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Paws::EMR::RunJobFlow - Arguments for method RunJobFlow on Paws::EMR


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method RunJobFlow on the Amazon Elastic MapReduce service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method RunJobFlow.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to RunJobFlow.


    my $elasticmapreduce = Paws->service('EMR');
    my $RunJobFlowOutput = $elasticmapreduce->RunJobFlow(
      Instances => {
        AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups => [
          'MyXmlStringMaxLen256', ...    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        ],                               # OPTIONAL
        AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups => [
          'MyXmlStringMaxLen256', ...    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        ],                               # OPTIONAL
        Ec2KeyName   => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        Ec2SubnetId  => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        Ec2SubnetIds => [
          'MyXmlStringMaxLen256', ...              # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        ],                                         # OPTIONAL
        EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup =>
          'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',                  # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup =>
          'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',                  # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        HadoopVersion  => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',  # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        InstanceCount  => 1,                       # OPTIONAL
        InstanceFleets => [
            InstanceFleetType   => 'MASTER',       # values: MASTER, CORE, TASK
            InstanceTypeConfigs => [
                InstanceType => 'MyInstanceType',          # min: 1, max: 256
                BidPrice     => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
                BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice => 1,
                Configurations                      => [
                    Classification => 'MyString',
                    Configurations => <ConfigurationList>,
                    Properties     => { 'MyString' => 'MyString', },  # OPTIONAL
                ],                                                    # OPTIONAL
                EbsConfiguration => {
                  EbsBlockDeviceConfigs => [
                      VolumeSpecification => {
                        SizeInGB   => 1,                              # OPTIONAL
                        VolumeType => 'MyString',
                        Iops       => 1,                              # OPTIONAL
                      VolumesPerInstance => 1,                        # OPTIONAL
                  ],                                                  # OPTIONAL
                  EbsOptimized => 1,                                  # OPTIONAL
                },    # OPTIONAL
                WeightedCapacity => 1,    # OPTIONAL
            ],                            # OPTIONAL
            LaunchSpecifications => {
              SpotSpecification => {
                TimeoutAction => 'SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND'
                ,    # values: SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND, TERMINATE_CLUSTER
                TimeoutDurationMinutes => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                BlockDurationMinutes   => 1,    # OPTIONAL

            },    # OPTIONAL
            Name => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
            TargetOnDemandCapacity => 1,       # OPTIONAL
            TargetSpotCapacity     => 1,       # OPTIONAL
        ],                                     # OPTIONAL
        InstanceGroups => [
            InstanceCount     => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
            InstanceRole      => 'MASTER',          # values: MASTER, CORE, TASK
            InstanceType      => 'MyInstanceType',  # min: 1, max: 256
            AutoScalingPolicy => {
              Constraints => {
                MaxCapacity => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
                MinCapacity => 1,                   # OPTIONAL

              Rules => [
                  Action => {
                    SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration => {
                      ScalingAdjustment => 1,                     # OPTIONAL
                      AdjustmentType    => 'CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY'
                      CoolDown => 1,    # OPTIONAL
                    Market => 'ON_DEMAND',   # values: ON_DEMAND, SPOT; OPTIONAL
                  Name    => 'MyString',
                  Trigger => {
                    CloudWatchAlarmDefinition => {
                      ComparisonOperator => 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL'
                      MetricName => 'MyString',
                      Period     => 1,            # OPTIONAL
                      Threshold  => 1,
                      Dimensions => [
                          Key   => 'MyString',
                          Value => 'MyString',
                      ],                          # OPTIONAL
                      EvaluationPeriods => 1,               # OPTIONAL
                      Namespace         => 'MyString',
                      Statistic         => 'SAMPLE_COUNT'
                      , # values: SAMPLE_COUNT, AVERAGE, SUM, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM; OPTIONAL
                      Unit => 'NONE'

                  Description => 'MyString',

            },    # OPTIONAL
            BidPrice       => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
            Configurations => [
                Classification => 'MyString',
                Configurations => <ConfigurationList>,
                Properties     => { 'MyString' => 'MyString', },    # OPTIONAL
            ],                                                      # OPTIONAL
            EbsConfiguration => {
              EbsBlockDeviceConfigs => [
                  VolumeSpecification => {
                    SizeInGB   => 1,                                # OPTIONAL
                    VolumeType => 'MyString',
                    Iops       => 1,                                # OPTIONAL
                  VolumesPerInstance => 1,                          # OPTIONAL
              ],                                                    # OPTIONAL
              EbsOptimized => 1,                                    # OPTIONAL
            },    # OPTIONAL
            Market => 'ON_DEMAND',    # values: ON_DEMAND, SPOT; OPTIONAL
            Name => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        ],                                     # OPTIONAL
        KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
        MasterInstanceType          => 'MyInstanceType',    # min: 1, max: 256
        Placement                   => {
          AvailabilityZone  => 'MyXmlString',    # max: 10280; OPTIONAL
          AvailabilityZones => [
            'MyXmlStringMaxLen256', ...          # max: 256; OPTIONAL
          ],                                     # OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
        ServiceAccessSecurityGroup =>
          'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        SlaveInstanceType    => 'MyInstanceType',    # min: 1, max: 256
        TerminationProtected => 1,                   # OPTIONAL
      Name           => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',
      AdditionalInfo => 'MyXmlString',               # OPTIONAL
      AmiVersion     => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',      # OPTIONAL
      Applications   => [
          AdditionalInfo => { 'MyString' => 'MyString', },    # OPTIONAL
          Args           => [ 'MyString', ... ],              # OPTIONAL
          Name           => 'MyString',
          Version        => 'MyString',
      ],                                                      # OPTIONAL
      AutoScalingRole  => 'MyXmlString',                      # OPTIONAL
      BootstrapActions => [
          Name                  => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',  # max: 256; OPTIONAL
          ScriptBootstrapAction => {
            Path => 'MyXmlString',    # max: 10280; OPTIONAL
            Args => [
              'MyXmlString', ...      # max: 10280; OPTIONAL
            ],                        # OPTIONAL

