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HTML::Template::Compiled - Template System Compiles HTML::Template files to Perl code


$VERSION = "0.86"


  use HTML::Template::Compiled speed => 1;
  # or for compatibility with HTML::Template
  # use HTML::Template::Compiled compatible => 1;
  # or use HTML::Template::Compiled::Classic
  my $htc = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(filename => 'test.tmpl');
    BAND => $name,
    ALBUMS => [
      { TITLE => $t1, YEAR => $y1 },
      { TITLE => $t2, YEAR => $y2 },
  print $htc->output;



For a quick reference, see HTML::Template::Compiled::Reference.

As the basic features work like in HTML::Template, please get familiar with this documentation before.

HTML::Template::Compiled (HTC) does not implement all features of HTML::Template, and it has got some additional features which are explained below: "ADDITIONAL FEATURES"

HTML::Template::Compiled (HTC) is a template system which uses the same template syntax as HTML::Template and the same perl API (see "COMPATIBILITY" for what you need to know if you want (almost) the same behaviour). Internally it works different, because it turns the template into perl code, and once that is done, generating the output is much faster than with HTML::Template (3-7 times at the moment, depending on the options you use (see "Benchmarks" for some examples), when both are run with loop_context_vars 0. It also can generate perl files so that the next time the template is loaded it doesn't have to be parsed again. The best performance gain is probably reached in applications running under mod_perl, for example.

If you don't use memory caching (e.g. CGI environment), HTC will be even slower than H::T. If you don't use caching at all (e.g. CGI environment without file caching), HTC will be much slower than H::T and TT.

You might want to use HTML::Template::Compiled::Lazy for CGI environments as it doesn't parse the template before calling output. But note that HTC::Lazy is still in development; there might be bugs with certain combinations of includes and file caching.

HTC will use a lot of memory because it keeps all template objects in memory. If you are on mod_perl, and have a lot of templates, you should preload them at server startup to be sure that it is in shared memory. At the moment HTC is not fully tested for keeping all data in shared memory (e.g. when a copy-on-write occurs), but it seems like it's behaving well. For preloading you can now use HTML::Template::Compiled->preload($dir).

Generating code, writing it on disk and later eval() it can open security holes, for example if you have more users on the same machine that can access the same files (usually an http server running as 'www' or 'nobody'). See "SECURITY" for details what you can do to safe yourself.

NOTE: If you don't need any of the additional features listed below and if you don't need the speed (in many cases it's probably not worth trading speed for memory), then you might be better off with just using HTML::Template.

NOTE2: If you have any questions, bug reports, send them to me and not to Sam Tregar. This module is developed by me at the moment, independently from HTML::Template, although I try to get most of the tests from it passing for HTC. See "RESOURCES" for current information.


__first__, __last__, __inner__, __odd__, __counter__
case insensitive var names

use option case_sensitive => 0 to use this feature (slow down)

vars that are subrefs
scalarref, arrayref, filehandle

Has a bug (doesn't return parameters in included files)


What can HTC do for you additionally to HTML::Template?


No need to have cascading "if-else-if-else"s








Additional loop variable (__counter__ -1)




Include perl code in your template. See "TMPL_PERL"

Generating perl code


better variable access

dot-notation for accessing hash values. See "VARIABLE ACCESS"

rendering objcets

dot-notation for accessing object methods. See "RENDERING OBJECTS"

output to filehandle


Dynamic includes



Check for definedness instead of truth: <TMPL_IF_DEFINED NAME="var">


Set an alias for a loop variable. For example, these two loops are functionally equivalent:

 <tmpl_loop foo>
   <tmpl_var _>
 </tmpl_loop foo>
 <tmpl_loop foo alias=current>
   <tmpl_var current>
 </tmpl_loop foo>

This works only with TMPL_LOOP at the moment. I probably will implement this for TMPL_WITH, TMPL_WHILE too.

Chained escaping



For those who like it (i like it because it is shorter than TMPL_), you can use <% %> tags and the <%= tag instead of <%VAR (which will work, too):

 <%IF blah%>  <%= VARIABLE%>  <%/IF%>

Define your own tagstyles and/or deactivate predefined ones. See "OPTIONS" tagstyle.


There are some features of H::T that are missing. I'll try to list them here.


I don't think I'll implement that.


