The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
    for my $file ($dh->read) {
        next unless $file =~ /\.xs$/;
        push @xs_names, module_name_from_xs("$dir/$file");
        push @xs_files, $file;
        unless ($mani_src{"$dir/$file"}) {
            cp "$dir/$file", $d;
            print "Adding module `$xs_names[-1]' to httpd\n";
    #print "XS_NAMES=@xs_names\n";
    #print "XS_FILES=@xs_files\n";

    #XXX think about this some more
    iedit $mf, "s/^#STATIC_SRC.*/STATIC_SRC = @xs_files/";
    iedit $mf, "s/^#STATIC_EXTS.*/STATIC_EXTS = @xs_names/";

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1513:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 5 lines of content