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Rose::DB::Object::QueryBuilder - Build SQL queries on behalf of Rose::DB::Object::Manager.


    use Rose::DB::Object::QueryBuilder qw(build_select);

    # Build simple query
    $sql = build_select
      dbh     => $dbh,
      select  => 'COUNT(*)',
      tables  => [ 'articles' ],
      columns => { articles => [ qw(id category type title date) ] },
      query   =>
        category => [ 'sports', 'science' ],
        type     => 'news',
        title    => { like => [ '%million%', 
                                '%resident%' ] },
      query_is_sql => 1);

    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    $count = $sth->fetchrow_array;


    # Return query with placeholders, plus bind values
    ($sql, $bind) = build_select
      dbh     => $dbh,
      tables  => [ 'articles' ],
      columns => { articles => [ qw(id category type title date) ] },
      query   =>
        category => [ 'sports', 'science' ],
        type     => 'news',
        title    => { like => [ '%million%', 
                                '%resident%' ] },
      query_is_sql => 1,
      sort_by      => 'title DESC, category',
      limit        => 5);

    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

    while($row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { ... }


    # Coerce query values into the right format
    ($sql, $bind) = build_select
      db      => $db,
      tables  => [ 'articles' ],
      columns => { articles => [ qw(id category type title date) ] },
      classes => { articles => 'Article' },
      query   =>
        type     => 'news',
        date     => { lt => 'now' },
        date     => { gt => DateTime->new(...) },
      sort_by      => 'title DESC, category',
      limit        => 5);

    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);


Rose::DB::Object::QueryBuilder is used to build SQL queries, primarily in service of the Rose::DB::Object::Manager class. It (optionally) exports two functions: build_select() and build_where_clause().


build_select PARAMS

Returns an SQL "select" query string (in scalar context) or an SQL "select" query string with placeholders and a reference to an array of bind values (in list context) constructed based on PARAMS. Valid PARAMS are described below.

clauses CLAUSES

A reference to an array of extra SQL clauses to add to the "WHERE" portion of the query string. This is the obligatory "escape hatch" for clauses that are not supported by arguments to the query parameter.

columns HASHREF

A reference to a hash keyed by table name, each of which points to a reference to an array of the names of the columns in that table. Example:

    $sql = build_select(columns => 
                          table1 => [ 'col1', 'col2', ... ],
                          table2 => [ 'col1', 'col2', ... ],

This argument is required.

db DB

A Rose::DB-derived object. This argument is required if query_is_sql is false or omitted.

dbh DBH

A DBI database handle already connected to the correct database. If this argument is omitted, an attempt will be made to extract a database handle from the db argument. If this fails, or if there is no db argument, a fatal error will occur.

group_by CLAUSE

A fully formed SQL "GROUP BY ..." clause, sans the words "GROUP BY", or a reference to an array of strings to be joined with a comma and appended to the "GROUP BY" clause.

limit NUMBER

A string to add to the "LIMIT ..." (or "FIRST ...") clause.

logic LOGIC

A string indicating the logic that will be used to join the statements in the WHERE clause. Valid values for LOGIC are "AND" and "OR". If omitted, it defaults to "AND".

select COLUMNS

The names of the columns to select from the table. COLUMNS may be a string of comma-separated column names, or a reference to an array of column names. If this parameter is omitted, it defaults to all of the columns in all of the tables participating in the query (according to the value of the columns argument).

sort_by CLAUSE

A fully formed SQL "ORDER BY ..." clause, sans the words "ORDER BY", or a reference to an array of strings to be joined with a comma and appended to the "ORDER BY" clause.

tables TABLES

A reference to an array of table names. This argument is required. A fatal error will occur if it is omitted.