Same behaviour as HTML::Template

At the moment there are four defaults that differ from HTML::Template:


default is 1 (on). Set it via HTML::Template::Compiled->CaseSensitive(0);

Note (again): this will slow down templating a lot (50%).

Explanation: This has nothing to do with TMPL_IF or tmpl_if. It's about the variable names. With case_sensitive set to 1, the following tags are different:

    <tmpl_var Foo> prints the value of hash key 'Foo'
    <tmpl_var fOO> prints the value of hash key 'fOO'

With case_sensitive set to 0, all your parameters passed to param() are converted to uppercase, and the following tags are the same:

    <tmpl_var Foo> prints the value of hash key 'FOO'
    <tmpl_var fOO> prints the value of hash key 'FOO'
subref variables

As of version 0.69, subref variables are not supported any more with HTML::Template::Compiled. Use HTML::Template::Compiled::Classic (contained in this distribution) instead. It provides most features of HTC.


default is now 0, like in HTML::Template. Set it to 1 by HTML::Template::Compiled->SearchPathOnInclude(1);


default is 0 (off). Set it via HTML::Template::Compiled->UseQuery(1);

To be compatible in all of the above options all use:

  use HTML::Template::Compiled compatible => 1;

If you don't care about these options you should use

  use HTML::Template::Compiled speed => 1;

which is the default but depending on user wishes that might change.

Different behaviour from HTML::Template

At the moment this snippet

  <tmpl_if arrayref>true<tmpl_else>false</tmpl_if arrayref>

with this code:

    $htc->param(arrayref => []);

will print true in HTC and false in HTML::Template. In HTML::Template an array is true if it has content, in HTC it's true if it (the reference) is defined. I'll try to find a way to change that behaviour, though that might be for the cost of speed.

As of HTML::Template::Compiled 0.85 you can use this syntax:

    <tmpl_if arrayref# >true<tmpl_else>false</tmpl_if >

In HTML::Template::Compiled::Classic 0.04 it works as in HTML::Template.


Like in HTML::Template, you have ESCAPE=HTML, ESCAPE=URL and ESCAPE_JS. (ESCAPE=1 won't follow! It's old and ugly...) Additionally you have ESCAPE=DUMP, which by default will generate a Data::Dumper output.

You can also chain different escapings, like ESCAPE=DUMP|HTML.


Additionally to


you can do an include of a template variable:

  <TMPL_INCLUDE_VAR NAME="file_include_var">
  $htc->param(file_include_var => "");

Using INCLUDE VAR="..." is deprecated.

You can also include strings:

    inc: <%include_string foo %>

        foo => 'included=<%= bar%>',
        bar => 'real',

    inc: included=real

Note that included strings are not cached and cannot include files or strings themselves.


With HTC, you have more control over how you access your template parameters. An example:

  my %hash = (
    SELF => '/path/to/',
    LANGUAGE => 'de',
    BAND => 'Bauhaus',
    ALBUMS => [
      NAME => 'Mask',
      SONGS => [ { NAME => 'Hair of the Dog' }, ... ],
    INFO => {
      BIOGRAPHY => '...',
      LINK => '...'
    NAME => "Cool script",

Now in the TMPL_LOOP ALBUMS you would like to access the path to your script, stored in $hash{SELF}. in HTML::Template you have to set the option global_vars, so you can access $hash{SELF} from everywhere. Unfortunately, now NAME is also global, which might not a problem in this simple example, but in a more complicated template this is impossible. With HTC, you wouldn't use global_vars here, but you can say:


to access the root element, and you could even say .INFO.BIOGRAPHY or ALBUMS[0].SONGS[0].NAME (the latter has changed since version 0.79)


This is still in development, so I might change the API here.

Additionally to feeding a simple hash do HTC, you can feed it objects. To do method calls you can also use '.' in the template.

  my $htc = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(

    VAR => "blah",
    OBJECT => bless({...}, "Your::Class"),

  <TMPL_VAR NAME="OBJECT.fullname">
  Name: <TMPL_VAR fullname>

fullname will call the fullname method of your Your::Class object.

It's recommended to just use the default . value for methods and dereferencing.

I might stop supporting that you can set the values for method calls by setting an option. Ideally I would like to have that behaviour changed only by inheriting.


Yes, templating systems are for separating code and templates. But as it turned out to be implemented much easier than expressions i decided to implement it. Yes, I still want to implement expressions. If you have templates that can be edited by untrustworthy persons then you don't want them to include perl code.

