Tk::IDEtabFrame - Tabbed Notebook Widget for a IDE Environment


    use Tk::IDEtabFrame;

    $TabbedFrame = $widget->IDEtabFrame
        # Tk::DynaTabFrame Options:
        -font => $font,
        -raisecmd => \&raise_callback,
        -raisecolor => 'green',
        -tabclose => sub { 
                my ($dtf, $caption) = @_; 
        -tabcolor => 'yellow',
        -tabcurve => 2,
        -tablock => undef,
        -tabpadx => 5,
        -tabpady => 5,
        -tabrotate => 1,
        -tabside => 'nw',
        -tabscroll => undef,
        -textalign => 1,
        -tiptime => 600,
        -tipcolor => 'yellow',
        # Additional Options added by IDEtabFrame
        -raisedfg => 'black',
        -raisedActivefg => 'red',
        -raisedCloseButtonfg => 'black',
        -raisedCloseButtonbg => 'lightgrey',
        -raisedCloseButtonActivefg => 'red',
        -raisedCloseButtonActivebg => 'white',
        -noraisedfg => 'grey60',
        -noraisedActivefg => 'black',
        -noraisedCloseButtonfg => 'lightgrey',
        -noraisedCloseButtonbg => 'white',
        -noraisedCloseButtonActivefg => 'red',
        -noraisedCloseButtonActivebg => 'white',
        [normal frame options...],


This is a subclass of the Tk::DynaTabFrame widget that adds some additional options that affect the appearance and behaviour for use as part of a Integrated Development Environment (IDE), similar to Eclipse, etc.


Tabs can be dragged to the tab-frame area of other (or the same) IDEtabFrame widget. This will move the dragged tab and widget to the new IDEtabFrame widget.

Tabs can also be dragged outside the widget to become separate Tool-Windows. These windows can be dragged from a drag-area at the top of the Tool-Window and dropped back into a IDEtabFrame widget.


In addition to the options from the parent class Tk::DynaTabFrame, this widget provides the following options:


Foreground color of the notebook tab that has been raised.


Active foreground color (i.e. the color when the mouse hovers over it) of the notebook tab that has been raised.


Foreground color of the Close button (i.e. the 'X') for the raised tab.


Background color of the Close button for the raised tab.


Active foreground color (i.e. the color when the mouse hovers over it) of the Close button for the raised tab.


Active background color (i.e. the color when the mouse hovers over it) of the Close button for the raised tab.


Foreground color of the notebook tabs that have not been raised.


Active foreground color (i.e. the color when the mouse hovers over it) of the notebook tabs not raised.


Foreground color of the Close button (i.e. the 'X') for the tabs not raised.


Background color of the Close button for tabs not raised.


Active foreground color (i.e. the color when the mouse hovers over it) of the Close button for the tabs not raised.


Active background color (i.e. the color when the mouse hovers over it) of the Close button for the tabs not raised.


Array Ref of default options used to create new tab-frames. Defaults to

  (-relief => 'flat', -bg => 'steelblue4', -bd => 2)

Optional Callback (i.e. subref) to execute after when the last tab is deleted. This can be used to perform cleanup, remove/unpack the tabframe from the parent display, etc.



Tk::Photo object of the image displayed when dragging data. Optional.


Tk::DropSite object of attached to the tab frame for the notebook widget. This provides a drop target for dropping other widgets into the notebook as new tabs.


Tk::IDEdragShadow object used to show drag/drop drop targets.


Array Refs of callbacks to execute at the end of a drag operation. Typically this will be set to delete or add a tab to the dialog after a drag operation has been completed.


Flag = 1 if we are currently in a drag operation for this object.

Class Data


Hash of objects. Since the Tk Drag/Drop mechanism only supports passing strings around, this hash is used as a "dropbox" where the source can put a object in this hash, key'ed by a text name. This name is passed to the target (i.e. the drop location). The target can use the string to lookup the real object in this hash.



Over-ridden method to create tabs.

Calls the parent tabCreate, then applies extra look options


Over-ridden method to raise a tab

Calls the parent TabRase, then applies extra look options


Method called with a drag operation starts. Changes drag cursor.


Method called when a drag operation end. Clears out the currentDrag class data.


Gets (and optionally sets) the value of the object's dragImage object


        $self->dragImage();    # Get dragImage
        $self->dragImage(...); # Set dragImage


Method called when dragging and the mouse pointer enters or leaves a drop area.


Method called when accepting a drop from a drag-drop operation


Method to configure a "toolwindow" so that it can be dragged back into a tab window.

Bindings are setup so moving the window just moves a frame.




Method called when a Tool-Window drag operation ends.

If not dropping back into a tab-frame, moves the toolwindow to the dragged position.


Overridden TabRemove method.

This calls the parent TabRemove and the calls the lastTabDeleteCallback if all the tabs have been deleted


Overridden tabclose method.

If the tabclose option is 1, this installs a callback to our TabRemove, rather than the default Tk::DynaTabFrame::TabRemove.

Because Tk::DynaTabFrame calls its TabRemove directly (Using \&TabRemove), rather than by a method call, this tabclose method is needed to call our overriden TabRemove method.

The default code ref installed here is called when the close button pressed on the tab. It explicitly destroys the widget contained in the tab. This is needed because the widgets in IDElayout are created as childs of the main widget, and not childs of the IDEtabframe widget. This is done so the widgets can be dragged around in the GUI.

Since the widgets are created as childs of the main window, and not the IDEtabframe tabs, just deleting the tab won't delete the widget. So we delete it manually here.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 180:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'