my $c = q{ create table thrtest1 (userID varchar(80), authHandler varchar(80), password varchar(80), login varchar(80), lastLogin date, locked int) } ;

$dbh -> do ($c) ;

my $c = q{ create table thrtest2 (handlerID varchar(80), authMode varchar(80), data varchar(80)) } ;

$dbh -> do ($c) ;

$dbh -> do ("insert into thrtest1 values ('gr', 'w32', '', 'richter', NULL, NULL)") ; $dbh -> do ("insert into thrtest1 values ('tt', 'w32', '', 'test', NULL, NULL)") ; $dbh -> do ("insert into thrtest1 values ('xx', '', 'xx', 'XX', NULL, NULL)") ; $dbh -> do ("insert into thrtest2 values ('w32', 'Windows', 'mond:mond:ecos')") ;

#$dbh -> disconnect ;

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 158:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 6 lines of content