So, how do you use the perl-tag? First, you have to set the option use_perl to 1 when creating a template object.

Important note: don't use print in the included code. Usually the template code is concatenated and returned to your perl script. To 'print' something out use

    __OUT__ 2**3;

This will be turned into something like

    $OUT .= 2**3;
    # or
    print $fh 2**3;

Important note 2: HTC does not parse Perl. if you use the classic tag-delimiters like this:

    <tmpl_perl if (__CURRENT__->count > 42) { >

this will not work as it might seem. Use other delimiters instead:

    <%perl if (__CURRENT__->count > 42) { %>


    <tmpl_loop list>
    <tmpl_perl unless (__INDEX__ % 3) { >
    <tmpl_perl } >
    </tmpl_loop list>

    # takes the current position of the parameter
    # hash, key 'foo' and multiplies it with 3
    <%perl __OUT__ __CURRENT__->{foo} * 3; %>

List of special keywords inside a perl-tag:


Is turned into $OUT .= or print $fh


Is turned into the variable containing the current template object.


Turned into the variable containing the current position in the parameter hash.


Turned into the variable containig the parameter hash.


Turned into the current index of a loop (starting with 0).


It's possible since version 0.69 to inherit from HTML::Template::Compiled. It's just not documented, and internal method names might change in the near future. I'll try to fix the API and document which methods you can inherit.



Default is sub method_call { '.' }


Default is sub deref { '.' }


Deprecated, see HTML::Template::Compiled::Formatter please.


Define if every included file should be checked and parsed at compile time of the including template or later when it is really used.

Default is sub compile_early { 1 }


Default is sub parser_class { 'HTML::Template::Compiled::Parser' }

You can write your own parser class (which must inherit from HTML::Template::Compiled::Parser) and use this.

HTML::Template::Compiled::Lazy uses this.


For printing out the contents of all the parameters you can do:


The special name _ gives you the current parameter and ESCAPE=DUMP will by default generate a Data::Dumper output of the current variable, in this case it will dump out the contents of every album in a loop. To correctly display that in html |HTML will escape html entities.


If you have a deep leveled hash you might not want to always write THE.FULL.PATH.TO.YOUR.VAR. Jump to your desired level once and then you need only one level. Compare:



Inside TMPL_WITH you can't reference parent nodes unless you're using global_vars.


The special name _ gives you the current paramater. In loops you can use it like this:

 <tmpl_loop foo>
  Current item: <tmpl_var _ >

Also you can give the current item an alias. See "ALIAS". I also would like to add a loop_context variable __current__, if that makes sense. Seems more readable to non perlers than _.

The LOOP tag allows you to define a JOIN attribute:

 <tmpl_loop favourite_colors join=", ">
  <tmpl_var _ >

This will output something like blue, pink, yellow. This is easier than doing:

 <tmpl_loop favourite_colors>
 <tmpl_unless __first__>, </tmpl_unless>
  <tmpl_var _ >


Useful for iterating, for example over database resultsets. The directive

  <tmpl_while resultset.fetchrow>
    <tmpl_var _.0>

will work like: while (my $row = $resultset->fetchrow) { print $row->[0]; }

So the special variable name _ is set to the current item returned by the iterator.

You also can use "ALIAS" here.


For debugging purposes you can temporarily comment out regions:

  Wanted: <tmpl_var wanted>
    <tmpl_comment outer>
    this won't be printed
      <tmpl_comment inner>
        <tmpl_var unwanted>
      </tmpl_comment inner>
      <tmpl_var unwanted>
  </tmpl_comment outer>

  $htc->param(unwanted => "no thanks", wanted => "we want this");

The output is (whitespaces stripped):

  Wanted: we want this

HTC will ignore anything between COMMENT directives. This is useful for debugging, and also for documentation inside the template which should not be outputted.


Anything between


will not be recognized as template directives. Same syntax as TMPL_COMMENT. It will output the content, though.


Anything between


will not be recognized as template directives. Same syntax as "TMPL_NOPARSE", but it will be HTML-Escaped. This can be useful for debugging.


The SWITCH directive has the same syntax as VAR, IF etc. The CASE directive takes a simple string or a comma separated list of strings. Yes, without quotes. This will probably change! I just don't know yet how it should look like. Suggestions?

