NAME - inspect only hard-coded dependencies of sets of perl files


Inspects the hard-coded dependencies of a set of perl files and prints a summary of which modules they use (by default not including inter-dependencies between the modules being inspected).

USAGE [options] [ path ... ]

If given any paths, inspects only the files in those paths. Defaults to inspecting all perl files in the current directory.



If set, also print internal dependencies, i.e. the inter-dependencies between the files we are inspecting.


If set, print the dependencies in a format suitable for cutting and pasting directly into a Build.PL (i.e. Module::Build)


If set, print the dependencies in a format suitable for cutting and pasting directly into a Makefile.PL (i.e. Module::Install)


If set, print the dependencies in a format suitable for cutting and pasting directly into a dist.ini (i.e. Dist::Zilla). Although, if you're using Dist::Zilla, you probably have it configured to be auto-discovering deps, and it will find the same deps as this script.


Robert Buels,