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Search::Fzf - Ported Fzf using perl.


    use strict;
    use Search::Fzf;

    my @listStr = split /\n/, qx(ls -l);
    my $userConfig = {
      prompt => "> You Entered: ",
      pointer => '>',
      marker => '*',
      algo => 'v2', 
    my $outStr = fzf(\@listStr, $userConfig);
    print $outStr, "\n";


    fzf is a powerful command line fuzzy search tool(
    Using Search::Fzf, You can use fzf's fuzzy query functionality as a module within a Perl process.


fzf(\@strArr, \%CONFIG)

    The entry function of Search::Fzf includes two parameters.
    The first parameter \@strArr is a reference to an array of strings or a reference to a file handle to retrieve the query.
    The second parameter \@CONFIG is a reference to the configuration hash.
    The return value is a array reference. 
    If no selection is made, the list contains only one string, which is the current line.

    You can use a file handle as input, e.g.

    open my $fileH, "-|", 'fd .';
    my $outStr = fzf($fileH, $userConfig);
    close $fileH;


prompt: STRING

    The prompt of input (default: 'Your Entered: ').

pointer: STRING

    Pointer to the current line (default: '>').

marker: STRING

    Multi-select marker (default: '*').

algo: STRING

    Fuzzy matching algorithm (default: 'v2');

    Scoring criteria.
    The match score consists of two factors.
    One is the number of non-matching characters included in the matched substring,
    the other is the number of segments that the matched substring is cut by non-matching characters.
    The score is calculated as the negative of the product of the two factors.


  Option 'v1' is a Faster greedy algorithm.
  V1 is equivalent to a regular expression using a split character,
  e.g. for the pattern string "abc", equivalent to using the regular expression "(a).*(b).*(c).*".
  The algorithm is simple and fast, but as it only sees the first occurrence,
  it is not guaranteed to find the occurrence with the highest score.


  FuzzyMatchV2 implements a modified version of Smith-Waterman algorithm to find pattern string.
  Unlike the original algorithm, omission or mismatch of a character in the pattern is not allowed.


  To match the pattern string as a whole,
  e.g. the pattern string 'abc',
  exact is equivalent to using the regular expression "(abc)".

caseInsensitive: BOOLEAN

  Case-insensitive or Case-sensitive match (default: 1, Case-insensitive).


  Sort the result (default: True).

delimiter: STRING

  Field delimiter regex for "nth" and "withNth" option (default "\s+").

nth: ARRAY Reference

  Fidel index expressions for limiting search scope, you can use [1,2,3] or [1..3], default is undef.

withNth: ARRAY Reference

  Transform the presentation of each line using field index expressions, default is undef.


  Reverse the order of the input (default: False).

disable: BOOLEAN

  Do not perform search. With this option, fzf becomes a simple selector interface rather than a "fuzzy finder" (default: False).

expect: STRING

  When the COMMAND_EXPECT_ACCEPT key is pressed,
  a line will be added before the string returned by the FZF function,
  defined by the expect option(default: undef).

multi: BOOLEAN

  Enable multi-select with select key (default: False), the default toggle select key is tab.

cycle: BOOLEAN

  Enable cyclic scroll (default: True).

mouse: BOOLEAN

  Enable mouse click event (default: False).

keepRight: BOOLEAN

  keep the right end of line visible when it's too long (default: False).

hscroll: BOOLEAN

 Enable horizontal scroll (default: True).

hScrollOff: INTEGER

  Number of screen columns to keep to the right of the highlighted substring (default: 5). Setting ti to a large value will cause the text to be positioned on the center of the screen.

jumpLabels: ARRAY Reference

  Label characters for jump and jump-accept, you can use ['a'..'z'] or ['a', 'b', 'c'],
  default is [a .. z].

header: STRING

  The given string will be printed as sticky header (default: undef), the lines are not affected by "withNth" option.

headerLines: INTEGER

  The first N lines of the input are treated as the sticky header.

headerFirst: BOOLEAN

  Print header before the prompt line (default: False).

border: BOOLEAN

  Draw border around the finder (default: False).

topMargin, bottomMargin, leftMargin, rightMargin: INTEGER

  Margins around the finder, default margin is 0.

topPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding: INTEGER

  Padding inside the border, padding is distinguishable from margin only when 'border' option is used, default padding is 0.

layout: INTEGER

  Choose the layout.
  0: default, display form the bottom of the screen.
  1: reverse, display from top of the screen.
  2: reverse-list, display from the top of the screen, prompt at the bottom


  Determines the display style of finder info.
  0: default, display on the next line to the prompt.
  1: inline, display on the same line.
  2: hidden, do not display finder info.

color: BOOLEAN

  Enable colored output (default: True).
  fzf use ANSI COLORS scheam for color configuation.

