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WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient - Library to communicate with the insanely fast HEXONET Backend API.


This module helps to integrate the communication with the HEXONET Backend System. To be used in the way:

    use 5.030;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use WebService::Hexonet::Connector;

    # Create a connection with the URL, entity, login and password
    # Use " 1234 " as entity for the OT&E, and " 54 cd " for productive use
    # Don't have a Hexonet Account yet? Get one here:

    # create a new instance
    my $cl = WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient->new();

    # set credentials
    $cl->setCredentials('test.user', 'test.passw0rd');

    # or instead set role credentials
    # $cl->setRoleCredentials('test.user', 'testrole', 'test.passw0rd');

    # set your outgoing ip address (to be used in case ip filter settings is active)

    # specify the HEXONET Backend System to use
    # LIVE System
    # or OT&E System

    # ---------------------------
    # SESSION-based communication
    # ---------------------------
    $r = $cl->login();
    # or if 2FA is active, provide your otp code by
    # $cl->login(" 12345678 ");
    if ($r->isSuccess()) {
        # use saveSession for your needs
        # to apply the API session to your frontend session.
        # For later reuse (no need to specify credentials and otp code)
        # within every request to your frontend server,
        # rebuild the session by using reuseSession method accordingly.
        # No need to provide credentials, no need to select a system,
        # nor to provide a otp code further on.

        $r = $cl->request({ COMMAND: 'StatusAccount' });
        # further logic, further commands

        # perform logout, you may check the result as shown with the login method

    # -------------------------
    # SESSIONless communication
    # -------------------------
    $r = $cl->request({ COMMAND: 'StatusAccount' });

	# -------------------------------------
	# Working with returned Response object
	# -------------------------------------
	# Display the result in the format you want
	my $res;
	$res = $r->getListHash());
	$res = $r->getHash();
	$res = $r->getPlain();

	# Get the response code and the response description
	my $code = $r->getCode();
	my $description = $r->getDescription();

	print "$code$description ";

	# There are further useful methods that help to access data
	# like getColumnIndex, getColumn, getRecord, etc.
	# Check the method documentation below.

See the documented methods for deeper information.


This library is used to provide all functionality to be able to communicate with the HEXONET Backend System.



Returns a new WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance.


Activates the debug mode. Details of the API communication are put to STDOUT. Like API command, POST data, API plain-text response. Debug mode is inactive by default. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.


Deactivates the debug mode. Debug mode is inactive by default. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

getPOSTData( $command, $secured )

Get POST data fields ready to use for HTTP communication based on LWP::UserAgent. Specify the API command for the request by $command. Specify if password data has to be replaced with asterix to secure it for output purposes by $secured. Optional. This method is internally used by the request method. Returns a hash.


Returns the configured Proxy URL to use for API communication as string.


Returns the configured HTTP Header `Referer` value to use for API communication as string.


Returns the API session in use as string.


Returns the url in use pointing to the Backend System to communicate with, as string.


Returns the user-agent string.


Returns the SDK version currently in use as string.

saveSession( $sessionhash )

Save the current API session data into a given session hash object. This might help you to add the backend system session into your frontend session. Use reuseSession method to set a new instance of this module to that session. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

reuseSession( $sessionhash )

Reuse API session data that got previously saved into the given session hash object by method saveSession. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

setURL( $url )

Set a different backend system url to be used for communication. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

setOTP( $otpcode )

Set your otp code. To be used in case of active 2FA. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

setProxy( $proxy )

Set the Proxy URL to use for API communication. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

setReferer( $referer )

Set the HTTP Header `Referer` value to use for API communication. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

setSession( $sessionid )

Set the API session id to use. Automatically handled after successful session login based on method login or loginExtended. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

setRemoteIPAddress( $ip )

Set the outgoing ip address to be used in API communication. Use this in case of an active IP filter setting for your account. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

setCredentials( $user, $pw )

Set the credentials to use in API communication. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

setRoleCredentials( $user, $role, $pw)

Set the role user credentials to use in API communication. NOTE: the role user specified by $role has to be directly assigned to the specified account specified by $user. The specified password $pw belongs to the role user, not to the account. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

setUserAgent( $str, $rv, $modules )

Set a custom user agent header. This is useful for tools that use our SDK. Specify the client label in $str and the revision number in $rv. Specify further libraries in use by array $modules. This is optional. Entry Format: "modulename/version". Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining .

login( $otpcode )

Perform a session login. Entry point for the session-based communication. You may specify your OTP code by $otpcode. Returns an instance of WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response.

loginExtended( $params, $otpcode )

Perform a session login. Entry point for the session-based communication. You may specify your OTP code by $otpcode. Specify additional command parameter for API command " StartSession " in Hash $params. Possible parameters can be found in the API Documentation for StartSession. Returns an instance of WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response.


Perfom a session logout. This destroys the API session. Returns an instance of WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response.

request( $command )

Requests the given API Command $command to the Backend System. Returns an instance of WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response.

requestNextResponsePage( $lastresponse )

Requests the next response page for the provided api response $lastresponse. Returns an instance of WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response.

requestAllResponsePages( $command )

Requests all response pages for the specified command. NOTE: this might take some time. Requests are not made in parallel! Returns an array of instances of WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response.

setUserView( $subuser )

Activate read/write Data View on the specified subuser account. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.


Reset the data view activated by setUserView. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.


Use the Default Setup to connect to our backend systems. This is the default! Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.


Use the High Performance Connection Setup to connect to our backend systems. This is not the default! Read for Details. Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.


Use the LIVE Backend System as communication endpoint. Usage may lead to costs. BUT - are system is a prepaid system. As long as you don't have charged your account, you cannot order. This is the default! Returns the current WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient instance in use for method chaining.

_flattenCommand( $cmd )

Private method. Converts all keys of the given hash into upper case letters and flattens parameters using nested arrays to string parameters. Returns the new command.

_autoIDNConvert( $cmd )

Private method. Converts all affected parameter values to punycode as our API only works with punycode domain names, not with IDN. Returns the new command.


This program is licensed under the MIT License.