If more than one table is in the list, then each table is aliased to "tN", where N is an ascending number starting with 1. The tables are numbered according to their order in TABLES. Example:

    $sql = build_select(tables => [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ], ...);

    print $sql;

    # SELECT ... FROM
    #   foo AS t1,
    #   bar AS t2,
    #   baz AS t3
    # ...

Furthermore, if there is no explicit value for the select parameter, then each selected column is aliased with a "tN_" prefix in a multi-table query. Example:

    SELECT    AS t1_id,  AS t1_name,    AS t2_id,  AS t2_name
      foo AS t1,
      bar AS t2
query PARAMS

The query parameters, passed as a reference to an array of name/value pairs. PARAMS may include an arbitrary list of selection parameters used to modify the "WHERE" clause of the SQL select statement.

Valid selection parameters are described below, along with the SQL clause they add to the select statement.

Simple equality:

    'NAME'  => "foo"        # COLUMN = 'foo'
    '!NAME' => "foo"        # NOT(COLUMN = 'foo')

    'NAME'  => [ "a", "b" ] # COLUMN IN ('a', 'b')
    '!NAME' => [ "a", "b" ] # COLUMN NOT(IN ('a', 'b'))

    'NAME'  => undef        # COLUMN IS NULL
    '!NAME' => undef        # COLUMN IS NOT NULL


    NAME => { OP => "foo" } # COLUMN OP 'foo'

    # (COLUMN OP 'foo' OR COLUMN OP 'goo')
    NAME => { OP => [ "foo", "goo" ] }

"OP" can be any of the following:

    OP                  SQL operator
    -------------       ------------
    regex, regexp       REGEXP
    like                LIKE
    rlike               RLIKE
    ne                  <>
    eq                  =
    lt                  <
    gt                  >
    le                  <=
    ge                  >=

Set operations:

    'NAME' => { in_set => 'A' } 

    '!NAME' => { in_set => 'A' } 

    'NAME' => { in_set => [ 'A', 'B'] } 
    'NAME' => { any_in_set => [ 'A', 'B'] } 

    '!NAME' => { in_set => [ 'A', 'B'] } 
    '!NAME' => { any_in_set => [ 'A', 'B'] } 

    'NAME' => { all_in_set => [ 'A', 'B'] } 

    '!NAME' => { all_in_set => [ 'A', 'B'] } 

The string "NAME" can take many forms, each of which eventually resolves to a database column (COLUMN in the examples above).


A bare column name. If the query includes more than one table, the column name may be ambiguous if it appears in two or more tables. In that case, a fatal error will occur. To solve this, use one of the less ambiguous forms below.


A column name and a table name joined by a dot. This is the "fully qualified" column name.


A column name and a table alias joined by a dot. The table alias is in the form "tN", where "N" is a number starting from 1. See the documentation for tables parameter above to learn how table aliases are assigned to tables.

Any of the above prefixed with "!"

This indicates the negation of the specified condition.

If query_is_sql is true, then NAME can also take on these additional forms:


A Rose::DB::Object method name for an object fronting one of the tables being queried. There may also be ambiguity here if the same method name is defined on more than one of the the objects that front the tables. In such a case, the method will be mapped to the first Rose::DB::Object-derived object that contains a method by that name, considered in the order that the tables are provided in the tables parameter.


This indicates the negation of the specified condition.

All of these clauses are joined by logic (default: "AND") in the final query. Example:

    $sql = build_select
      dbh     => $dbh,
      select  => 'id, title',
      tables  => [ 'articles' ],
      columns => { articles => [ qw(id category type title) ] },
      query   =>
        category => [ 'sports', 'science' ],
        type     => 'news',
        title    => { like => [ '%million%', 
                                '%resident%' ] },
      query_is_sql => 1);

The above returns an SQL statement something like this:

    SELECT id, title FROM articles WHERE
      category IN ('sports', 'science')
      type = 'news'
      (title LIKE '%million%' OR title LIKE '%resident%')
    LIMIT 5

Nested boolean logic is possible using the special keywords and and or (case insensitive). Example:

    $sql = build_select
      dbh     => $dbh,
      select  => 'id, title',
      tables  => [ 'articles' ],
      columns => { articles => [ qw(id category type title) ] },
      query   =>
        or =>
          and => [ category => undef, type => 'aux' ],
          category => [ 'sports', 'science' ],
        type     => 'news',
        title    => { like => [ '%million%', 
                                '%resident%' ] },
      query_is_sql => 1);

which returns an SQL statement something like this:

    SELECT id, title FROM articles WHERE
          category IS NULL AND
          type = 'aux'
        OR category IN ('sports', 'science')
      type = 'news'
      (title LIKE '%million%' OR title LIKE '%resident%')

If you have a column named "and" or "or", you'll have to use the fully-qualified (table.column) or alias-qualified (tN.column) forms in order to address the column.