With that directive you can do simple string comparisons.

 <tmpl_switch language>(or <tmpl_switch name=language>)
  <tmpl_case de>echt cool
  <tmpl_case en>very cool
  <tmpl_case es>superculo
  <tmpl_case fr,se>don't speak french or swedish
  <tmpl_case default>sorry, no translation for cool in language <%=language%> available
  <tmpl_case>(same as default)

It's also possible to specify the default with a list of other strings:

 <tmpl_case fr,default>

Note that the default case should always be the last statement before the closing switch.


As you can cache the generated perl code in files, some of the options are fixed; that means for example if you set the option case_sensitive to 0 and the next time you call the same template with case_sensitive 1 then this will be ignored. The options below will be marked as (fixed).


Path to template files


Search the list of paths specified with path when including a template. Default is 0


Path to caching directory (you have to create it before)


Is 1 by default. If set to 0, no memory cacheing is done. Only recommendable if you have a dynamic template content (with scalarref, arrayre for example).


Template to parse


Reference to a scalar with your template content. It's possible to cache scalarrefs, too, if you have Digest::MD5 installed. Note that your cache directory might get filled with files from earlier versions. Clean the cache regularly.

Don't cache scalarrefs if you have dynamic strings. Your memory might get filled up fast! Use the option

  cache => 0

to disable memory caching.


Reference to array containing lines of the template content (newlines have to be included)


Filehandle which contains the template content. Note that HTC will not cache templates created like this.

loop_context_vars (fixed)

Vars like __first__, __last__, __inner__, __odd__, __counter__, __index__

The variable __index__ works just like __counter__, only that it starts at 0 instead of 1.

global_vars (fixed)

If set to 1, every outer variable can be accessed from anywhere in the enclosing scope.

If set to 2, you don't have global vars, but have the possibility to go up the stack one level. Example:

 <tmpl_var ...key>

This will get you up 2 levels (remember: one dot means root in HTC) and access the 'key' element.

If set to 3 (3 == 1|2) you have both, global vars and explicitly going up the stack.

So setting global_vars to 2 can save you from global vars but still allows you to browse through the stack.

  my $htc = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
    default_escape => 'HTML', # or URL

Now everything will be escaped for HTML unless you explicitly specify ESCAPE=0 (no escaping) or ESCAPE=URL.

deref (fixed)

Deprecated. Please inherit and overwrite method 'deref'. See "INHERITANCE"

Define the string you want to use for dereferencing, default is . at the moment:

 <TMPL_VAR hash.key>
method_call (fixed)

Deprecated. Please inherit and overwrite method 'method_call'. See "INHERITANCE"

Define the string you want to use for method calls, default is . at the moment:

 <TMPL_VAR object.method>

Don't use ->, though, like you could in earlier version. Var names can contain: Numbers, letters, '.', '/', '+', '-' and '_', just like HTML::Template. Note that if your var names contain dots, though, they will be treated as hash dereferences. If you want literal dots, use HTML::Template::Compiled::Classic instead.

default_path (fixed)

Deprecated, see HTML::Template::Compiled::Formatter please.

  my $htc = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
         # default is PATH_DEREF
      => HTML::Template::Compiled::Utils::PATH_FORMATTER,

Is needed if you have an unqualified tmpl_var that should be resolved as a call to your formatter, for example. Otherwise you have to call it fully qualified. If your formatter_path is '/', you'd say tmpl_var _/method. With the option default_path you can make that the default, so you don't need the _/: tmpl_var method. If you don't use formatters, don't care about this option.


NOTE: This option does not exist any more; line numbers will alway be reported.

For debugging: prints the line number of the wrong tag, e.g. if you have a /TMPL_IF that does not have an opening tag.

case_sensitive (fixed)

default is 1, set it to 0 to use this feature like in HTML::Template. Note that this can slow down your program a lot (50%).


This option is deprecated as of version 0.76. You must now use a plugin instead, like HTML::Template::Compiled::Plugin::DHTML, for examle.

  my $t = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
    dumper = sub { my_cool_dumper($_[0]) },

This will call my_cool_dumper() on var.

