPERL ) {
          $ENV{TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL} = 3;
      require AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow;
  use URI ();
  use HTTP::Tiny ();
  use Path::Tiny qw(path);
  use File::Which ();
  use List::Util ();
  use Data::Printer ( output => 'stderr', return_value => 'void', filters => ['PDL'] );
  use Data::Printer::Filter::PDL ();
  use Text::Table::Tiny qw(generate_table);
  my $s = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Status->New;
  sub AssertOK {
      die "Status $_[0]: " . $_[0]->Message
          unless $_[0]->GetCode == AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Status::OK;

And create helpers for converting between PDL ndarrays and TFTensor ndarrays.

  use PDL;
  use AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::DataType qw(FLOAT);
  use FFI::Platypus::Memory qw(memcpy);
  use FFI::Platypus::Buffer qw(scalar_to_pointer);
  sub FloatPDLTOTFTensor {
      my ($p) = @_;
      return AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Tensor->New(
          FLOAT, [ reverse $p->dims ], $p->get_dataref, sub { undef $p }
  sub FloatTFTensorToPDL {
      my ($t) = @_;
      my $pdl = zeros(float,reverse( map $t->Dim($_), 0..$t->NumDims-1 ) );
      memcpy scalar_to_pointer( ${$pdl->get_dataref} ),
          scalar_to_pointer( ${$t->Data} ),

Download model and data

  • Enformer model from

      > Avsec Ž, Agarwal V, Visentin D, Ledsam JR, Grabska-Barwinska A, Taylor KR, Assael Y, Jumper J, Kohli P, Kelley DR. Effective gene expression prediction from sequence by integrating long-range interactions. I<Nat Methods>. 2021 Oct;B<18(10)>:1196-1203. doi: L<10.1038/s41592-021-01252-x|>. Epub 2021 Oct 4. PMID: L<34608324|>; PMCID: L<PMC8490152|>.
  • Human target dataset from

      > Kelley DR. Cross-species regulatory sequence activity prediction. I<PLoS Comput Biol>. 2020 Jul 20;B<16(7)>:e1008050. doi: L<10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008050|>. PMID: L<32687525|>; PMCID: L<PMC7392335|>.
  • UCSC hg38 genome. More info at; Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 38 from Genome Reference Consortium.

      > Schneider VA, Graves-Lindsay T, Howe K, Bouk N, Chen HC, Kitts PA, Murphy TD, Pruitt KD, Thibaud-Nissen F, Albracht D, Fulton RS, Kremitzki M, Magrini V, Markovic C, McGrath S, Steinberg KM, Auger K, Chow W, Collins J, Harden G, Hubbard T, Pelan S, Simpson JT, Threadgold G, Torrance J, Wood JM, Clarke L, Koren S, Boitano M, Peluso P, Li H, Chin CS, Phillippy AM, Durbin R, Wilson RK, Flicek P, Eichler EE, Church DM. Evaluation of GRCh38 and de novo haploid genome assemblies demonstrates the enduring quality of the reference assembly. I<Genome Res.> 2017 May;B<27(5)>:849-864. doi: L<10.1101/gr.213611.116|>. Epub 2017 Apr 10. PMID: L<28396521|>; PMCID: L<PMC5411779|>.
  • ClinVar file

