FTN::Pkt - a module to make FTN-style mail packets


my $pkt = new FTN::Pkt (
    fromaddr => '2:9999/999.128',
    toaddr   => '2:9999/999',
    password => 'password',
    inbound  => '/var/spool/fido/inbound'
my $msg = new FTN::Msg(
    fromname => 'Vassily Poupkine',
    toname   => 'Poupa Vassilyev',
    subj     => 'Hello',
    text     => "Hi, Poupa!\n\nHow do you do?\n\n--\nVassily",
    fromaddr => '2:9999/999.128',
    origin   => 'My cool origin',
    tearline => '/usr/bin/perl',
    area     => 'poupa.local',
    reply    => '2:9999/999.1 fedcba987',
    date     => 1210918822,                    # unixtime format
    pid      => 'Super-Duper Editor v0.01',
    tid      => 1


This module can be used to make FTN-style mail packets. Either echomail or netmail are supported. You can specify @REPLY cludge. @MSGID may be auto-generated or specified manually.

If area present then message treated as echomail. Othervise it becomes netmail (toaddr required).

FTN::Msg methods


A constructor. Some initialization parameters can be passed via %hash. Possible ones are: fromaddr toaddr fromname toname tearline origin subj text area msgid reply pid tid date.

All parameters are text but tid is boolean. If true then @TID cludge will be added to message.


Changes the message. See FTN::Msg::new for parameters allowed.


Generates @MSGID, sets it inside the message and and returns it. Possible parameter is only second part of @MSGID, without source address. If parameter omitted then all @MSGID parts will be auto-generated. Auto-generation method use unixtime as basis, so don't allow more than one process to generate @MSGIDs in the same time.


Returns string representation of message. For debugging.

FTN::Pkt methods


A constructor. Some initialization parameters can be passed via %hash. Possible ones are: fromaddr toaddr password inbound


Changes the packet. See FTN::Pkt::new for parameters allowed.


Adds a message to the packet. $msg must be a reference to FTN::Msg object.


Writes the packet to a disk into inbound directory. Filename is auto-generated. Don't allow more than one process to write at the same time. Returns resulting filename.


CP866 codepage is hardcoded.


FTN::OS_features module required (included in this package).

Supported platforms: UNIX and Win32 have been tested. All others may work or not.


Copyright 2008 Dmitry V. Kolvakh

This library is free software. You may copy or redistribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Dmitry V. Kolvakh aka Keu
