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Nephia::Plugin - Documentation for Plugins


You may use plugins as followings.

  use Nephia plugins => ['Response::YAML', 'Auth::Twitter' => { consumer_key => ..., }];


      use Nephia;
      nephia_plugin 'Response::YAML', 'Response::XML';


Basic rule is namespace of new module must begins in "Nephia::Plugin::".

If you want to export subroutines, those name must begin in lower alphabetic chars, and it must not be "import" and "load".

import() and load() will execute when plugin is loaded.

And, you can use context() function for set/get some state among request.

For example.

  package Nephia::Plugin::Bark;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Nephia::Request;
  our @EXPORT = qw/bark barkbark/;

  sub import {
      my ($class) = @_;
      ... ### Execute when plugin is loaded.

  sub load {
      my ($class, $app_class, $plugin_option) = @_;
      ### Execute after import()
      context(sound => $plugin_option->{sound});  # set sound into context

  sub before_action {
      my ($env, $path_param, @action_chain) = @_;
      my $req = context('req');
      if (my $id = $req->param('id')) {
          return [403, [], ['You denied!'] ] if $id eq 'ytnobody';  # deny ytnobody :(
      my $next = shift(@chain_of_actions);
      $next->($env, $path_param, @chain_of_actions);

  sub process_env {
      my $env = shift;
      $env->{HTTP_X_OREORE} = 'oreore'; # inject into http request header
      return $env;

  sub process_response {
      my $res = shift;
      $res->header('X-Oreore' => 'soregashi soregashi'); # inject into http response header
      return $res;

  sub process_content {
      my $content = shift;
      # <b>...</b> to <span class="bold">...</span>
      $content =~ s|<b>|<span class="bold">|g;
      $content =~ s|</b>|</span>|g;
      return $content;

  sub bark () {
      my $sound = context('sound');   # get sound from context
      return [200, [], [$sound]];

  sub barkbark (@) {
      my $sound = context('sound');   # get sound from context
      return [200, [], [join(' ', $sound, @_)]];


You can use plugin in above, as like followings.

  package Your::App;
  use Nephia plugins => [Bark => {sound => 'Bark!'}];

  path '/bark' => sub {
      bark; # 'Bark!'

  path '/barkbark' => sub {
      barkbark 'hoge', 'fuga'; # 'Bark hoge fuga'

Hooks for development plugins

$psgi_res = before_action( $env, $path_param, @chain_of_actions )

Rewrite action when request incoming.

$new_env = process_env( $origin_env );

Rewrite Plack env when build request.

$res = process_response( $raw_res );

Rewrite response object after response was built.

$content = process_content( $raw_content );

Rewrite content before responde response.