      > Landrum MJ, Lee JM, Benson M, Brown GR, Chao C, Chitipiralla S, Gu B, Hart J, Hoffman D, Jang W, Karapetyan K, Katz K, Liu C, Maddipatla Z, Malheiro A, McDaniel K, Ovetsky M, Riley G, Zhou G, Holmes JB, Kattman BL, Maglott DR. ClinVar: improving access to variant interpretations and supporting evidence. I<Nucleic Acids Res.> 2018 Jan 4;B<46(D1)>:D1062-D1067. doi: L<10.1093/nar/gkx1153|>. PMID: L<29165669|>; PMCID: L<PMC5753237|>.
  # Model handle
  my $model_uri = URI->new( '' );
  $model_uri->query_form( 'tf-hub-format' => 'compressed' );
  my $model_base = substr( $model_uri->path, 1 ) =~ s,/,_,gr;
  my $model_archive_path = "${model_base}.tar.gz";
  my $model_sequence_length = 393_216; # bp
  # Human targets from Basenji2 dataset
  my $targets_uri  = URI->new('');
  my $targets_path = 'targets_human.txt';
  # Human reference genome
  my $hg_uri    = URI->new("");
  my $hg_gz_path   = "hg38.fa.gz";
  # From
  my $hg_md5_digest = "1c9dcaddfa41027f17cd8f7a82c7293b";
  my $clinvar_uri  = URI->new('');
  my $clinvar_path = 'clinvar.vcf.gz';
  my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new;
  for my $download ( [ $model_uri   => $model_archive_path ],
                     [ $targets_uri => $targets_path       ],
                     [ $hg_uri      => $hg_gz_path            ],
                     [ $clinvar_uri => $clinvar_path       ],) {
      my ($uri, $path) = @$download;
      say "Downloading $uri to $path";
      next if -e $path;
      $http->mirror( $uri, $path );


  Downloading to deepmind_enformer_1.tar.gz
  Downloading to targets_human.txt
  Downloading to hg38.fa.gz
  Downloading to clinvar.vcf.gz

Now we

  1. extract the saved model so that we can load it and

  2. check the MD5 sum of the reference genome to make sure it was downloaded correctly.

  use Archive::Extract;
  $Archive::Extract::DEBUG      = 1;
  $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN = 1; # for the larger model, prefer bin
  if( ! -e $model_base ) {
      my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $model_archive_path );
      die "Could not extract archive" unless $ae->extract( to => $model_base );
  use Digest::file qw(digest_file_hex);
  if( digest_file_hex( $hg_gz_path, "MD5" ) eq $hg_md5_digest ) {
      say "MD5 sum for $hg_gz_path OK";
  } else {
      die "Digest for $hg_gz_path failed";


  MD5 sum for hg38.fa.gz OK



In order to quickly seek for sequences in the reference genome FASTA, we

  1. convert the gzip'd file into a block gzip'd file and

  2. index that .bgz file using faidx from samtools.

  (my $hg_uncompressed_path = $hg_gz_path) =~ s/\.gz$//;
  my $hg_bgz_path = "${hg_uncompressed_path}.bgz";
  use IPC::Run;
  if( ! -e $hg_bgz_path ) {
          [ qw(gunzip -c) ], '<', $hg_gz_path,
          [ qw(bgzip -c)  ], '>', $hg_bgz_path
  use Bio::Tools::Run::Samtools;
  my $hg_bgz_fai_path = "${hg_bgz_path}.fai";
  if( ! -e $hg_bgz_fai_path ) {
      my $faidx_tool = Bio::Tools::Run::Samtools->new( -command => 'faidx' );
      $faidx_tool->run( -fas => $hg_bgz_path )
          or die "Could not index FASTA file $hg_bgz_path: " . $faidx_tool->error_string;

Model input and output specification

Now we create a helper to call saved_model_cli and called saved_model_cli scan to ensure that the model is I/O-free for security reasons.

  sub saved_model_cli {
      my (@rest) = @_;
      if( File::Which::which('saved_model_cli')) {
          system(qw(saved_model_cli), @rest ) == 0
              or die "Could not run saved_model_cli";
      } else {
          warn "saved_model_cli(): Install the tensorflow Python package to get the `saved_model_cli` command.\n";
          return -1;
  say "Checking with saved_model_cli scan:";
  saved_model_cli( qw(scan),
      qw(--dir) => $model_base,


  Checking with saved_model_cli scan:
  MetaGraph with tag set ['serve'] does not contain the default denylisted ops: {'ReadFile', 'PrintV2', 'WriteFile'}



