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Class::Simple - Simple Object-Oriented Base Class


  package Foo:
  use base qw(Class::Simple);

	Foo->privatize(qw(attrib1 attrib2)); # ...or not.
  my $obj = Foo->new();

  $obj->attrib(1);     # The same as...
  $obj->set_attrib(1); # ...this.

  my $var = $obj->get_attrib(); # The same as...
  $var = $obj->attrib;          # ...this.

  $obj->raise_attrib(); # The same as...
  $obj->set_attrib(1);  # ...this.

  $obj->clear_attrib();    # The same as...
  $obj->set_attrib(undef); # ...this
  $obj->attrib(undef);     # ...and this.


  sub foo
  my $self = shift;
  my $value = shift;


  my $str = Storable::freeze($obj);
  # Save $str to a file
  # Read contents of file into $new_str
  $new_obj = Storable::thaw($new_str);

  sub BUILD
  my $self = shift;

    # Various initializations


This is a simple object-oriented base class. There are plenty of others that are much more thorough and whatnot but sometimes I want something simple so I can get just going (no doubt because I am a simple guy) so I use this.

What do I mean by simple? First off, I don't want to have to list out all my methods beforehand. I just want to use them (Yeah, yeah, it doesn't catch typos...well, by default--see ATTRIBUTES() below). Next, I want to be able to call my methods by $obj->foo(1) or $obj->set_foo(1), by $obj->foo() or $obj->get_foo(). Don't tell ME I have to use get_ and set_ (I would just override that restriction in Class::Std anyway). Simple!

I did want some neat features, though, so these are inside-out objects (meaning the object isn't simply a hash so you can't just go in and muck with attributtes outside of methods), privatization of methods is supported, as is serialization out and back in again.

It's important to note, though, that one does not have to use the extra features to use Class::Simple. All you need to get going is:

package MyPackage;
use base qw(Class::Simple);

And that's it. To use it?:

use MyPackage;

my $obj = MyPackage->new();

Heck, you don't even need that much:

use Class::Simple;

my $obj = Class::Simple->new();

Why would you want to use a (not quite) anonymous object? Well, you can use it to simulate the interface of a class to do some testing and debugging.

Garbage Collection

Garbage collection is handled automatically by Class::Simple. The only thing the user has to worry about is cleaning up dangling and circular references.


my $a = Foo->new();
	my $b = Foo->new();
	$a->next = $b;
print $a->next->yell;

Even though $b goes out of scope when the block exits, $a-next()> still refers to it so DESTROY is never called on $b and "Ouch!" is printed. Why is $a referring to an out-of-scope object in the first place? Programmer error--there is only so much that Class::Simple can fix :-).


Class Methods

new([attr => val...])

Returns the object and calls BUILD().

If key/value pairs are included, the keys will be treated as attributes and the values will be used to initialize its respective attribute.

privatize(qw(method1 method2 ...)

Mark the given methods as being private to the class. They will only be accessible to the class or its ancestors. Make sure this is called before you start instantiating objects. It should probably be put in a BEGIN or INIT block.

Optional User-defined Methods


If there is initialization that you would like to do after an object is created, this is the place to do it.


If this is defined in a class, new() will not work for that class. You can use this in an abstract class when only concrete classes descended from the abstract class should have new().


If you want to write your own DESTROY, don't. Do it here in DEMOLISH, which will be called by DESTROY.


Did I say we can't catch typos? Well, that's only partially true. If this is defined in your class, it needs to return an array of attribute names. If it is defined, only the attributes returned will be allowed to be used. Trying to get or set an attribute not in the list will be a fatal error. Note that this is an optional method. You do not have to define your attributes ahead of time to use Class::Simple. This provides an optional layer of error-checking.

Object Methods


I lied above when I wrote that new() called BUILD(). It really calls init() and init() calls BUILD(). Actually, it calls all the BUILD()s of all the ancestor classes (in a recursive, left-to-right fashion). If, for some reason, you do not want to do that, simply write your own init() and this will be short-circuited.


The class this object was blessed in. Really used for internal housekeeping but I might as well let you know about it in case it would be helpful. It is readonly (see below).


See Serialization below.


See Serialization below.

If you want an attribute named "foo", just start using the following (no pre-declaration is needed):


Without any parameters, it returns the value of foo. With a parameter, it sets foo to the value of the parameter and returns it. Even if that value is undef.


Returns the value of foo.


Sets foo to the value of the given parameter and returns it.


The idea is that if foo is a flag, this raises the flag by setting foo to 1 and returns it.


Set foo to undef and returns it.


Set foo to the given value, then disallow any further changing of foo. Returns the value.


If you have an attribute foo but you want to override the default method, you can use _foo to keep the data. That way you don't have to roll your own way of storing the data, possibly breaking inside-out. Underscore methods are automatically privatized. Also works as set__foo and get__foo.


There are hooks here to work with Storable to serialize objects. To serialize a Class::Simple-derived object:

use Storable;

my $serialized = Storable::freeze($obj);

To reconstitute an object saved with freeze():

my $new_obj = Storable::thaw($serialized_str);


If an ancestor class has a foo attribute, children cannot have their own foo. They get their parent's foo.

I don't actually have a need for DUMP and SLURP but I thought they would be nice to include. If you know how I can make them useful for someone who would actually use them, let me know.


Class::Std is an excellent introduction to the concept of inside-out objects in Perl (they are referred to as the "flyweight pattern" in Damian Conway's Object Oriented Perl). Many things here, like the name DEMOLISH(), were shamelessly stolen from it. Standing on the shoulders of giants and all that.



Michael Sullivan, <>


Copyright (C) 2007 by Michael Sullivan

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.