      ],                              # OPTIONAL
      Configurations => [
          Classification => 'MyString',
          Configurations => <ConfigurationList>,
          Properties     => { 'MyString' => 'MyString', },    # OPTIONAL
      ],                                                      # OPTIONAL
      CustomAmiId        => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',           # OPTIONAL
      EbsRootVolumeSize  => 1,                                # OPTIONAL
      JobFlowRole        => 'MyXmlString',                    # OPTIONAL
      KerberosAttributes => {
        KdcAdminPassword     => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        Realm                => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        ADDomainJoinPassword => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        ADDomainJoinUser     => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
        CrossRealmTrustPrincipalPassword =>
          'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',                          # max: 256; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      LogUri               => 'MyXmlString',    # OPTIONAL
      NewSupportedProducts => [
          Args => [
            'MyXmlString', ...                  # max: 10280; OPTIONAL
          ],                                    # OPTIONAL
          Name => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',       # max: 256; OPTIONAL
      ],                                        # OPTIONAL
      ReleaseLabel          => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',          # OPTIONAL
      RepoUpgradeOnBoot     => 'SECURITY',                      # OPTIONAL
      ScaleDownBehavior     => 'TERMINATE_AT_INSTANCE_HOUR',    # OPTIONAL
      SecurityConfiguration => 'MyXmlString',                   # OPTIONAL
      ServiceRole           => 'MyXmlString',                   # OPTIONAL
      Steps                 => [
          HadoopJarStep => {
            Jar  => 'MyXmlString',    # max: 10280; OPTIONAL
            Args => [
              'MyXmlString', ...      # max: 10280; OPTIONAL
            ],                        # OPTIONAL
            MainClass  => 'MyXmlString',    # max: 10280; OPTIONAL
            Properties => [
                Key   => 'MyXmlString',     # max: 10280; OPTIONAL
                Value => 'MyXmlString',     # max: 10280; OPTIONAL
            ],                              # OPTIONAL
          Name            => 'MyXmlStringMaxLen256',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
          ActionOnFailure => 'TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW'
      ],    # OPTIONAL
      SupportedProducts => [
        'MyXmlStringMaxLen256', ...    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
      ],                               # OPTIONAL
      Tags => [
          Key   => 'MyString',
          Value => 'MyString',
      ],                               # OPTIONAL
      VisibleToAllUsers => 1,          # OPTIONAL

    # Results:
    my $JobFlowId = $RunJobFlowOutput->JobFlowId;

    # Returns a L<Paws::EMR::RunJobFlowOutput> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


AdditionalInfo => Str

A JSON string for selecting additional features.

AmiVersion => Str

Applies only to Amazon EMR AMI versions 3.x and 2.x. For Amazon EMR releases 4.0 and later, ReleaseLabel is used. To specify a custom AMI, use CustomAmiID.

Applications => ArrayRef[Paws::EMR::Application]

Applies to Amazon EMR releases 4.0 and later. A case-insensitive list of applications for Amazon EMR to install and configure when launching the cluster. For a list of applications available for each Amazon EMR release version, see the Amazon EMR Release Guide (

AutoScalingRole => Str

An IAM role for automatic scaling policies. The default role is EMR_AutoScaling_DefaultRole. The IAM role provides permissions that the automatic scaling feature requires to launch and terminate EC2 instances in an instance group.

BootstrapActions => ArrayRef[Paws::EMR::BootstrapActionConfig]

A list of bootstrap actions to run before Hadoop starts on the cluster nodes.

Configurations => ArrayRef[Paws::EMR::Configuration]

For Amazon EMR releases 4.0 and later. The list of configurations supplied for the EMR cluster you are creating.

CustomAmiId => Str

Available only in Amazon EMR version 5.7.0 and later. The ID of a custom Amazon EBS-backed Linux AMI. If specified, Amazon EMR uses this AMI when it launches cluster EC2 instances. For more information about custom AMIs in Amazon EMR, see Using a Custom AMI ( in the Amazon EMR Management Guide. If omitted, the cluster uses the base Linux AMI for the ReleaseLabel specified. For Amazon EMR versions 2.x and 3.x, use AmiVersion instead.

