SQLib - A simple module to manage and store SQL queries in separate files.


Version 0.01


Mateusz Szczyrzyca, mateusz at

SYNOPSIS The module allows to store SQL queries in separate files and provides easy access to them.

A file with list of queries has the following syntax:

-- A SQL query with {vars} to interpolate

-- A SQL query {vars} to interpolate

-- A SQL query with {vars} to interpolate

Empty lines are ignored. If there are two or more SQL queries with same [NAME], then only one (first) will be used. If a query with a specified name doesn't exist then undef is returned.

Simple example: *file_with_queries contains:

[CHECK_PASSWORD] -- Comments for SQL debug -- Some::Program @ CHECK_PASSWORD -- Check a user password SELECT login,password FROM {table} WHERE ( login = '{login}', AND password = '{password}' ); [/CHECK_PASSWORD]

And usage of it in a perl code:

use SQLib;
my $SQLib = SQLib->new( './file_with_queries.sql' );

my %sql_params =
 table    => 'cms_users',
 login    => 'someuser',
 password => 'somepass'

my $check_auth_query = $SQLib->get_query( 'CHECK_PASSWORD', \%sql_params );

In the above example $check_auth_query contains: -- Comments for SQL debug -- Some::Program @ CHECK_PASSWORD -- Check a user password SELECT login,password FROM cms_users WHERE ( login = 'someuser', AND password = 'somepass' );