  'default': Default terminal froeground/background color.
  16 base colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, bright_black, bright_red, bright_green, bright_yellow, bright_blue, bright_magenta, bright_cyan, bright_white.
  ansi rgb colors: use the regular expression "r(\d+)g(\d+)b(\d+)" to describe the color string,
  where the numbers are 0 to 5, that is,
  each primary color has 6 levels of color representation, a total of 216 colors.
  grey colors: grey0 ~ grey23, a total of 24 grayscale colors.

colorFg: STRING


colorBg: STRING


colorFgPlus: STRING

  Current line text.

colorBgPlus: STRING

  Current line background.

colorHl: STRING

  Highlighted substrings.

colorHlPlus: STRING

  Current highlighted substrings.

colorPointer: STRING

  Pointer to the current line.

colorMarker: STRING

  Multi-select marker.

colorGutter: STRING

  Gutter on the left (defaults to colorBgPlus).

colorInfo: STRING

  Info line.

colorPrompt: STRING


colorHeader: STRING


colorQuery: STRING

  Query string.

colorDisabled: STRING

  Query string when search is disabled.

colorSpinner: STRING

  Streaming input indicator.

colorFgPreview: STRING

  Preview window text, this option is valid only when option 'previewWithColor' is False.

colorBgPreview: STRING

  Preview window background, this option is valid only when option 'previewWithColor' is False.

preview: BOOLEAN

  Open preview window(default: False).

previewWithColor: BOOLEAN

  Enable colored preview output (default: True).

previewPosition: INTEGER

  Determines the position of preview window.
  0: Up.
  1: Down, default.
  2: Left.
  3: Right.

previewBorder: BOOLEAN

  Draw border around the preview window (default: True).

previewWrap: BOOLEAN

  Long lines are truncated by default. Line wrap can be enabled with this option.

previewScrollOff: INTEGER

  Determins the initial scroll offset of the preview window (default: 0).

previewCyclic: BOOLEAN

  Enable preview window cyclic scroll (default: True).

previewHead: INTEGER

  Keep the top N lines as fixed header so that they are always visible.

previewFollow: BOOLEAN

  Preview window will automatically scroll to the bottom when this option is set (default: False).

previewFunc: FUNCTION

  Callback function: previewFunc($strList, $lines, $columns).
  $strList: Array reference, column split list of current line, use "delimiter" option to split.
  $lines: rows of screen.
  $columns: columns of screen.
  Callback function, used to generate the preview text,
  the return value is a string array reference, one element per line.

timeout: INTEGER

  Timeout is the keyboard waiting time.
  Fzf uses non-blocking mode, and regularly checks for preview updates. 
  Unit: milliseconds(default 100 milliseconds).

execFunc: FUNCTION

  Callback function: execFunc($strList).
  $strList: Array reference, column split list of current line, use "delimiter" option to split.
  Callback function for executing custom logic, default is undef.

asynRead: INTEGER

  When using file handle input,
  the "asynRead" option can be used to perform pattern matching 
  while the input character stream is not complete.

threads: INTEGER

  The number of threads executing the matching algorithm (default: 4).


  The input key contains characters with ASC code below 127.
  'ctrl-@', 'ctrl-a', 'ctrl-b', 'ctrl-c', 'ctrl-d', 'ctrl-e', 'ctrl-f', 'ctrl-g', 'ctrl-h', 'ctrl-i', 'ctrl-j', 'ctrl-k', 'ctrl-l',
  'ctrl-m', 'ctrl-n', 'ctrl-o', 'ctrl-p', 'ctrl-q', 'ctrl-r', 'ctrl-s', 'ctrl-t', 'ctrl-u', 'ctrl-v', 'ctrl-w', 'ctrl-x', 'ctrl-y', 'ctrl-z',
  'ctrl-[', 'ctrl-\\', 'ctrl-]', 'ctrl-^', 'ctrl--',
  " ", '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
  ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@',
  '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`',
  '{', '|', '}', '~', 'bs',

  Whether the ctrl combination key  can be used needs to be defined by the operating system.
  For function key definitions, please refer to the description of the Curse module.