Alternatively you can use the DHTML plugin which is using Data::TreeDumper and Data::TreeDumper::Renderer::DHTML. You'll get a dumper like output which you can collapse and expand, for example. See Data::TreeDumper and Data::TreeDumper::Renderer::DHTML for more information. Example:

  my $t = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
    dumper = 'DHTML',

For an example see examples/dhtml.html.

out_fh (fixed)
  my $t = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
    out_fh => 1,
  $t->output($fh); # or output(\*STDOUT) or even output()

This option is fixed, so if you create a template with out_fh, every output of this template will print to a specified (or default STDOUT) filehandle.


Filter template code before parsing.

  my $t = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
    filter => sub { myfilter( ${$_[0]} ) },
    # or
    filter => [ {
        sub => sub { myfilter( ${$_[0]} ) },
        format => 'scalar', # or array
tagstyle (fixed)

Specify which styles you want to use. This option takes an arrayref with strings of named tagstyles or your own regexes.

At the moment there are the following named tagstyles builtin:

    # classic (active by default)
    <TMPL_IF foo><tmpl_var bar></TMPL_IF>

    # comment (active by default)
    <!-- TMPL_IF foo --><!-- TMPL_VAR bar --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->

    # asp (active by default)
    <%if foo%><%VAR bar%><%/if%>

    # php (not active by default)
    <?if foo?><?var bar?><?/if foo?>

    # tt (not active by default)
    [%if foo%][%var bar%][%/if foo%]

You deactive a style by saying -stylename. You activate by saying +stylename.

Define your own tagstyle by specifying for regexes. For example you want to use {{if foo}}{{var bar}}{{/if foo}}, then your definition should be:

        qr({{), start of opening tag
        qr(}}), # end of opening tag
        qr({{/), # start of closing tag
        qr(}}), # end of closing tag

NOTE: do not specify capturing parentheses in you regexes. If you need parentheses, use (?:foo|bar) instead of (foo|bar).

Say you want to deactivate asp-style, comment-style, activate php- and tt-style and your own {{}} style, then say:

    my $htc = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
        tagstyle => [
            qw(-asp -comment +php +tt),
            [ qr({{), qr(}}), qr({{/), qr(}})],

Deprecated, see HTML::Template::Compiled::Formatter please.

With formatter you can specify how an object should be rendered. This is useful if you don't want object methods to be called, but only a given subset of methods.

  my $htc = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
  formatter => {
    'Your::Class' => {
      fullname => sub {
        $_[0]->first . ' ' . $_[0]->last
      first => Your::Class->can('first'),
      last => Your::Class->can('last'),
  # $obj is a Your::Class object
  $htc->param(obj => $obj);
  # Template:
  # Fullname: <tmpl_var obj/fullname>
formatter_path (fixed)

Deprecated, see HTML::Template::Compiled::Formatter please.


If set to 1 you will get the generated perl code on standard error


Set it to 1 if you plan to use the query() method. Default is 0.

Explanation: If you want to use query() to collect information on the template HTC has to do extra-work while compiling and uses extra-memory, so you can choose to save HTC work by setting use_query to 0 (default) or letting HTC do the extra work by setting it to 1. If you would like 1 to be the default, write me. If enough people write me, I'll think abou it =)


Set to 1 if you want to use the perl-tag. See "TMPL_PERL". Default is 0.


clear_cache ([DIR])

Class method. It will clear the memory cache either of a specified cache directory:


or all memory caches:


Class- or object-method. Removes all generated perl files from a given directory.

  # clear a directory
  # clear this template's cache directory (and not one template file only!)

Works like in HTML::Template.


Works like in HTML::Template. But it is not activated by default. If you want to use it, specify the use_query option.


Class method. Will preload all template files from a given cachedir into memory. Should be done, for example in a mod_perl environment, at server startup, so all templates go into "shared memory"


If you don't do preloading in mod_perl, memory usage might go up if you have a lot of templates.

Note: the directory is *not* the template directory. It should be the directory which you give as the cache_dir option.


Class method. It will precompile a list of template files into the specified cache directory. See "PRECOMPILE".


Empty all parameters.




You create a template almost like in HTML::Template:

  my $t = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
    path => 'templates',
    loop_context_vars => 1,
    filename => 'test.html',
    # for testing without cache comment out
    cache_dir => "cache",

The next time you start your application and create a new template, HTC will read all generated perl files, and a call to the constructor like above won't parse the template, but just use the loaded code. If your template file has changed, though, then it will be parsed again.