We need to see what the inputs and outputs of this model are so saved_model_cli show should show us that:

  saved_model_cli( qw(show),
      qw(--dir) => $model_base,


  MetaGraphDef with tag-set: 'serve' contains the following SignatureDefs:
    The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following input(s):
    The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following output(s):
      outputs['__saved_model_init_op'] tensor_info:
          dtype: DT_INVALID
          shape: unknown_rank
          name: NoOp
    Method name is: 
  Concrete Functions:


It appears that it does not! What we can do is load the model using tensorflow in Python and then save it to a new path. Now when we run saved_model_cli show on this new model path, it shows the correct inputs and outputs.

  my $new_model_base = "${model_base}_new";
  system( qw(python3), qw(-c) => <<EOF, $model_base, $new_model_base ) unless -e $new_model_base;
  import sys
  import tensorflow as tf
  in_path, out_path  = sys.argv[1:3]
  imported_model = tf.saved_model.load(in_path).model imported_model , out_path )
  saved_model_cli( qw(show),
      qw(--dir) => $new_model_base,


  MetaGraphDef with tag-set: 'serve' contains the following SignatureDefs:
    The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following input(s):
    The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following output(s):
      outputs['__saved_model_init_op'] tensor_info:
          dtype: DT_INVALID
          shape: unknown_rank
          name: NoOp
    Method name is: 
    The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following input(s):
      inputs['args_0'] tensor_info:
          dtype: DT_FLOAT
          shape: (-1, 393216, 4)
          name: serving_default_args_0:0
    The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following output(s):
      outputs['human'] tensor_info:
          dtype: DT_FLOAT
          shape: (-1, 896, 5313)
          name: StatefulPartitionedCall:0
      outputs['mouse'] tensor_info:
          dtype: DT_FLOAT
          shape: (-1, 896, 1643)
          name: StatefulPartitionedCall:1
    Method name is: tensorflow/serving/predict
  Concrete Functions:
    Function Name: 'predict_on_batch'
      Option #1
        Callable with:
          Argument #1
            args_0: TensorSpec(shape=(None, 393216, 4), dtype=tf.float32, name='args_0')



We want to use the serve tag-set and

  • the input args_0 which has the name serving_default_args_0:0 and

  • the output human which has the name StatefulPartitionedCall:0.

all of which are DT_FLOAT.

Make note of the shapes that those take. Per the model description at TensorFlow Hub:

    The input sequence length is 393,216 with the prediction corresponding to 128 base pair windows for the center 114,688 base pairs. The input sequence is one hot encoded using the order of indices corresponding to 'ACGT' with N values being all zeros.

The input shape (-1, 393216, 4) thus represents dimensions [batch size] x [sequence length] x [one-hot encoding of ACGT].

The output shape (-1, 896, 5313) represents dimensions [batch size] x [ predictions along 114,688 base pairs / 128 base pair windows ] x [ human target by index ]. We can confirm this by doing some calculations:

  my $model_central_base_pairs_length     = 114_688; # bp
  my $model_central_base_pair_window_size = 128;     # bp / prediction
  say "Number of predictions: ", $model_central_base_pairs_length / $model_central_base_pair_window_size;


  Number of predictions: 896



and by looking at the targets file:

  use Data::Frame;
  my $df = Data::Frame->from_csv( $targets_path, sep => "\t" )
          file => sub {
              my ($col, $df) = @_;
              # clean up the paths in 'file' column
              [map { join "/", (split('/', $_))[7..8] } $col->list];
  say "Number of targets: ", $df->nrow;
  say "";
  say "First 5:";
  say $df->head(5);


