MongoDB::Database - A Mongo database


The MongoDB::Database class accesses to a database.

    # accesses the foo database
    my $db = $connection->foo;

You can also access databases with the "get_database($name)" in MongoDB::Connection method.


Core documentation on databases:



The name of the database.



    my @collections = $database->collection_names;

Returns the list of collections in this database.

get_collection ($name)

    my $collection = $database->get_collection('foo');

Returns a MongoDB::Collection for the collection called $name within this database.

get_gridfs ($prefix?)

    my $grid = $database->get_gridfs;

Returns a MongoDB::GridFS for storing and retrieving files from the database. Default prefix is "fs", making $grid->files "fs.files" and $grid->chunks "fs.chunks".

See MongoDB::GridFS for more information.



Deletes the database.


    my $err = $db->last_error({w => 2});

Finds out if the last database operation completed successfully. If the last operation did not complete successfully, returns a hash reference of information about the error that occured.

The optional $options parameter is a hash reference that can contain any of the following:


Guarantees that the previous operation will be replicated to w servers before this command will return success. See MongoDB::Connection::w for more information.


Milliseconds to wait for w copies of the data to be made. This parameter should generally be specified, as the database will otherwise wait forever if w copies cannot be made.


If true, the database will fsync to disk before returning.

See "w" in MongoDB::Connection for more information.

run_command ($command)

    my $result = $database->run_command({ some_command => 1 });

Runs a database command. Throws an exception with an error message if the command fails. Returns the result of the command on success. For a list of possible database commands, run:

    my $commands = $db->run_command({listCommands : 1});

See also core documentation on database commands:

eval ($code, $args?)

    my $result = $database->eval('function(x) { return "hello, "+x; }', ["world"]);

Evaluate a JavaScript expression on the Mongo server. The $code argument can be a string or an instance of MongoDB::Code. The $args are an optional array of arguments to be passed to the $code function.

eval is useful if you need to touch a lot of data lightly; in such a scenario the network transfer of the data could be a bottleneck. The $code argument must be a JavaScript function. $args is an array of parameters that will be passed to the function. For more examples of using eval see{{db.eval%28%29}}.


  Kristina Chodorow <>