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Redis::RdbParser - Redis rdb dump file parser


version 0.05


use Redis::RdbParser;

$parser = new Redis::RdbParser;
# or
my $callbacks = {
    "start_rdb"         => \&start_rdb,
    "start_database"    => \&start_database,
    "key"               => \&key,
    "set"               => \&set,
    "start_hash"        => \&start_hash,
    "hset"              => \&hset,
    "end_hash"          => \&end_hash,
    "start_set"         => \&start_set,
    "sadd"              => \&sadd,
    "end_set"           => \&end_set,
    "start_list"        => \&start_list,
    "rpush"             => \&rpush,
    "end_list"          => \&end_list,
    "start_sorted_set"  => \&start_sorted_set,
    "zadd"              => \&zadd,
    "end_sorted_set"    => \&end_sorted_set,
    "end_database"      => \&end_database,
    "end_rdb"           => \&end_rdb,
$parser = new Redis::RdbParser($callbacks);

# or 
my $filter = {
    'dbs' => [0, 1],
    'keys' => ['^foo$', '^bar'],
    'types' => ["hash", "set"],
$parser->parse($filename, $filter);


Redis::RdbParser is a parser for Redis' rdb dump files. The parser generates events similar to an xml sax parser.


The dump file is parsed sequentially. As and when objects are discovered, appropriate callbacks would be invoked. You can set the callback item `undef` if you don't care it.

sub start_rdb {
    my $filename = shift;
    # fill your code

Called once we know we are dealing with a valid Redis dump file.

sub start_database {
    my $db_number = shift;
    # fill your code

Called to indicate the start of database `db_number`. Once a database starts, another database cannot start unless the first one completes and then `end_database` callback is called.

sub key {
    my $key = shift;
    # fill your code

Called to indicate a key readed in the parsing process.

sub set {
    my ($key, $value, $expiry) = @_;
    # fill your code

Callback to handle a key with a string value and an optional expiry.

sub start_hash {
    my ($key, $length, $expiry, $info) = @_;
    # fill your code

Callback to handle the start of a hash.

After `start_hash`, the callback `hset` will be called with this `key` exactly `length` times.

After that, the `end_hash` callback will be called.

sub hset {
    my ($key, $field, $value) = @_;
    # fill your code

Callback to insert a field=value pair in an existing hash.

sub end_hash {
    my $key = shift;
    # fill your code

Called when there are no more elements in the hash.

sub start_set {
    my ($key, $length, $expiry, $info) = @_;
    # fill your code

Callback to handle the start of the set.

After `start_set`, the callback `sadd` will be called with `key` exactly `length` times.

After that, the callback `end_set` will be called to indicate the end of the set.

sub sadd {
    my ($key, $member) = @_;
    # fill your code

Callback to insert a new member to this set.

sub end_set {
    my ($key) = @_;
    # fill your code

Called when there are no more elements in this set.

sub start_list {
    my ($key, $length, $expiry, $info) = @_;
    # fill your code

Callback to handle the start of a list.

After `start_list`, the callback `rpush` will be called with `key` exactly `length` times.

After that, the `end_list` method will be called to indicate the end of the list.

sub rpush {
    my ($key, $value) = @_;
    # fill your code

Callback to insert a new value into this list.

sub end_list {
    my ($key) = @_;
    # fill your code

Called when there are no more elements in this list.

sub start_sorted_set {
    my ($key, $length, $expiry) = @_;
    # fill your code

Callback to handle the start of a sorted set.

After `start_sorted_set`, the callback `zadd' will called with `key` exactly `length` times.

Also, `zadd` will be called in a sorted order, so as to preserve the ordering of this sorted set.

After that, the callback `end_sorted_set` will be called to indicate the end of this sorted set.

sub zadd {
    my ($key, $score, $member) = @_;
    # fill your code

Callback to insert a new value into this sorted set.

sub end_sorted_set {
    my ($key) = @_;
    # fill your code

Called when there are no more elements in this sorted set.

sub end_database {
    my $db_number = shift;
    # fill your code

Called when the current database ends

After `end_database`, one of the callbacks are called:

1) `start_database` with a new database number

2) `end_rdb` to indicate we have reached the end of the file

sub end_rdb {
    my $filename = shift;
    # fill your code

Called to indicate we have completed parsing of the dump file.


filter is a reference with the following keys:

    $filter = {
        "dbs"   => [0, 1],              # db number
        "keys"  => ['^foo$', '^bar'],   # keys regular expression
        "types" => ["string", "hash", "list", "set", "sorted set"],


The filter will NOT affect `start_rdb`, `end_rdb`, `start_database`, `end_database`, and `key` callbacks.

If filter is undef, results will not be filtered.

The keys in filter is processed as regular expression.

If dbs, keys or types is undef, no filtering will be done on the axis.



FengGu, <>


Copyright (C) 2012 by FengGu

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.