  Number of targets: 5313
  First 5:
      index  genome  identifier   file                clip  scale  sum_stat  description                                                          
   0  0      0       ENCFF833POA  encode/ENCSR000EIJ  32    2      mean      DNASE:cerebellum male adult (27 years) and male adult (35 years)     
   1  1      0       ENCFF110QGM  encode/ENCSR000EIK  32    2      mean      DNASE:frontal cortex male adult (27 years) and male adult (35 years) 
   2  2      0       ENCFF880MKD  encode/ENCSR000EIL  32    2      mean      DNASE:chorion                                                        
   3  3      0       ENCFF463ZLQ  encode/ENCSR000EIP  32    2      mean      DNASE:Ishikawa treated with 0.02% dimethyl sulfoxide for 1 hour      
   4  4      0       ENCFF890OGQ  encode/ENCSR000EIS  32    2      mean      DNASE:GM03348                                                        



Load the model

Let's now load the model in Perl and get the inputs and outputs into a data structure by name.

  my $opt = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::SessionOptions->New;
  my @tags = ( 'serve' );
  my $graph = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Graph->New;
  my $session = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Session->LoadFromSavedModel(
      $opt, undef, $new_model_base, \@tags, $graph, undef, $s
  my %puts = (
      ## Inputs
      inputs_args_0 =>
              oper => $graph->OperationByName('serving_default_args_0'),
              index => 0,
      ## Outputs
      outputs_human  =>
              oper => $graph->OperationByName('StatefulPartitionedCall'),
              index => 0,
      outputs_mouse  =>
              oper => $graph->OperationByName('StatefulPartitionedCall'),
              index => 1,
  p %puts;


    inputs_args_0   AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Output {
        index   0,
        oper    AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Operation {
            Name         "serving_default_args_0",
            NumInputs    0,
            NumOutputs   1,
            OpType       "Placeholder"
    outputs_human   AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Output {
        index   0,
        oper    AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Operation {
            Name         "StatefulPartitionedCall",
            NumInputs    274,
            NumOutputs   2,
            OpType       "StatefulPartitionedCall"
    outputs_mouse   AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Output {
        index   1,
        oper    AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Operation {
            Name         "StatefulPartitionedCall",
            NumInputs    274,
            NumOutputs   2,
            OpType       "StatefulPartitionedCall"

We need a helper to simplify running the session and getting just the predictions that we want.

  my $predict_on_batch = sub {
      my ($session, $t) = @_;
      my @outputs_t;
          [$puts{inputs_args_0}], [$t],
          [$puts{outputs_human}], \@outputs_t,
      return $outputs_t[0];

Encoding the data

The model specifies that the way to get a sequence of DNA bases into a TFTensor is to use one-hot encoding in the order ACGT.

This means that the bases are represented as vectors of length 4:

| base | vector encoding | |------|-----------------| | A | [1 0 0 0] | | C | [0 1 0 0] | | G | [0 0 1 0] | | T | [0 0 0 1] | | N | [0 0 0 0] |

We can achieve this encoding by creating a lookup table with a PDL ndarray. This could be done by creating a byte PDL ndarray of dimensions [ 256 4 ] to directly look up the the numeric value of characters 0-255, but here we'll go with a smaller [ 5 4 ] ndarray and transliterate the numeric values of NACGT to 0-4.

  use PDL;
  our $SHOW_ENCODER = 1;
  sub one_hot_dna {
      my ($seq) = @_;
      my $from_alphabet = "NACGT";
      my $to_alphabet   = pack "C*", 0..length($from_alphabet)-1;
      # sequences from UCSC genome have both uppercase and lowercase bases
      my $from_alphabet_tr = $from_alphabet . lc $from_alphabet;
      my $to_alphabet_tr   = $to_alphabet x 2;
      my $p = zeros(byte, bytes::length($seq));
      my $p_dataref = $p->get_dataref;
      ${ $p_dataref } = $seq;
      eval "tr/$from_alphabet_tr/$to_alphabet_tr/" for ${ $p_dataref };
      my $encoder = append(float(0), identity(float(length($from_alphabet)-1)) );
      say "Encoder is\n", $encoder->info, $encoder if $SHOW_ENCODER;
      my $encoded  = $encoder->index( $p->dummy(0) );
      return $encoded;
  say "Testing one-hot encoding:\n";
  my $onehot_test_seq = "ACGTNtgcan";
  my $test_encoded = one_hot_dna( $onehot_test_seq );
  say "One-hot encoding of sequence '$onehot_test_seq' is:";
  say $test_encoded->info, $test_encoded;


