PROGRAM NAME: Gphistogram
AUTHOR: Derek Goff
DATE: May 5 2015
DESCRIPTION: A package to use geopsy's gphistogram function
to calculate average Vs curve and standard



This Program derives from dinver in Geopsy
'_note' keeps track of actions for use in graphics
'_Step' keeps track of actions for execution in the system


Gphistogram Notes

Usage: gphistogram [OPTIONS]

From two columns (x, y) provided through stdin, it produces a grid and count the number of hits in each
cell. A median or mean curve can be directly computed or the histogram is plotted. Editing and
filtering is then possible.

gphistogram options: -mean Output mean curve and exit. -median Output median curve and exit. -grid Output grid values and exit. -x-sampling <SAMPLING> Defines the X sampling type: linear regular sampling (default) log regular sampling on a log scale inversed regular sampling on an inversed -x-min <MIN> Minimum of range for X axis (default=deduced from data) -x-max <MAX> Maximum of range for X axis (default=deduced from data) -x-count <COUNT> Number of samples along X (default=100) -y-sampling <SAMPLING> Defines the Y sampling type: linear regular sampling (default) log regular sampling on a log scale inversed regular sampling on an inversed -y-min <MIN> Minimum of range for Y axis (default=deduced from data) -y-max <MAX> Maximum of range for Y axis (default=deduced from data) -y-count <COUNT> Number of samples along Y (default=100)

Description of Subroutines

Subroutine clear

Sets all variable strings to '' (nothing)

Subroutine mean

Output mean curve and exit

Subroutine median

Output median curve and exit

Subroutine grid

Output grid values and exit

Subroutine xsample

Define X sampling type:
linear (default), log, or inversed

Subroutine xmin

Minimum range for X axis (default from data)

Subroutine xmax

Maximum range for X axis (default from data)

Subroutine xcount

Number of samples along X (default=100)

Subroutine ysample

Define Y sampling type:
linear (default), log, or inversed

Subroutine ymin

Minimum range for Y axis (default from data)

Subroutine ymax

Maximum range for Y axis (default from data)

Subroutine ycount

Number of samples along Y (default=100)

Subroutine file

Define Input file

Subroutine Step

Keeps track of actions for execution in the system

Subroutine note

Keeps track of actions for possible use in graphics

Warnings for programmers

packages must end with