    COMMAND_IDLE: Idle command, do nothing.
    COMMAND_ABORT: Exit process.
    COMMAND_ACCEPT: Return select lines. 
    COMMAND_ACCEPT_NON_EMPTY: If select list is not empty, return.
    COMMAND_BACKWARD_CHAR: Backward input query cursor.
    COMMAND_BACKWARD_DELETE_CHAR : Backward and delete one char.
    COMMAND_BACKWARD_KILL_WORD: Backward and delete one word.
    COMMAND_BACKWARD_WORD: Backward input query cursor one word.
    COMMAND_BEGINNING_OF_LINE: Set the cursor to the first char of query string.
    COMMAND_CANCEL: Clear query string if not empty, abort fzf otherwise.
    COMMAND_CLEAR_SELECTION: Clear all selections.
    COMMAND_CLEAR_QUERY: Clear query string.
    COMMAND_DELETE_CHAR: Del one char.
    COMMAND_DELETE_CHAR_EOF: Same as COMMAND_DELETE_CHAR, abort fzf if query is empty.
    COMMAND_DESELECT: Deselect current line.
    COMMAND_DESELECT_ALL: Deselect all line selected.
    COMMAND_DISABLE_SEARCH: Disable query input.
    COMMAND_DOWN: Move Current line down.
    COMMAND_ENABLE_SEARCH: Enable query input.
    COMMAND_END_OF_LINE: Set the cursor to the last char of query string.
    COMMAND_EXECUTE: Execute user defined function, use "execFunc" option.
    COMMAND_EXPECT_ACCEPT: Add expect string.
    COMMAND_FIRST: Scroll horizontally to the first char of current line.
    COMMAND_FORWARD_CHAR: Forward input query cursor.
    COMMAND_FORWARD_WORD: Forward input query cursor one word.
    COMMAND_JUMP: Show jump label, EasyMotion-like 2-keystroke movement.
    COMMAND_KILL_LINE: From current cursor position, delete to end of query string.
    COMMAND_KILL_WORD: Kill one word.
    COMMAND_LAST: Scroll horizontally to the last char of current line.
    COMMAND_PAGE_DOWN: Scroll one page down.
    COMMAND_PAGE_UP: Move current line up.
    COMMAND_HALF_PAGE_DOWN: Scroll half page down.
    COMMAND_HALF_PAGE_UP: Scroll half page up.
    COMMAND_PREVIEW_DOWN: Set preview window down of the main window.
    COMMAND_PREVIEW_UP: Set preview window up of the main window.
    COMMAND_PREVIEW_PAGE_DOWN: Scroll preview window one page down.
    COMMAND_PREVIEW_PAGE_UP: Scroll preview window one page up.
    COMMAND_PREVIEW_HALF_PAGE_DOWN: Scroll preview window half page down.
    COMMAND_PREVIEW_HALF_PAGE_UP: Scroll preview window half page up.
    COMMAND_PREVIEW_BOTTOM: Scroll preview window to the bottom.
    COMMAND_PREVIEW_TOP: Scroll preview window to the top.
    COMMAND_SELECT: Select current line.
    COMMAND_SELECT_ALL: Select all lines.
    COMMAND_TOGGLE: Toggle current line in select and unselect status.
    COMMAND_TOGGLE_ALL: Toggle all lines.
    COMMAND_TOGGLE_DOWN: Toggle current line and move down.
    COMMAND_TOGGLE_PREVIEW: Toggle preview window open or close.
    COMMAND_TOGGLE_PREVIEW_POSITION: Toggle preview window position.
    COMMAND_TOGGLE_PREVIEW_WRAP: Toggle preview window wrap or truncated.
    COMMAND_TOGGLE_SEARCH: Toggle query input disable or enable
    COMMAND_TOGGLE_SORT: Toggle search result sort or unsort.
    COMMAND_TOGGLE_UP: Toggle current line and move up.
    COMMAND_UP: Move current line up.
    COMMAND_LEFT: Scroll horizontally current line left.
    COMMAND_RIGHT: Scroll horizontally current line right. 
    COMMAND_HOME: Scroll horizontally current line to the first char.
    COMMAND_END: Scroll horizontally current line to the last char. 
    COMMAND_CLICKED: Mouse clicked.
    COMMAND_CLICKED_ACCEPT: Mouse Click and accept.
    COMMAND_CHECK: Timeout check.
    COMMAND_TOGGLE_ALGO: Toggle seach algorithm.


    'ctrl-u' => 'COMMAND_IDLE',
    'ctrl-]' => 'COMMAND_IDLE',
    'ctrl-^' => 'COMMAND_IDLE',
    'ctrl--' => 'COMMAND_IDLE',
    'ctrl-[' => 'COMMAND_ABORT',
    'ctrl-m' => 'COMMAND_ACCEPT',
    'ctrl-h' => 'COMMAND_BACKWARD_CHAR', #ctrl-h
    'ctrl-x' => 'COMMAND_DELETE_CHAR',
    'ctrl-j' => 'COMMAND_DOWN',
    'ctrl-l' => 'COMMAND_FORWARD_CHAR',
    'ctrl-w' => 'COMMAND_FORWARD_WORD',
    'ctrl-t' => 'COMMAND_JUMP',
    'ctrl-k' => 'COMMAND_UP',
    'KEY_UP'=> 'COMMAND_UP',
    'ctrl-r' => 'COMMAND_TOGGLE_ALGO',
    'ctrl-i' => 'COMMAND_TOGGLE',
    'ctrl-d' => 'COMMAND_TOGGLE_SEARCH',


  liyao <>


  This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


  Copyright (C) 2022 Liyao


