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Iterator::Array::Jagged - Quickly permute and iterate through multiple jagged arrays.


        use Iterator::Array::Jagged;
        # Build up a set of data:
        my @data = (
                [qw/ a b /],
                [qw/ c d /],
                [qw/ e f g /]
        # Iterator in object-oriented mode:
        my $iterator = Iterator::Array::Jagged->new( data => \@data );
        while( my @set = $iterator->next )
                print "Next set: '" . join("&", @set) . "'\n";
        }# end while()
        # Iterator is a subref:
        my $itersub = Iterator::Array::Jagged->get_iterator( @data );
        while( my @set = $itersub->() )
                print "Next set: '" . join("&", @set) . "'\n";
        }# end while()
        # Functional callback style:
        Iterator::Array::Jagged->permute(sub {
                my (@set) = @_;
                print "Next set: '" . join("&", @set) . "'\n";
        }, @data );

Each example in the code above code prints the following:

        Next set: b&c&e'
        Next set: a&d&e'
        Next set: b&d&e'
        Next set: a&c&f'
        Next set: b&c&f'
        Next set: a&d&f'
        Next set: b&d&f'
        Next set: a&c&g'
        Next set: b&c&g'
        Next set: a&d&g'
        Next set: b&d&g'


Iterator::Array::Jagged can permute through sets of "jagged" arrays - arrays of varying lengths.

Iterator::Array::Jagged works much like the odometer in an automobile. Except that each set of "numbers" can have any kind of data you want, and each set can contain 1 or more elements.

Iterator::Array::Jagged is stable and ready for production use as of version 0.05.


new( %args )

Constructor. %args should included the element data which contains the arrayref of arrayrefs that you wish to iterate through.

next( )

Returns an array representing the next iteration of the permutation of your data set. See the synopsis for an example.

get_iterator( @data )

Returns a coderef that, when called, returns the next set of data until there are no more permutations. See the synopsis for an example.

permute( $subref, @data )

Calls $subref for each permutation in @data. This is currently BY FAR THE FASTEST METHOD AVAILABLE.


After the initial release of Iterator::Array::Jagged, some people were wondering if there was any benefit to using I::A::J over another older module Algorithm::Loops and its NestedLoops method. So I did some benchmarking and found some mixed results.

                    Rate I::A::J OO A::L::NL func I::A::J iterator A::L::NL iterator I::A::J permute
  I::A::J OO        4.19/s         --           -3%             -19%              -29%            -45%
  A::L::NL func     4.32/s         3%            --             -16%              -27%            -43%
  I::A::J iterator  5.15/s        23%           19%               --              -12%            -32%
  A::L::NL iterator 5.88/s        40%           36%              14%                --            -22%
  I::A::J permute   7.58/s        81%           75%              47%               29%              --

Depending on the size and depth of the jagged array data passed in, the results vary slightly. However, the order in which each method finishes is the same. Iterator::Array::Jagged->permute is fastest by a signifigant margin over Algorithm::Loops::NestedLoops. On the opposite end of the spectrum we have the OO method of Iterator::Array::Jagged which comes in at nearly half the speed of the permute option.

The benchmark script that was used is shown in the next section.

Benchmarks were done on a server with the following specs:


Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz stepping 02



The Benchmark Script

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;
  use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
  use Benchmark qw' :all ';
  use Algorithm::Loops 'NestedLoops';
  use Iterator::Array::Jagged;
  my @data = ();
  for my $var ( 1...4 )
    my @set = ();
    my $max = $var % 2 ? 10 : 11;
    for my $val ( 1...$max )
      push @set, "var$var=val$val";
    }# end for()
    push @data, \@set;
  }# end for()
  cmpthese( 20, {
    'I::A::J OO'        => sub { do_iterator_array_jagged( @data ) },
    'A::L::NL iterator' => sub { do_nestedloops_iterator( @data ) },
    'A::L::NL func'     => sub { do_nestedloops_func( @data ) },
    'I::A::J permute'   => sub { do_iaj_permute( @data ) },
    'I::A::J iterator'  => sub { do_iaj_iterator( @data ) },
  sub do_iaj_iterator
    my $iter = Iterator::Array::Jagged->get_iterator( @_ );
    while( my @set = $iter->() )
    }# end while()
  }# end do_iaj_iterator()
  sub do_iaj_permute
    Iterator::Array::Jagged->permute( sub { }, @_ );
  }# end do_iaj_permute()
  sub do_iterator_array_jagged
    my @data = @_;
    my $iter = Iterator::Array::Jagged->new( data => \@data );
    while( my $set = $iter->next )
    }# end while()
  }# end do_iterator_array_jagged()
  sub do_nestedloops_func
    NestedLoops( \@_, sub { } );
  }# end do_nestedloops_func()
  sub do_nestedloops_iterator
    my @data = @_;
    my $iter = NestedLoops( \@data );
    while( my @set = $iter->() )
    }# end while()
  }# end do_nestedloops()


It's possible that some bugs have found their way into this release.

Use RT to submit bug reports.


John Drago


Copyright 2007 John Drago, All rights reserved.

This software is free software. It may be used and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.