  Testing one-hot encoding:
  Encoder is
  PDL: Float D [5,4]
   [0 1 0 0 0]
   [0 0 1 0 0]
   [0 0 0 1 0]
   [0 0 0 0 1]
  One-hot encoding of sequence 'ACGTNtgcan' is:
  PDL: Float D [4,10]
   [1 0 0 0]
   [0 1 0 0]
   [0 0 1 0]
   [0 0 0 1]
   [0 0 0 0]
   [0 0 0 1]
   [0 0 1 0]
   [0 1 0 0]
   [1 0 0 0]
   [0 0 0 0]



Note that in the above, the PDL ndarray's

  • first dimension is 4 which matches the last dimension of the input TFTensor;

  • second dimension is the sequence length which matches the penultimate dimension of the input TFTensor.

Now we need a way to deal with the sequence interval. We're going to use 1-based coordinates as BioPerl does. In fact, we'll extend a BioPerl class.

  package Interval {
      use Bio::Location::Simple ();
      use parent qw(Bio::Location::Simple);
      sub center {
          my $self = shift;
          my $center = int( ($self->start + $self->end ) / 2 );
          my $delta = ($self->start + $self->end ) % 2;
          return $center + $delta;
      sub resize {
          my ($self, $width) = @_;
          my $new_interval = $self->clone;
          my $center = $self->center;
          my $half   = int( ($width-1) / 2 );
          my $offset = ($width-1) % 2;
          $new_interval->start( $center - $half - $offset );
          $new_interval->end(   $center + $half  );
          return $new_interval;
      use overload '""' => \&_op_stringify;
      sub _op_stringify { sprintf "%s:%s", $_[0]->seq_id // "(no sequence)", $_[0]->to_FTstring }
  say "Testing interval resizing:\n";
  sub _debug_resize {
      my ($interval, $to, $msg) = @_;
      my $resized_interval = $interval->resize($to);
      die "Wrong interval size for $interval --($to)--> $resized_interval"
          unless $resized_interval->length == $to;
      say sprintf "Interval: %s -> %s, length %2d : %s",
          $resized_interval, $resized_interval->length,
  for my $interval_spec ( [4, 8], [5, 8], [5, 9], [6, 9]) {
      my ($start, $end) = @$interval_spec;
      my $test_interval = Interval->new( -seq_id => 'chr11', -start => $start, -end => $end );
      say sprintf "Testing interval %s with length %d", $test_interval, $test_interval->length;
      say "-----";
      for(0..5) {
          my $base = $test_interval->length;
          my $to = $base + $_;
          _debug_resize $test_interval, $to, "$base -> $to (+ $_)";
      say "";