If query_is_sql is true, all of the parameter values are passed through the corresponding Rose::DB::Object-derived object methods in order to parse, "deflate", and format the values. Example:

    $dt = DateTime->new(year => 2001, month => 1, day => 31);

    $sql = build_select
      db      => $db,
      select  => 'id, category',
      tables  => [ 'articles' ],
      columns => { articles => [ qw(id category type date) ] },
      classes => { articles => 'Article' },
      query   =>
        type  => 'news',
        date  => { lt => '12/25/2003 8pm' },
        date  => { gt => $dt },
      sort_by => 'id DESC, category',
      limit   => 5);

The above returns an SQL statement something like this:

    SELECT id, category FROM articles WHERE
      type = 'news'
      date < '2003-12-25 20:00:00'
      date > '2001-01-31 00:00:00'
    ORDER BY id DESC, category
    LIMIT 5

Finally, here's an example using more than one table:

    $dt = DateTime->new(year => 2001, month => 1, day => 31);

    $sql = build_select
      db      => $db,
      tables  => [ 'articles', 'categories' ],
      columns =>
        articles   => [ qw(id name category_id date) ],
        categories => [ qw(id name description) ],
      classes =>
        articles   => 'Article',
        categories => 'Category',
      query   =>
        '!' => { like => '%foo%' },    => 'news',
        date       => { lt => '12/25/2003 8pm' },
        date       => { gt => $dt },
      clauses =>
        't1.category_id =',
      sort_by      => ' DESC,',
      limit        => 5);

The above returns an SQL statement something like this:

    SELECT          AS t1_id,        AS t1_name,
      t1.category_id AS t1_category_id,        AS t1_date,          AS t2_id,        AS t2_name,
      t2.description AS t2_description
      articles   t1,
      categories t2
      t1.category_id =
      NOT( LIKE '%foo%')
      AND = 'news'
      AND < '2003-12-25 20:00:00'
      AND > '2001-01-31 00:00:00'
    LIMIT 5
query_is_sql BOOL

If omitted, this boolean flag is false. If true, then the values of the query parameters are taken as literal strings that are suitable for direct use in SQL queries. Example:

    $sql = build_select
      query_is_sql => 1,
      query =>
        date => { lt => '2003-12-25 20:00:00' },

Here the date value "2003-12-25 20:00:00" must be in the format that the current database expects for columns of that data type.

But if query_is_sql is true, then any query value that can be handled by the Rose::DB::Object-derived object method that services the corresponding database column is valid. Example:

    $dt = DateTime->new(year => 2001, month => 1, day => 31);

    $sql = build_select
      query =>
        date => { gt => $dt },
        date => { lt => '12/25/2003 8pm' },

Here a DateTime object and a loosely formatted date are passed as values. Provided the Rose::DB::Object-derived object method that services the "date" column can handle such values, they will be parsed and formatted as appropriate for the current database.

The advantage of this approach is that the query values do not have to be so rigorously specified, nor do they have to be in a database-specific format.

The disadvantage is that all of this parsing and formatting is done for every query value, and that adds additional overhead to each call.

Usually, this overhead is dwarfed by the time required for the database to service the query, and, perhaps more importantly, the reduced maintenance headache and busywork required to properly format all query values.

In the end, it's up to the developer to decide on a case-by-case basis whether or not query_is_sql should be true or false.

build_where_clause PARAMS

This works the same as the build_select() function, except that it only returns the "WHERE" clause of the SQL query, sans the word "WHERE" and prefixed with a single space.


John C. Siracusa (


Copyright (c) 2005 by John C. Siracusa. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.