You can set the expire time of a template by HTML::Template::Compiled->ExpireTime($seconds); ($HTML::Template::Compiled::NEW_CHECK is deprecated). So HTML::Template::Compiled->ExpireTime(60 * 10); will check after 10 minutes if the tmpl file was modified. Set it to a very high value will then ignore any changes, until you delete the generated code.


At the moment you can use and write plugins for the ESCAPE attribute. See HTML::Template::Compiled::Plugin::XMLEscape for an example how to use it; and have a look at the source code if you want to know how to write a plugin yourself.

Using Plugins:

    my $htc = HTML::Template::Compiled->new(
        plugin => ['HTML::Template::Compiled::Foo::Bar'],
        # oor shorter:
        plugin => ['::Foo::Bar'],


Let's say you're in a CGI environment and have a lot of includes in your template, but only few of them are actually used. HTML::Template::Compiled will (as HTML::Template does) parse all of your includes at once. Just like the use function does in perl. To get a behaviour like require, use HTML::Template::Compiled::Lazy.


associate, methods with simple parameters, expressions, pluggable, ...


HTC generates a perl subroutine out of every template. Each included template is a subroutine for itself. You can look at the generated code by activating file caching and looking into the cache directory. When you call output(), the subroutine is called. The subroutine either creates a string and adds each template text or the results of the tags to the string, or it prints it directly to a filehandle. Because of the implementation you have to know at creation time of the module if you want to get a string back or if you want to print to a filehandle.


HTML::Template::Compiled uses basically the same file caching model as, for example, Template- Toolkit does: The compiled Perl code is written to disk and later reread via do or by reading the file and eval the content.

If you are sharing a read/write environment with untrusted users (for example on a machine with a webserver, like many webhosters offer, and all scripts are running as the same httpd user), realize that there is possibility of modifying the Perl code that is cached and then executed. The best solution is to not be in such an environment!

In this case it is the safest option to generate your compiled templates on a local machine and just put the compiled templates onto the server, with no write access for the http server. Set the ExpireTime variable to a high value so that HTC never attempts to check the template timestamp to force a regenerating of the code.

If you are alone on the machine, but you are running under taint mode (see perlsec) then you have to explicitly set the $UNTAINT variable to 1. HTC will then untaint the code for you and treat it as if it were safe (it hopefully is =).


I think there is no way to provide an easy function for precompiling, because every template can have different options. If you have all your templates with the same options, then you can use the precompile class method. It works like this:

    # usual options like path, default_escape, global_vars, cache_dir, ...
    filenames => [ list of template-filenames ],

This will then pre-compile all templates into cache_dir. Now you would just put this directory onto the server, and it doesn't need any write-permissions, as it will be never changed (until you update it because templates have changed).


The options case_sensitive, loop_context_vars and global_vars can have the biggest influence on speed.

Setting case_sensitive to 1, loop_context_vars to 0 and global_vars to 0 saves time.

On the other hand, compared to HTML::Template, the speed gain is biggest (under mod_perl you save ca. 86%, under CGI about 10%), if you use case_sensitive = 1, loop_context_vars = 0, global_vars = 1.

See the examples/ contained in this distribution.


See "objects.html" in examples (and examples/ for an example how to feed objects to HTC.


Probably many bugs I don't know yet =)

Use the bugtracking system to report a bug:

Why another Template System?

You might ask why I implement yet another templating system. There are so many to choose from. Well, there are several reasons.

I like the syntax of HTML::Template *because* it is very restricted. It's also easy to use (template syntax and API). However, there are some things I miss I try to implement here.

I think while HTML::Template is quite good, the implementation can be made more efficient (and still pure Perl). That's what I'm trying to achieve.

I use it in my web applications, so I first write it for myself =) If I can efficiently use it, it was worth it.


See for current releases not yet on CPAN and for cvs access.




Template - Toolkit


Tina Mueller

Co-Author Mark Stosberg


Sam Tregar big thanks for ideas and letting me use his HTML::Template test suite

Bjoern Kriews for original idea and contributions

Special Thanks to Sascha Kiefer - he finds all the bugs!

Ronnie Neumann, Martin Fabiani, Kai Sengpiel, Jan Willamowius, Justin Day for ideas, beta-testing and patches and for everyday learning

Corion, Limbic~Region, tye, runrig and others from


Copyright (C) 2005 by Tina Mueller

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.