SPVM::Document::NativeClass - Native Classes
A native class is the class implemented by a native language such as the C language and C++.
Native Method Definition
A native method is defined by native method attribute in an SPVM class file. It ends with a semicolon. A native method does not have its block.
# SPVM/MyClass.spvm
class MyClass {
native static method sum :
Native Config File
A native config file is needed for a native class. The name of the config file is the same as the SPVM class name, but the extension .spvm
is replaced with .config
# The name of a native config file
A native config file is writen by Perl. It must end with a Builder::Config object.
A config file is executed by Perl's do function. The returned Builder::Config object is used as the config for a native class.
If the native config file does not exist, an exception is thrown.
A config file must end with a Builder::Config object. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
GNU C99:
= SPVM::Builder::Config->new_gnu99(
=> __FILE__);
= SPVM::Builder::Config->new_cpp(
=> __FILE__);
Native Class
A native class is the class implemented by a native language such as the C language and C++.
The name of the native class file is the same as the SPVM class name, but the extension .spvm
is replaced with .
and extension of the native class.
Native Class File Extension
The file extension of a native class is defined by Builder::Config#ext field in a config file.
If ext is defined, but its corresponding config file does not exist, an exception is thrown.
Native Function
A native function is a function defined in a native class.
// SPVM/MyClass.c
#include "spvm_native.h"
int32_t SPVM__MyClass__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
int32_t num1 = stack[0].ival;
int32_t num2 = stakc[1].ival;
int32_t total = num1 + num2;
stack[0].ival = total;
Native Function Name
A native function must have the name following the rules below.
1. Starts with
.2. Followed by the SPVM class name, but
is replaced with__
.3. Followed by
.3. Followed by the name of the method.
If the name of a native function is invalid, an exception is thrown.
For example, if the class is MyClass::Math
and the method name is sum_value
, the name of the native function is SPVM__MyClass__Math__sum_value
# SPVM class
class MyClass::Math {
native method sum_value : void ();
// Native class
SPVM__MyClass__Math__sum_value(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
Native API Header
#include "spvm_native.h"
is the header file for SPVM Native APIs.
Native Function Arguments
A native function must have two arguments.
int32_t SPVM__MyClass__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
The first argument env
is the current runtime environment. This is the pointer to a value of SPVM_ENV
The second argument stack
is the current runtime stack. This is is the pointer to the values of SPVM_VALUE type.
The arguments given to this native function have been stored in the runtime stack.
See "Getting Argument" to get the values of the arguments.
Native Function Return Value
A native function must return a value of the int32_t
int32_t SPVM__MyClass__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
# ...
If an exception is thrown in this native method, the native function must return a non-zero value. Otherwise, must return 0.
See "Exception" for exception handling in native classes.
type is an union type in the C language.
typedef union spvm_value SPVM_VALUE;
union spvm_value {
int8_t bval;
int16_t sval;
int32_t ival;
int64_t lval;
float fval;
double dval;
void* oval;
int8_t* bref;
int16_t* sref;
int32_t* iref;
int64_t* lref;
float* fref;
double* dref;
Getting Argument
Arguments given to a native function have been stored in runtime stack stack.
int32_t SPVM__MyClass__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
Consider the following method definition.
method foo (
: Point,
: Complex_2d);
Do the following using the ival
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of $args0 which type is int type.
int32_t args0 = stack[0].ival;
Do the following using the oval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of $args1 which type is Point type.
int64_t args1 = stack[1].oval;
Do the following to get the values of $args2 which type is Complex_2d multi-numeric type.
double args2_re = stack[2].dval;
double args2_im = stack[3].dval;
Note that the values of the multi-numeric type have been stored in the multiple values in the runtime stack. The length of the value in the runtime stack is the same as the length of the fields of the multi-numeric type.
Getting byte Type Argument
Use the bval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of the SPVM byte
type from an argument.
int8_t args0 = stack[0].bval;
Getting short Type Argument
Use the sval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of the SPVM short
type from an argument.
int16_t args0 = stack[0].sval;
Getting int Type Argument
Use the ival
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of the SPVM int
type from an argument.
int32_t args0 = stack[0].ival;
Getting long Type Argument
Use the lval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of the SPVM long
type from an argument.
int64_t args0 = stack[0].lval;
Getting float Type Argument
Use the fval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of the SPVM float
type from an argument.
float args0 = stack[0].fval;
Getting double Type Argument
Use the dval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of the SPVM double
type from an argument.
double args0 = stack[0].dval;
Getting Object Type Argument
Use the oval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of an SPVM object type from an argument.
void* args0 = stack[0].oval;
Getting byte Reference Type Argument
Use the bref
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of an SPVM byte
reference type from an argument.