  Testing interval resizing:
  Testing interval chr11:4..8 with length 5
  Interval: chr11:4..8 -> chr11:4..8, length  5 : 5 -> 5 (+ 0)
  Interval: chr11:4..8 -> chr11:3..8, length  6 : 5 -> 6 (+ 1)
  Interval: chr11:4..8 -> chr11:3..9, length  7 : 5 -> 7 (+ 2)
  Interval: chr11:4..8 -> chr11:2..9, length  8 : 5 -> 8 (+ 3)
  Interval: chr11:4..8 -> chr11:2..10, length  9 : 5 -> 9 (+ 4)
  Interval: chr11:4..8 -> chr11:1..10, length 10 : 5 -> 10 (+ 5)
  Testing interval chr11:5..8 with length 4
  Interval: chr11:5..8 -> chr11:5..8, length  4 : 4 -> 4 (+ 0)
  Interval: chr11:5..8 -> chr11:5..9, length  5 : 4 -> 5 (+ 1)
  Interval: chr11:5..8 -> chr11:4..9, length  6 : 4 -> 6 (+ 2)
  Interval: chr11:5..8 -> chr11:4..10, length  7 : 4 -> 7 (+ 3)
  Interval: chr11:5..8 -> chr11:3..10, length  8 : 4 -> 8 (+ 4)
  Interval: chr11:5..8 -> chr11:3..11, length  9 : 4 -> 9 (+ 5)
  Testing interval chr11:5..9 with length 5
  Interval: chr11:5..9 -> chr11:5..9, length  5 : 5 -> 5 (+ 0)
  Interval: chr11:5..9 -> chr11:4..9, length  6 : 5 -> 6 (+ 1)
  Interval: chr11:5..9 -> chr11:4..10, length  7 : 5 -> 7 (+ 2)
  Interval: chr11:5..9 -> chr11:3..10, length  8 : 5 -> 8 (+ 3)
  Interval: chr11:5..9 -> chr11:3..11, length  9 : 5 -> 9 (+ 4)
  Interval: chr11:5..9 -> chr11:2..11, length 10 : 5 -> 10 (+ 5)
  Testing interval chr11:6..9 with length 4
  Interval: chr11:6..9 -> chr11:6..9, length  4 : 4 -> 4 (+ 0)
  Interval: chr11:6..9 -> chr11:6..10, length  5 : 4 -> 5 (+ 1)
  Interval: chr11:6..9 -> chr11:5..10, length  6 : 4 -> 6 (+ 2)
  Interval: chr11:6..9 -> chr11:5..11, length  7 : 4 -> 7 (+ 3)
  Interval: chr11:6..9 -> chr11:4..11, length  8 : 4 -> 8 (+ 4)
  Interval: chr11:6..9 -> chr11:4..12, length  9 : 4 -> 9 (+ 5)

  use Bio::DB::HTS::Faidx;
  my $hg_db = Bio::DB::HTS::Faidx->new( $hg_bgz_path );
  sub extract_sequence {
      my ($db, $interval) = @_;
      my $chrom_length = $db->length($interval->seq_id);
      my $trimmed_interval = $interval->clone;
      $trimmed_interval->start( List::Util::max( $interval->start, 1               ) );
      $trimmed_interval->end(   List::Util::min( $interval->end  , $chrom_length   ) );
      # Bio::DB::HTS::Faidx is 0-based for both start and end points
      my $seq = $db->get_sequence2_no_length(
          $trimmed_interval->start - 1,
          $trimmed_interval->end   - 1,
      my $pad_upstream   = 'N' x List::Util::max( -($interval->start-1), 0 );
      my $pad_downstream = 'N' x List::Util::max( $interval->end - $chrom_length, 0 );
      return join '', $pad_upstream, $seq, $pad_downstream;
  sub seq_info {
      my ($seq, $n) = @_;
      $n ||= 10;
      if( length $seq > $n ) {
          sprintf "%s...%s (length %d)", uc substr($seq, 0, $n), uc substr($seq, -$n), length $seq;
      } else {
          sprintf "%s (length %d)", uc $seq, length $seq;
  say "Testing sequence extraction:";
  say "1 base: ",   seq_info
      extract_sequence( $hg_db,
          Interval->new( -seq_id => 'chr11',
              -start => 35_082_742 + 1,
              -end   => 35_082_742 + 1 ) );
  say "3 bases: ",  seq_info
      extract_sequence( $hg_db,
          Interval->new( -seq_id => 'chr11',
              -start => 1,
              -end   => 1 )->resize(3) );
  say "5 bases: ", seq_info
      extract_sequence( $hg_db,
          Interval->new( -seq_id => 'chr11',
              -start => $hg_db->length('chr11'),
              -end   => $hg_db->length('chr11') )->resize(5) );
  say "chr11 is of length ", $hg_db->length('chr11');
  say "chr11 bases: ", seq_info
      extract_sequence( $hg_db,
          Interval->new( -seq_id => 'chr11',
              -start => 1,
              -end   => $hg_db->length('chr11') )->resize( $hg_db->length('chr11') ) );


