AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)








SEISMIC UNIX NOTES SUWELLRF - convert WELL log depth, velocity, density data into a

uniformly sampled normal incidence Reflectivity Function of time
suwellrf [required parameters] [optional parameters] > [stdout]
Required Parameters:
dvrfile= file containing depth, velocity, and density values
dvfile= file containing depth and velocity values
drfile= file containing depth and density values
dfile= file containing depth values
vfile= file containing velocity log values
rhofile= file containing density log values
nval= number of triplets of d,v,r values if dvrfile is set,
number of pairs of d,v and d,r values dvfile and drfile
are set, or number of values if dfile, vfile, and rhofile
are set.
Optional Parameters:
dtout=.004 desired time sampling interval (sec) in output
ntr=1 number of traces to output
The format of the input file(s) is C-style binary float. These files
may be constructed from ascii file via:
a2b n1=3 < dvrfile.ascii > dvrfile.bin
a2b n1=2 < dvfile.ascii > dvfile.bin
a2b n1=2 < drfile.ascii > drfile.bin
a2b n1=1 < dfile.ascii > dfile.bin
a2b n1=1 < vfile.ascii > dfile.bin
a2b n1=1 < rhofile.ascii > rhofile.bin
A raw normal-incidence impedence reflectivity as a function of time is
is generated using the smallest two-way traveltime implied by the
input velocities as the time sampling interval. This raw reflectivity
trace is then resampled to the desired output time sampling interval
via 8 point sinc interpolation. If the number of samples on the output
exceeds SU_NFLTS the output trace will be truncated to that value.
This program is really only a first rough attempt at creating a well
log utility. User input and modifications are welcome.
See also: suresamp
Author: CWP: John Stockwell, Summer 2001, updated Summer 2002.
inspired by a project by GP grad student Leo Brown

User's notes (Juan Lorenzo) untested


Import packages

instantiation of packages

Encapsulated hash of private variables

sub Step

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub note

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub clear

sub dfile

sub drfile

sub dtout

sub dvfile

sub dvrfile

sub n1

sub ntr

sub nval

sub rhofile

sub vfile

sub get_max_index

max index = number of input variables -1