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Net::LDAP -- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol


 use Net::LDAP;
 $ldap = Net::LDAP->new('') or die "$@";
 $ldap->bind ;    # an anonymous bind
 $mesg = $ldap->search (  # perform a search
                        base   => "c=US",
                        filter => "(&(sn=Barr) (o=Texas Instruments))"
 $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
 foreach $entry ($mesg->all_entries) { $entry->dump; }
 $ldap->unbind;   # take down session
 $ldap = Net::LDAP->new('');
 $ldap->bind (   # bind to a directory with dn and password
              dn       => 'cn=root, o=University of Michigan, c=us',
              password => 'secret'
 $result = $ldap->add (
               dn   => 'cn = Barbara Jensen, o=University of Michigan, c=us',
               attr => [ 'cn'   => ['Barbara Jensen', 'Barbs Jensen'],
                         'sn    => 'Jensen',
                         'mail' => '',
                         'objectclass' => ['top', 'person',
                                           'inetOrgPerson' ],
 $result->code && warn "failed to add entry: ", $result->error ;


Net::LDAP is a collection of modules that implements a LDAP services API for Perl programs. The module may be used to search directories or perform maintenance functions such as add, deleting or modify entries in an LDAP directory.

This document assumes that the reader has some knowledge of the LDAP protocol.


new ( HOST [, OPTIONS ] )

Creates a new Net::LDAP object and opens a connection to the named host. OPTIONS is a list of key-value pairs, valid options are :-


Port to connect to on the remote server.


Timeout passed to IO::Socket when connecting the remote server. (Default: 120)


If passed a non-zero value then debug data will be sent to STDERR. The bits of this value are :-

 1   Show outgoing packets.
 2   Show incoming packets.

Perform all operations asynchronously if passed a true value.


  $ldap = Net::LDAP->new('', async => 1);


Each of the following methods take as arguments some number of fixed parameters followed by options, these options are passed in a named fashion, for example

  $mesg = $ldap->bind( "me", password => "mypasswd");

The return value from these methods is an object derived from the Net::LDAP::Message class. The methods of this class allow you to examine the status of request.

abandon ( ID [, OPTIONS ] )

Request server to abandon a request. The id to abandon may be passed as the first parameter or as part of the options list. The ID may be a number or a object which is a sub-class of Net::LDAP::Message, returned from a previous method call.


This option is here for compatibility only, and may be removed in future. Previous releases did not take the ID argument which replaces this option.


See CONTROLS below




  $mesg = $ldap->search( @search_args );
  $ldap->abandon( $mesg ); # This could be written as $mesg->abandon
add ( DN [, OPTIONS ] )

Add an entry to the directory. The DN argument can be either a Net::LDAP::Entry object or a string.


This option is here for compatibility only, and may be removed in future. Previous releases did not take the DN argument which replaces this option.


This argument is a reference to a list of attribute-value pairs. Attributes with multiple values can be added as either multiple entries or the value could be a reference to a list of values.

This argument is not used if DN is a Net::LDAP::Entry object.


See CONTROLS below




  # $entry is an object of class Net::LDAP::Entry
  $mesg = $ldap->add( $entry );
  $mesg = $ldap->add( $DN,
    attrs => [
      name  => 'Graham Barr',
      attr  => 'value1',
      attr  => 'value2',
      multi => [qw(value1 value2)]
bind ( [ DN [, OPTIONS ]] )

Bind to the server. DN is the DN to bind as. An anonymous bind may be done by calling bind without any arguments.


This option is here for compatibility only, and may be removed in future. Previous releases did not take the DN argument which replaces this option.


See CONTROLS below



Only one of the following should be given, if none are given then noauth is assumed.


Bind without any password, the value passed with this option is ignored. This is the default if no password option is given.


Bind with the given password.


Bind using Kerberos V4.1 not supported.


Bind using Kerberos V4.2 not supported.


Bind using a SASL mechanism. The argument given should be a sub-class of Authen::SASL.


  $ldap->bind; # Anonymous bind
  $ldap->bind( $DN, password => $password);
  # $sasl is an object of class Authen::SASL
  $ldap->bind( $DN, sasl => $sasl, version => 3);
compare ( DN, OPTIONS )

Perform a comparison on the server. DN is the DN which the comparison is to be performed. DN May be a string or a Net::LDAP::Entry object.


This option is here for compatibility only, and may be removed in future. Previous releases did not take the DN argument which replaces this option.


The name of the attribute to compare.


The value to compare with.


See CONTROLS below.


See CALLBACKS below.


  $ldap->compare( $DN,
    attr  => 'cn',
    value => 'Graham Barr'
delete ( DN [, OPTIONS ] )

Delete DN from the server. DN May be a string or a Net::LDAP::Entry object.


This option is here for compatibility only, and may be removed in future. Previous releases did not take the DN argument which replaces this option.


See CONTROLS below.


See CALLBACKS below.


 $ldap->delete( $dn );
moddn ( DN, OPTIONS )

Modify the DN for DN on the server. DN May be a string or a Net::LDAP::Entry object.


This option is here for compatibility only, and may be removed in future. Previous releases did not take the DN argument which replaces this option.


This value should be a new RDN to assign to DN.


This value should be true if the existing RDN is to be deleted.


If given this value should be the DN of the new superior for DN.


See CONTROLS below.


See CALLBACKS below.


 $ldap->moddn( $dn, newrdn => 'cn=Graham Barr');
modify ( DN, OPTIONS )

Modify the contents of DN on the server. DN May be a string or a Net::LDAP::Entry object.


