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Java::Import::Design - The design of the Java::Import Module


The original motivation for writing this module came out of a project I was working on during my previous employment. We had built a system in which a major part was implimented using EJBs on a J2EE server. In addition, we had a large component of the system, that already existed, and was written in Perl. We did not want to scrap our Perl work but it was becoming more tedious to maintain two implimentations as more and more things were being added to the system. So, we decided that the major pieces of business logic would reside on the J2EE server and the Perl would be modified to make calls to the server. After some time and experimentation we began to realize that the memory footprint as well as the amount of time needed to make calls to the server using existing Perl to Java integration sulutions were just not acceptable. We therefore set out to find some other way. We tried all sorts of things but in the end we couldn't find anything that met our requirements and therefore decided to keep the origional system of doing things.

While at that job we never did find a suitable way to integrate our two systems. However, the problem still haunted me. It wasn't until the end of my career at that company that I saw an announcement for Google's first Summer of Code. It just so happened that as Google was announcing their brand new program that I had begun to play with the GNU GCJ suite of Java tools and came up with the idea of taking advantage of their ability to natively compile Java code for use with Perl. This may not have been a new idea but I couldn't find anything that would help me so I decided to write and submit a proposal to Google. Well, I was accepted and you now have Java::Import.

When I began to work on this project I started by creating my own namespace instead of stepping on the toes of the other existing Java/Perl integration project, Inline::Java. I did this primarily because I wanted a clean slate on which I could fully explore the nuances of GCJ, in particular it's CNI interface. As I worked my module started to evolve into it's own beast and at that point it seemed locigal to keep my own namespace. It is not my intention to replace Inline::Java and I still think that in te future much of the work I have done can be used by Inline::Java as an option to use GCJ specific functionality.


Wrapping Java Reflection

The main device used by this module for interacting with Java is Java reflection itself. This is done through a Java class that wraps the operations that can be carried out by Java reflection. The main interface to this class is:

  public class ObjectWrapper {
    public ObjectWrapper ();
    public boolean perl_isa (String classname);
    public boolean can (String methodname);
    public String toString ();
    public boolean isArray ();
    public ObjectWrapper invokeMethod (String methodname, ArgumentArray arguments);
    public ObjectWrapper getLastThrownException ();
    public ObjectWrapper getField (String fieldname);
    public void setField (String fieldname, ObjectWrapper value);
    public ObjectWrapper getLastStaticThrownException ();
    public ObjectWrapper newClassInstance (String classname, ArgumentArray arguments);
    public ObjectWrapper invokeStaticMethod (String classname, String methodname, ArgumentArray arguments);
    public ArrayWrapper newJavaArray (String classname, int numberElements);

The interface is as follows:


The default Constructor

boolean perl_isa ( String classname )

Returns whether the Object held by this ObjectWrapper instance can be assigned to classname.

boolean can ( String methodname )

Returns whether the Object held by this ObjectWrapper instance can perform methodname.

String toString ( )

Calls toString () on the Object held by this instancce of ObjectWrapper.

boolean isArray ( )

Returns whether the Object held by this instance of ObjectWrapper is a Java Array.

ObjectWrapper invokeMethod ( String methodname, ArgumentArray arguments )

Invokes methodname on the wrapped Java Object with the incluuded arguments and returns the wrapped return value.

ObjectWrapper getLastThrownException ( )

Returns the last wrapped exception thrown by the wrapped Object.

ObjectWrapper getField ( String fieldname )

Returns the wrapped Object corresponding to fieldname

void setField ( String fieldname, ObjectWrapper value )

Sets the field wrapped by this Object to the Object wrapped by value.

ObjectWrapper getLastStaticThrownException ( )

Returns the last wrapped exception thrown by a static method.

ObjectWrapper newClassInstance ( String classname, ArgumentArray arguments )

Calls the constructor on class classname with arguments and returns the wrapped return value

ObjectWrapper invokeStaticMethod ( String classname, String methodname, ArgumentArray arguments )

Calls classname.staticmethod and returns the wrapped return value

ArrayWrapper newJavaArray ( String classname, int numberElements )

Creates a Java array numberElements long which can hold elements of type classname

This interface is then wrapped using SWIG and made available to Perl as a pseudo class via the Java::Wrapper package.