  Testing sequence extraction:
  1 base: G (length 1)
  3 bases: NNN (length 3)
  5 bases: NNNNN (length 5)
  chr11 is of length 135086622
  chr11 bases: NNNNNNNNNN...NNNNNNNNNN (length 135086622)



Now we can use the same target interval that is used in the example notebook which recreates part of figure 1 from the Enformer paper.

  my $target_interval = Interval->new( -seq_id => 'chr11',
      -start => 35_082_742 +  1, # BioPerl is 1-based
      -end   => 35_197_430 );
  say "Target interval: $target_interval with length @{[ $target_interval->length ]}";
  die "Target interval is not $model_central_base_pairs_length bp long"
      unless $target_interval->length == $model_central_base_pairs_length;
  say "Target sequence is ", seq_info extract_sequence( $hg_db, $target_interval );
  say "";
  my $resized_interval = $target_interval->resize( $model_sequence_length );
  say "Resized interval: $resized_interval with length @{[ $resized_interval->length ]}";
  die "resize() is not working properly!" unless $resized_interval->length == $model_sequence_length;
  my $seq = extract_sequence( $hg_db, $resized_interval );
  say "Resized sequence is ", seq_info($seq);


  Target interval: chr11:35082743..35197430 with length 114688
  Target sequence is GGTGGCAGCC...ATCTCCTTTT (length 114688)
  Resized interval: chr11:34943479..35336694 with length 393216
  Resized sequence is ACTAGTTCTA...GGCCCAAATC (length 393216)



To prepare the input we have to one-hot encode this resized sequence and give it a dummy dimension at the end to indicate that it is is a batch with a single sequence. Then we can turn the PDL ndarray into a TFTensor and pass it to our prediction function.

  my $sequence_one_hot = one_hot_dna( $seq )->dummy(-1);
  say $sequence_one_hot->info; undef;


  PDL: Float D [4,393216,1]

  use Devel::Timer;
  my $t = Devel::Timer->new;
  $t->mark('prediction of sequence');
  my $predictions = $predict_on_batch->( $session, FloatPDLTOTFTensor( $sequence_one_hot ) );
  $t->mark('End of prediction of sequence');
  p $predictions;


AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Tensor {
    Type            FLOAT
    Dims            [ 1 896 5313 ]
    NumDims         3
    ElementCount    4760448

Devel::Timer Report -- Total time: 14.5641 secs
Interval  Time    Percent
01 -> 02  14.5634  100.00%  prediction of sequence -> End of prediction of sequence
02 -> 03  0.0007   0.00%  End of prediction of sequence -> END
00 -> 01  0.0000   0.00%  INIT -> prediction of sequence

Now we turn the TFTensor output into a PDL ndarray.

  my $predictions_p = FloatTFTensorToPDL($predictions)->slice(',,(0)');
  say $predictions_p->info; undef;


  PDL: Float D [5313,896]

