Revision history for Run-Parts
0.04 Wed Jul 10 19:55:57 CEST 2013
New method concat.
New helper module Run::Parts::Common.
Run::Parts::Perl now works properly on DOS-ish platforms
Some refactoring which pulls in new dependencies.
0.03 Fri Jul 5 21:01:59 CEST 2013
Run::Parts has been split up into frontend and backend
A pure Perl backend module has been added.
Run::Parts now can either choose the appropriate backend
itself or use a given backend.
0.02 Sat 8 Jun 20:04:53 CEST 2013
Skip functionality tests if /bin/run-parts is not there or not
Add POD encoding to make Test::Pod happy
State in Build.PL that the test suite needs Test::Differences and
that Run::Parts itself needs Perl >= 5.10.
Disable Makefile.PL compatibility.
0.01 Fri 7 Jun 20:26:57 CEST 2013
Initial release. More or less a proof of concept.