Intercepting Calls to Java Classes

When Java::Import is "used" you must give it a list of Java classes that you intend on using, incidentially these classes must also be reachable from the standard Java CLASSPATH variable. The Java::Import package then dynamically sets up a namaspace for each class you specify. For instance, the following code will setup two Perl namespaces "java::lang::StringBuffer" and "org::myorg::mypackage::MyClass":

  use Java::Import qw (

These new namespaces will each inherit from a Perl Proxy class that will intercept all method calls and forward them to the above explained ObjectWrapper class bound under the Java::Wrapper namespace. This is done by catching method calls to the evaled namespace through the inherited classes AUTOLOAD method. Once in AUTOLOAD, the method is extrapolated, the arguments are wrapped, invokeMethod is called, and finally the return value is wrapped in a Perl Proxy so that all calls to it may also be intercepted. 'new' works in a similar way except that it is explicitly defined instead of AUTOLOADed and the newInstance method is called on ObjectWrapper instead of invokeMethod. In addition static methods are handled via autoloading as well but produce calls to invokeStaticMethod.

Capturing Java Exceptions

If a Java method throws an exception it is caught by the ObjectWrapper class and stored internally. After every call to a Java method the ObjectWrapper is asked whether it has caught an exception by either calling getLastThrownException or getLastStaticThrownException, depending on what type of method was called. If an exception is returned by one of the previous method calls it is wrapped in a Perl Proxy and thrown by a call to 'die'. The calling Perl program can then access the thrown exception via the $@ variable and test what type is is by calling it's 'isa' method. Exception objects are just like any other Java Objects including having their method calls intercepted and passed onto Java reflection.

Java Arrays

Reflection calls to Java arrays are handled by the ArrayWrapper class with the following interface:

  public class ArrayWrapper extends ObjectWrapper {
    public ArrayWrapper (String containsclass, int numelements);
    public int getSize ();
    public void set (ObjectWrapper value, int index);
    public ObjectWrapper get (int index);
    public String toString ();
    public static ArrayWrapper getObjectAsArray (ObjectWrapper array);
ArrayWrapper ( String containsclass, int numelements )

Constructor to create a Java array object for holding numelements of type containsclass.

int getSize ( )

Returns the size of the contained array.

void set ( ObjectWrapper value, int index )

Sets element index of the contained array object to value.

ObjectWrapper get ( int index )

Returns the element at index of the contained object.

String toString ( )

Calls toString on every element and returns the concatenaded value.

ArrayWrapper getObjectAsArray ( ObjectWrapper array )

Casts array to type ArrayWrapper and returns the value. Returns null/undef if the cast fails.

Everytime an ObjectWrapper is returned from a Java method it's isArray method is called to check if it is an array. If true, getObjectAsArray is called and the resulting value is tied to the TieJavaArray Perl class to allow Perl style array acces to occur. The tied refference is then returned. This allow something like the following to work:

  my $sb_class = java::lang::Class->forName(jstring("java.lang.StringBuffer"));
  my $constructors = $sb_class->getConstructors();
  foreach my $constructor ( @$constructors ) {
    if ( $constructor->isa('java::lang::reflect::Constructor') ) {
      print "$constructor\n";

The TieJavaArray Perl class allows accary access calls to b routed to the propper methods on the Java ArrayWrapper class.

If a Java array is necessary as an argument to a method you can create one with the Java::Import::newJavaArray method. You give it as arguments, the type of the array and the number of elements it will hold. The return value is a tied array refference that can be use just as the one in the example above, as well as passed into method as arguments.


Arguments to Java classes are handled by the ArgumentArray class. To the user of a Java class in Perl this isn't even known. The main purpose of the ArgumentArray is to allow the invokeMethod, invokeStaticMethod and newInstance methods to take an arbitrary amount of arguments. This class is a simple wrapper around an array. When one of the invoke methods is called, the Perl Proxy packages the arguments into an ArgumentArray and passes them to the propper ObjectWrapper method for processing. The ArgumentArray can only hold elements of type ObjectWrapper; this is why ArrayWrapper inherits from ObjectWrapper.


Java Primitives are as of yet an unresolved matter. With the exception of the char, boolean, String (kind of primitive), and byte types precision is almost certainly lost when converting from Java to Perl. This is due to the difference in size.

When passing primitives into a Java method they must first be wrapped in their Object form. This is done by calling the corresponding Java::Import::jXXX method where XXX is the java primitive type being wrapped. For instance, to pass an int value into a Java method you must first call Java::Import::jint($n) and pass the returned wrapped Object instead.


Since GCJ's CNI interface has more in common with C++ (In fact it is C++) it may make more sense for some of this functionailty to meld with the Inline::CPP module instead of Inline::Java. This is something that I am currently working on and is not covered in the proposal for this project so is not covered in this document. Please watch CPAN for work on this module.


David Rusek <>