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Changelog for Faker

0.08 2014-03-21T18:06:16
 - Updated Makefile and README.
 - Modified to avoid breaking changes in Bubblegum 0.20.
 - Many miscellaneous cosmetic changes.

0.07 2014-02-27T05:06:33
 - Updated Makefile and README.
 - Added dashify routine and enhanced the Internet provider.
 - Fixed bug in company data lookup.

0.06 2014-02-22T07:41:12
 - Miscellaneous cleanup and removed given/when usage breaking 5.16+.

0.05 2014-02-17T06:34:04
 - Refactor and Fixed en_US last names with apostrophes

0.04 2014-02-03T01:33:00
 - Fixed test failures due to using given syntax without enabling it.

0.03 2014-01-30T17:34:01
 - Merge branch 'issue/company-data-duplication' into devel
 - Updated dist.ini and added Type::Tiny dependency.
 - Updated gitignore and dist.ini.
 - Include INSTALL file in repo.
 - Fixed duplicate company data.

0.02 2014-01-29T17:12:09
 - Added Function::Parameters as a dependency to fix failing tests.

0.01 2014-01-28T11:57:45
 - Initial CPAN release.
 - Initial commit.