This option is here for compatibility only, and may be removed in future. Previous releases did not take the DN argument which replaces this option.


The add option should be a reference to a HASH. The values of the HASH are the attributes to add, and the values may be a string or a reference to a list of values.


A reference to an ARRAY of attributes to delete or a reference to a HASH (as in add) if only specific values should be deleted. If the value for any attribute in the HASH is a reference to an empty ARRAY the all instances of the attribute will be deleted.


The <replace> option takes a argument in the same form as add, but will cause any existing attributes with the same name to be replaced. If the value for any attribute in the HASH is a reference to an empty ARRAY the all instances of the attribute will be deleted.


This is an alternative to add, delete and replace where the whole operation can be given in a single argument. The argument should be a reference to an ARRAY.

Values in the ARRAY are used in pairs, the first is the operation add, delete or replace and the second is a reference to an ARRAY of attribute values.

The attribute value list is also used in pairs. The first value in each pair is the attribute name and the second is a reference to a list of values.

Use this form if you want to control the order in which the operations will be performed.


See CONTROLS below.


See CALLBACKS below.


 $ldap->modify( $dn, add => { sn => 'Barr' } );
 $ldap->modify( $dn, delete => [qw(faxNumber)]);
 $ldap->modify( $dn, delete => { 'telephoneNumber' => '911' });
 $ldap->modify( $dn, replace => { 'email' => '' });
 $ldap->modify( $dn,
   changes => [
     add     => [ sn => 'Barr' ],              # Add sn=Barr
     delete  => [ faxNumber => []],            # Delete all fax numbers
     delete  => [ telephoneNumber => ['911']], # delete phone number 911
     replace => [ email => '']  # change email address
search ( OPTIONS )

The search method will return an object of class Net::LDAP::Search.


The base DN to start the search.


The scope for the search. This can be one of base, one or sub or it can be the numeric value for each of these 0,1,2 respectively. The default is sub.


What to do when a reference is found. This value can be one of never, search, find or always. Or it can be the numeric value fro each of these. The default is find.


Set the size limit for the response. zero means no limit. The default is no limit.


Set the time limit for the response. zero means no limit. The default is no limit.


If true then only the attribute type will be returned. Default is false.


The filter to use for the search. This may be a string or a <Net::LDAP::Filter> object.


A reference to a list of attributes to be returned from the server. If not specified, then the server will return the attributes that are specified as accessible by default given your bind credentials.

Certain additional attributes such as "createtimestamp" and other operational attributes may also be available for the asking:

  $ldap->search( ... , attrs => ['createtimestamp'] , ... );

To retreive the default attributes and additional ones, use '*'.

  $ldap->search( ... , attrs => ['*', 'createtimestamp'] , ... );

See CONTROLS below.


See CALLBACKS below.


 $mesg = $ldap->search(
   base   => $base_dn,
   scope  => 'sub',
   filter => '(|(objectclass=rfc822mailgroup)(sn=jones))'

The unbind method does not take any parameters and will unbind you from the server. While some servers may allow you to re-bind or perform other operations after unbinding, the only portable operation is closing the connection. In the case that you wish to switch to another set of credentials while continuing to use the same connection, re-binding with another DN and password, without unbind-ing, will generally work.



The following methods are for convenience.


Returns true if the LDAP operations are being performed asynchronously.

debug ( [ VALUE ] )

If VALUE is given the debug bit-value will be set to VALUE and the previous value will be returned. If not given the bit-value will remain unchanged and will be returned.

sync ( [ MESG ] )

Calling this method will synchronize the client with the server. It will not return until all requests have been completed, or id MESG is given it will return when MESG has been completed.

Returns an error code defined in Net::LDAP::Constant.


Returns the version of the LDAP protocol that is being used.


Many of the methods described above accept a control option. This allows the user to pass controls to the server as described in LDAPv3. The value to the control argument may be either a HASH reference to a reference to an array of HASH references.

The HASH, or each HASH in the array may contain three elements.


This element must be present and is the name of the type of control being requested.


critical is optional and should be a boolean value, if it is not specified then it is assumed to be false.


If the control being requested requires a value then this element should hold the value for the server.


Most of the above commands accept a callback option. This option should be a reference to a subroutine. This subroutine will be called for each packet received from the server as a response to the request sent.

When the subroutine is called the first argument will be the Net::LDAP::Message object which was returned from the method.

If the request is a search then multiple packets can be received from the server. Each entry is received as a separate packet. For each of these the subroutine will be called with a Net::LDAP::Entry object as the second argument.

During a search the server may also send a list of references. When such a list is received then the subroutine will be called with a Net::LDAP::Reference object as the second argument.


Net::LDAP also exports constants for the error codes that can be received from the server, see Net::LDAP::Constant.


Net::LDAP::BER, Net::LDAP::Constant, Net::LDAP::Entry, Net::LDAP::Filter, Net::LDAP::Message, Net::LDAP::Reference, Net::LDAP::Search, URI::URL::ldap,

The LDAP protocol is defined in the following RFC's


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3).


Attribute Syntax Definitions.


UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names.


The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters.


The LDAP URL Format.


A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3.

The homepage for the perl-ldap modules can be found at


This document is based on a document originally written by Russell Fulton <>.

Chris Ridd for the many hours spent testing and contribution of the ldap* command line utilities.


Graham Barr <>

Please report any bugs, or post any suggestions, to the perl-ldap mailing list <>.


Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Graham Barr. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.