DBIx::Simple::Examples - Examples of how to use DBIx::Simple


DBIx::Simple provides a simplified interface to DBI, Perl's powerful database module.



    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    use DBIx::Simple;

    # Instant database with DBD::SQLite
    my $db = DBIx::Simple->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=file.dat')
        or die DBIx::Simple->error;

    # Connecting to a MySQL database
    my $db = DBIx::Simple->connect(
        'DBI:mysql:database=test',     # DBI source specification
        'test', 'test',                # Username and password
        { RaiseError => 1 }            # Additional options

    # Using an existing database handle
    my $db = DBIx::Simple->connect($dbh);

    # Abstracted example: $db->query($query, @variables)->what_you_want;

    $db->commit or die $db->error;

Simple Queries

    $db->query('DELETE FROM foo WHERE id = ?', $id) or die $db->error;

    for (1..100) {
            'INSERT INTO randomvalues VALUES (?, ?)',
            int rand(10),
            int rand(10)
        ) or die $db->error;

        'INSERT INTO sometable VALUES (??)',
        $first, $second, $third, $fourth, $fifth, $sixth
    # (??) is expanded to (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) automatically

Single row queries

    my ($two)          = $db->query('SELECT 1 + 1')->list;
    my ($three, $four) = $db->query('SELECT 3, 2 + 2')->list;

    my ($name, $email) = $db->query(
        'SELECT name, email FROM people WHERE email = ? LIMIT 1',

Or, more efficiently:

    $db->query('SELECT 1 + 1')->into(my $two);
    $db->query('SELECT 3, 2 + 2')->into(my ($three, $four));

        'SELECT name, email FROM people WHERE email = ? LIMIT 1',
    )->into(my ($name, $email));

Fetching all rows in one go

One big flattened list (primarily for single column queries)

    my @names = $db->query('SELECT name FROM people WHERE id > 5')->flat;

Rows as array references

    for my $row ($db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people')->arrays) {
        print "Name: $row->[0], Email: $row->[1]\n";

Rows as hash references

    for my $row ($db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people')->hashes) {
        print "Name: $row->{name}, Email: $row->{email}\n";

Fetching one row at a time

Rows into separate variables

        my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people');
        $result->bind(my ($name, $email));
        while ($result->fetch) {
            print "Name: $name, Email: $email\n";


        my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people');
        while ($result->into(my ($name, $email))) {
            print "Name: $name, Email: $email\n";

Rows as lists

        my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people');
        while (my @row = $result->list) {
            print "Name: $row[0], Email: $row[1]\n";

Rows as array references

        my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people');
        while (my $row = $result->array) {
            print "Name: $row->[0], Email: $row->[1]\n";

Rows as hash references

        my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people');
        while (my $row = $result->hash) {
            print "Name: $row->{name}, Email: $row->{email}\n";

Building maps (also fetching all rows in one go)

A hash of hashes

    my $customers =
        -> query('SELECT id, name, location FROM people')
        -> map_hashes('id');

    # $customers = { $id => { name => $name, location => $location } }

A hash of arrays

    my $customers =
        -> query('SELECT id, name, location FROM people')
        -> map_arrays(0);

    # $customers = { $id => [ $name, $location ] }

A hash of values (two-column queries)

    my $names =
        -> query('SELECT id, name FROM people')
        -> map;

    # $names = { $id => $name }

Subquery emulation


    $db->emulate_subqueries = 1;
    my @projects = $db->query(q{
        SELECT project_name
        FROM   projects
        WHERE  user_id = (
            SELECT id
            FROM   users
            WHERE  email = ?
    }, $email )->flat;


There is no license. This software was released into the public domain. Do with it what you want, but on your own risk. The author disclaims any responsibility.


Juerd Waalboer <> <>