int8_t* args0 = stack[0].bref;
Getting short Reference Type Argument
Use the sref
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of an SPVM short
reference type from an argument.
int16_t* args0 = stack[0].sref;
Getting int Reference Type Argument
Use the iref
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of an SPVM int
reference type from an argument.
int32_t* args0 = stack[0].iref;
Getting long Reference Type Argument
Use the lref
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of an SPVM long
reference type from an argument.
int64_t* args0 = stack[0].lref;
Getting float Reference Type Argument
Use the fref
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of an SPVM float
reference type from an argument.
float* args0 = stack[0].fref;
Getting double Reference Type Argument
Use the dref
field of SPVM_VALUE type to get the value of an SPVM double
reference type from an argument.
double* args0 = stack[0].dref;
Getting Multi-Numeric Type Arguments
The values of an SPVM multi-numeric type from an argument have been stored to the multiple values in runtime stack. the length of the values in the runtime stack is the same as the length of the fields of the SPVM multi-numeric type.
For example, if the argument type is Complex_2d type, these values have been stored to multiple fields the multiple values in the runtime stack.
double args0_re = stack[0].dval;
double args0_im = stack[1].dval;
Return Value
If the reutrn type of an SPVM method is not the void
type, the first argument of runtime stack must be set to a return value.
int32_t return_value = 5;
stack[0].ival = return_value;
Setting Return Value of byte Type
Use the bval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to set a return value of the SPVM byte
stack[0].bval = return_value;
Setting Return Value of short Type
Use the sval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to set a return value of the SPVM short
stack[0].sval = return_value;
Setting Return Value of int Type
Use the ival
field of SPVM_VALUE type to set a return value of the SPVM int
stack[0].ival = return_value;
Setting Return Value of long Type
Use the lval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to set a return value of the SPVM long
stack[0].lval = return_value;
Setting Return Value of float Type
Use the fval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to set a return value of the SPVM float
stack[0].fval = return_value;
Setting Return Value of double Type
Use the dval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to set a return value of the SPVM double
stack[0].dval = return_value;
Setting Return Value of Object Type
Use the oval
field of SPVM_VALUE type to set a return value of an SPVM object type.
stack[0].oval = return_value;
Setting Return Value of Multi-Numeric Type
Multiple values in runtime stack are needed to be set to values of the field type of the multi-numeric type. The length of the values in the runtime stack is the same as the length of the fields of the SPVM multi-numeric type.
There is an example in the case that the return type is Complex_2d.
double return_value_x;
double return_value_y;
stack[0].dval = return_value_x;
stack[1].dval = return_value_y;
Native APIs
Native APIs are the APIs written by the C language for SPVM operations. Native APIs can be called in native classes.
Examples of Native APIs
Create a Point object.
int32_t error_id = 0;
void* obj_point = env->new_object_by_name(env, stack,
, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
(error_id) {
error_id; }
Call a class method.
int32_t error_id = 0;
int32_t total;
int32_t args_width = 2;
stack[0].ival = 5;
stack[1].ival = 10;
env->call_class_method_by_name(env, stack,
, args_width,
, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
(error_id) {
error_id; }
total = stack[0].ival;
Get the characters of a string.
const char* chars = env->get_chars(env, stack, obj_string);
Get the elements of an array of int type.
= env->get_elems_int(env, stack, obj_array);
If a native method throws an exception, the native function must return a non-zero value, normally the basic type ID of an error class.
A message can be set to exception variable. If no message is set to exception variable, a default exception message is set to it.
env->set_exception(env, stack, env->new_string_nolen(env, stack,
"An exception is thrown."
die native API can be used to throw an exception easily.
"The value must be %d."
, 3, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
Pointer Class
An SPVM object can have a pointer value.
If necessary, you can mark a class as a pointer class using pointer class attribute.
class MyClass : pointer {
Examples of Pointer Classes:
class MyTm : pointer {
native static method new : MyTm ();
native method sec :
native method DESTROY : ();
static const char* FILE_NAME =
int32_t SPVM__MyTm__new(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
int32_t error_id = 0;
strcut tm* st_tm = (struct tm*)env->new_memory_block(env, stack, sizeof (struct tm));
void* obj_tm = env->new_object_by_name(env, stack,
, error_id, __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
(error_id) {
error_id; }
env->set_pointer(env, stack, obj_tm, st_tm);
stack[0].oval = obj_tm;
int32_t SPVM__MyTm__sec(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
void* obj_tm = stack[0].oval;
strcut tm* st_tm = (struct tm*)env->get_pointer(env, stack, obj_tm);
stack[0].ival = st_tm->tm_sec;
int32_t SPVM__MyTm__DESTROY(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
void* obj_tm = stack[0].oval;
strcut tm* st_tm = (struct tm*)env->get_pointer(env, stack, obj_tm);
env->free_memory_block(env, stack, st_tm);
Pointer Value
An object can have a pointer value. A pointer value is the address of a C/C++ object.