Plot predicted tracks

These predictions can be plotted

  my @tracks = (
      [ 'DNASE:CD14-positive monocyte female' =>   41 => $predictions_p->slice('(41)') ],
      [ 'DNASE:keratinocyte female'           =>   42 => $predictions_p->slice('(42)') ],
      [ 'CHIP:H3K27ac:keratinocyte female'    =>  706 => $predictions_p->slice('(706)')],
      [ 'CAGE:Keratinocyte - epidermal'       => 4799 => log10(1 + $predictions_p->slice('(4799)')) ],
  use PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot;
  my $plot_output_path = 'enformer-target-interval-tracks.png';
  my $gp = gpwin('pngcairo', font => ",10", output => $plot_output_path, size => [10,2. * @tracks], aa => 2 );
  $gp->multiplot( layout => [1, scalar @tracks], title => $target_interval );
      offsets => [ graph => "0.01, 0, 0, 0" ],
      lmargin => "at screen 0.05",
  my $x = zeroes($predictions_p->dim(1))->xlinvals($target_interval->start, $target_interval->end);
  my @tics_opts = (mirror => 0, out => 1);
  for my $i (0..$#tracks) {
      my ($title, $id, $y) = @{$tracks[$i]};
      $gp->plot( {
              title => $title,
              border => [2],
              ytics => { @tics_opts, locations => [ ceil(($y->max-$y->min)/2)->sclr ] },
              ( $i == $#tracks
                  ? ( xtics => { format => '%.3f', @tics_opts } )
                  : ( xtics => 0 ) ),
              ( $i == $#tracks ? ( xlabel => 'location ({/Symbol \264}10^7 bases)' ) : ()  ),
          with => 'filledcurves',
          #'lc' => '#086eb5',
          # $x scaled by 1e7; filled curve between $y and the x-axis
          $x / 1e7, $y, pdl(0)
  if( IN_IPERL ) {
      IPerl->png( bytestream => path($plot_output_path)->slurp_raw );


Parts of the original notebook that fall outside the scope

In the orignal notebook, there are several more steps that have not been ported here:

  1. "Compute contribution scores":

    This task requires implementing @tf.function to compile gradients.

  2. "Predict the effect of a genetic variant" and "Score multiple variants":

    The first task is possible, but the second task requires loading a pre-processing pipeline for scikit-learn and unfortunately this pipeline is stored as a pickle file that is valid for an older version of scikit-learn (version 0.23.2) and as such its behaviour is tied to that version.

  # Some code that could be used for working with variants.
  1 if <<'COMMENT';
  use Bio::DB::HTS::VCF;
  my $clinvar_tbi_path = "${clinvar_path}.tbi";
  unless( -f $clinvar_tbi_path ) {
      system( qw(tabix), $clinvar_path );
  my $v = Bio::DB::HTS::VCF->new( filename => $clinvar_path );


  use Filesys::DiskUsage qw/du/;
  my $total = du( { 'human-readable' => 1, dereference => 1 },
      $model_archive_path, $model_base, $new_model_base,
      $hg_bgz_path, $hg_bgz_fai_path,
  say "Disk space usage: $total"; undef;


  Disk space usage: 4.66G


  requires 'AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow';
  requires 'AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::DataType';
  requires 'Archive::Extract';
  requires 'Bio::DB::HTS::Faidx';
  requires 'Bio::Location::Simple';
  requires 'Bio::Tools::Run::Samtools';
  requires 'Data::Frame';
  requires 'Data::Printer';
  requires 'Data::Printer::Filter::PDL';
  requires 'Devel::Timer';
  requires 'Digest::file';
  requires 'FFI::Platypus::Buffer';
  requires 'FFI::Platypus::Memory';
  requires 'File::Which';
  requires 'Filesys::DiskUsage';
  requires 'HTTP::Tiny';
  requires 'IPC::Run';
  requires 'List::Util';
  requires 'PDL';
  requires 'PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot';
  requires 'Path::Tiny';
  requires 'Syntax::Construct';
  requires 'Text::Table::Tiny';
  requires 'URI';
  requires 'constant';
  requires 'feature';
  requires 'lib::projectroot';
  requires 'overload';
  requires 'parent';
  requires 'strict';
  requires 'utf8';
  requires 'warnings';


Zakariyya Mughal <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2022-2023 by Auto-Parallel Technologies, Inc.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004