For information about creating a custom AMI, see Creating an Amazon EBS-Backed Linux AMI ( in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances. For information about finding an AMI ID, see Finding a Linux AMI (

EbsRootVolumeSize => Int

The size, in GiB, of the EBS root device volume of the Linux AMI that is used for each EC2 instance. Available in Amazon EMR version 4.x and later.

REQUIRED Instances => Paws::EMR::JobFlowInstancesConfig

A specification of the number and type of Amazon EC2 instances.

JobFlowRole => Str

Also called instance profile and EC2 role. An IAM role for an EMR cluster. The EC2 instances of the cluster assume this role. The default role is EMR_EC2_DefaultRole. In order to use the default role, you must have already created it using the CLI or console.

KerberosAttributes => Paws::EMR::KerberosAttributes

Attributes for Kerberos configuration when Kerberos authentication is enabled using a security configuration. For more information see Use Kerberos Authentication ( in the EMR Management Guide.

LogUri => Str

The location in Amazon S3 to write the log files of the job flow. If a value is not provided, logs are not created.

REQUIRED Name => Str

The name of the job flow.

NewSupportedProducts => ArrayRef[Paws::EMR::SupportedProductConfig]

For Amazon EMR releases 3.x and 2.x. For Amazon EMR releases 4.x and later, use Applications.

A list of strings that indicates third-party software to use with the job flow that accepts a user argument list. EMR accepts and forwards the argument list to the corresponding installation script as bootstrap action arguments. For more information, see "Launch a Job Flow on the MapR Distribution for Hadoop" in the Amazon EMR Developer Guide ( Supported values are:

  • "mapr-m3" - launch the cluster using MapR M3 Edition.

  • "mapr-m5" - launch the cluster using MapR M5 Edition.

  • "mapr" with the user arguments specifying "--edition,m3" or "--edition,m5" - launch the job flow using MapR M3 or M5 Edition respectively.

  • "mapr-m7" - launch the cluster using MapR M7 Edition.

  • "hunk" - launch the cluster with the Hunk Big Data Analtics Platform.

  • "hue"- launch the cluster with Hue installed.

  • "spark" - launch the cluster with Apache Spark installed.

  • "ganglia" - launch the cluster with the Ganglia Monitoring System installed.

ReleaseLabel => Str

The Amazon EMR release label, which determines the version of open-source application packages installed on the cluster. Release labels are in the form emr-x.x.x, where x.x.x is an Amazon EMR release version, for example, emr-5.14.0. For more information about Amazon EMR release versions and included application versions and features, see ( The release label applies only to Amazon EMR releases versions 4.x and later. Earlier versions use AmiVersion.

RepoUpgradeOnBoot => Str

Applies only when CustomAmiID is used. Specifies which updates from the Amazon Linux AMI package repositories to apply automatically when the instance boots using the AMI. If omitted, the default is SECURITY, which indicates that only security updates are applied. If NONE is specified, no updates are applied, and all updates must be applied manually.

Valid values are: "SECURITY", "NONE"

ScaleDownBehavior => Str

Specifies the way that individual Amazon EC2 instances terminate when an automatic scale-in activity occurs or an instance group is resized. TERMINATE_AT_INSTANCE_HOUR indicates that Amazon EMR terminates nodes at the instance-hour boundary, regardless of when the request to terminate the instance was submitted. This option is only available with Amazon EMR 5.1.0 and later and is the default for clusters created using that version. TERMINATE_AT_TASK_COMPLETION indicates that Amazon EMR blacklists and drains tasks from nodes before terminating the Amazon EC2 instances, regardless of the instance-hour boundary. With either behavior, Amazon EMR removes the least active nodes first and blocks instance termination if it could lead to HDFS corruption. TERMINATE_AT_TASK_COMPLETION available only in Amazon EMR version 4.1.0 and later, and is the default for versions of Amazon EMR earlier than 5.1.0.


SecurityConfiguration => Str

The name of a security configuration to apply to the cluster.

ServiceRole => Str

The IAM role that will be assumed by the Amazon EMR service to access AWS resources on your behalf.

Steps => ArrayRef[Paws::EMR::StepConfig]

A list of steps to run.

SupportedProducts => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

For Amazon EMR releases 3.x and 2.x. For Amazon EMR releases 4.x and later, use Applications.

A list of strings that indicates third-party software to use. For more information, see the Amazon EMR Developer Guide ( Currently supported values are:

  • "mapr-m3" - launch the job flow using MapR M3 Edition.

  • "mapr-m5" - launch the job flow using MapR M5 Edition.

Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::EMR::Tag]

A list of tags to associate with a cluster and propagate to Amazon EC2 instances.

VisibleToAllUsers => Bool

Whether the cluster is visible to all IAM users of the AWS account associated with the cluster. If this value is set to true, all IAM users of that AWS account can view and (if they have the proper policy permissions set) manage the cluster. If it is set to false, only the IAM user that created the cluster can view and manage it.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method RunJobFlow in Paws::EMR


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