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Paws::CognitoIdp::CreateUserPoolClient - Arguments for method CreateUserPoolClient on Paws::CognitoIdp


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method CreateUserPoolClient on the Amazon Cognito Identity Provider service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method CreateUserPoolClient.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to CreateUserPoolClient.


    my $cognito-idp = Paws->service('CognitoIdp');
    my $CreateUserPoolClientResponse = $cognito -idp->CreateUserPoolClient(
      ClientName        => 'MyClientNameType',
      UserPoolId        => 'MyUserPoolIdType',
      AllowedOAuthFlows => [
        'code', ...    # values: code, implicit, client_credentials
      ],               # OPTIONAL
      AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      AllowedOAuthScopes              => [
        'MyScopeType', ...                     # min: 1, max: 256
      ],                                       # OPTIONAL
      AnalyticsConfiguration => {
        ApplicationId  => 'MyHexStringType',
        ExternalId     => 'MyStringType',
        RoleArn        => 'MyArnType',         # min: 20, max: 2048
        UserDataShared => 1,
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CallbackURLs => [
        'MyRedirectUrlType', ...    # min: 1, max: 1024
      ],                            # OPTIONAL
      DefaultRedirectURI => 'MyRedirectUrlType',    # OPTIONAL
      ExplicitAuthFlows  => [
      ],    # OPTIONAL
      GenerateSecret => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      LogoutURLs     => [
        'MyRedirectUrlType', ...    # min: 1, max: 1024
      ],                            # OPTIONAL
      ReadAttributes => [
        'MyClientPermissionType', ...    # min: 1, max: 2048
      ],                                 # OPTIONAL
      RefreshTokenValidity       => 1,   # OPTIONAL
      SupportedIdentityProviders => [
        'MyProviderNameType', ...        # min: 1, max: 32
      ],                                 # OPTIONAL
      WriteAttributes => [
        'MyClientPermissionType', ...    # min: 1, max: 2048
      ],                                 # OPTIONAL

    # Results:
    my $UserPoolClient = $CreateUserPoolClientResponse->UserPoolClient;

    # Returns a L<Paws::CognitoIdp::CreateUserPoolClientResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


AllowedOAuthFlows => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

Set to code to initiate a code grant flow, which provides an authorization code as the response. This code can be exchanged for access tokens with the token endpoint.

Set to token to specify that the client should get the access token (and, optionally, ID token, based on scopes) directly.

AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient => Bool

Set to True if the client is allowed to follow the OAuth protocol when interacting with Cognito user pools.

AllowedOAuthScopes => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

A list of allowed OAuth scopes. Currently supported values are "phone", "email", "openid", and "Cognito".

AnalyticsConfiguration => Paws::CognitoIdp::AnalyticsConfigurationType

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics configuration for collecting metrics for this user pool.

CallbackURLs => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

A list of allowed redirect (callback) URLs for the identity providers.

A redirect URI must:

  • Be an absolute URI.

  • Be registered with the authorization server.

  • Not include a fragment component.

See OAuth 2.0 - Redirection Endpoint (

Amazon Cognito requires HTTPS over HTTP except for http://localhost for testing purposes only.

App callback URLs such as myapp://example are also supported.

REQUIRED ClientName => Str

The client name for the user pool client you would like to create.

DefaultRedirectURI => Str

The default redirect URI. Must be in the CallbackURLs list.

A redirect URI must:

  • Be an absolute URI.

  • Be registered with the authorization server.

  • Not include a fragment component.

See OAuth 2.0 - Redirection Endpoint (

Amazon Cognito requires HTTPS over HTTP except for http://localhost for testing purposes only.

App callback URLs such as myapp://example are also supported.

ExplicitAuthFlows => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

The explicit authentication flows.

GenerateSecret => Bool

Boolean to specify whether you want to generate a secret for the user pool client being created.

LogoutURLs => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

A list of allowed logout URLs for the identity providers.

ReadAttributes => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

The read attributes.

RefreshTokenValidity => Int

The time limit, in days, after which the refresh token is no longer valid and cannot be used.

SupportedIdentityProviders => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

A list of provider names for the identity providers that are supported on this client. The following are supported: COGNITO, Facebook, Google and LoginWithAmazon.

REQUIRED UserPoolId => Str

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to create a user pool client.

WriteAttributes => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

The user pool attributes that the app client can write to.

If your app client allows users to sign in through an identity provider, this array must include all attributes that are mapped to identity provider attributes. Amazon Cognito updates mapped attributes when users sign in to your application through an identity provider. If your app client lacks write access to a mapped attribute, Amazon Cognito throws an error when it attempts to update the attribute. For more information, see Specifying Identity Provider Attribute Mappings for Your User Pool (


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method CreateUserPoolClient in Paws::CognitoIdp


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