See get_pointer native API to get a pointer value of an object.
See set_pointer native API to set a pointer value of an object.
Native Directory
A native directory is the directory for native header files and native source files.
The name of the native directory is the same as the SPVM class name, but the extension .spvm
is replaced with .native
# The name of a native directory
Native Header Files
A native class can include native header files in the include
directory under the native directory.
# Native header files
// Native class
#include "foo.h"
#include "dir/bar.h"
Native Source Files
A native class can compile native source files in the src
directory under the native directory using add_source_file in SPVM::Builder::Config
# Native source files
# Native config file
= (
A native function has its scope.
enter_scope native API is called before the call of the native function.
leave_scope native API is called after the call of the native function.
You can create a scope and push objects to the native mortal stack.
int32_t mortal_stack_top = env->enter_scope(env, stack);
env->push_mortal(env, stack, object);
env->leave_scope(env, stack, mortal_stack_top);
Native Mortal Stack
A mortal stack is created for a runtime stack.
A mortal stack is the stack to save local variables to be destroyed at the end of the scope.
Runtime Environment
A runtime environement is created for an SPVM runtime.
This is the pointer to the value of SPVM_ENV
type, normally named env
SPVM_ENV* env;
A runtime environement is given to the first argument of a native function.
int32_t SPVM__MyClass__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
Runtime Stack
A runtime stack is created for a native thread. An SPVM runtime creates a runtime stack for the main thread.
A runtime stack is used to get values of arguments and return a value, and it also stored its own data such as exception variable.
This is the pointer to the values of SPVM_VALUE type, normally named stack
SPVM_VALUE* stack;
A runtime stack is given to the second argument of a native function.
int32_t SPVM__MyClass__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
A runtime stack can be created and freed using new_stack native API and free_stack native API.
Arguments Width
The width of the arguments is the length in units of SPVM_VALUE type.
If the type is a multi-numeric type, the width of the arguments is the length of the fields of the multi-numeric type. Otherwise, it is 1.
Consider the following method definition.
method foo (
: Point,
: Complex_2d);
The argument width of the int
type is 1.
The argument width of the object type Point is 1.
The argument width of the multi-numeric type Complex_2d is the length of its field. It is 2.
So the width of the arguments is totally 4.
Native Motal Stack
A native mortal stack is a stack that is used by enter_scope native API and leave_scope native API.
A runtime stack has one native mortal stack.
Compilation and Link
A native class and native source files are compiled to object files and are linked and a shared library is generated.
The extension of a shared library is .so
in Linux and UNIX, .dylib
in Mac, .dll
in Windows.
SPVM_BUILD_DIR environment variable must be set to a build directoy path.
Normally, ~/.spvm_build
is set to it.
Object files and a shared library file are output to the build directory.
If the build directory does not exist, it is created.
A string of non-zero length must be set to SPVM_BUILD_DIR environment variable. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
Dependency Resolution
The dependencies of compilation and link of a native class, native header files, and native source files are resolved by the following rules.
If the version of SPVM is newer, the compilation and the link are performed.
If the modification time of a native config file is newer than the generated dynamic library, the compilation and the link are performed.
If the max of the modification time of the object files generated by compiliation is newer than the generated dynamic library, the link is performed.
If the modification time of a native class is newer than the object file generated from the native class, the compilation is performed.
If the modification time of a native source file is newer than the generated object file, the compilation is performed.
If the max of the modification time of header source files is newer than the object file generated from a native source file, the compilation of the native source file is performed.
If SPVM::Builder::Config#force field is set to 1, the compilation and the link are forced.
A native class can use native header files and native source files writen by native langauges such as the C language and C++ using SPVM::Builder::Config#use_resource.
# MyClass.config
// MyClass.c
#include "zlib.h"
For details, see SPVM::Document::Resource.
A distribution for a native class can be generated by spvmdist command.
# C
spvmdist --native c --user-name=
"Yuki Kimoto"
# C++
spvmdist --native c++ --user-name=
"Yuki Kimoto"
A native class file and a config file only can be added to an existing distribution.
# C
spvmdist --only-lib-files --native c --user-name=
"Yuki Kimoto"
MyNativeClass lib
# C++
spvmdist --only-lib-files --native c++ --user-name=
"Yuki Kimoto"
MyNativeClass lib
See Also
Native APIs
Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto
MIT License