Just the doc. for R::YapRI modules.
use R::YapRI::Base;
my $rbase = R::YapRI::Base->new();
$rbase->add_command('bmp(filename="myfile.bmp", width=600, height=800)');
$rbase->add_command('plot(c(1, 5, 10), type = "l")');
my $result_file = $rbase->get_result_file();
## To work with blocks, check R::YapRI::Block
Yet another perl wrapper to interact with R. R::YapRI are a collection of modules to interact with R using Perl.
The mechanism is simple, it write R commands into a command file and executate it using the R as command line:
R [options] < infile > outfile
use R::YapRI::Base;
my $rbase = R::YapRI::Base->new();
$rbase->add_command('x <- c(1:10)');
$rbase->add_command('y <- c(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29)');
$rbase->add_command('x * y');
my $resultfile = $rbase->get_result_file();
More information about the basic usage can be found: R::YapRI::Base.
But there are some tricks, it can define blocks and combine them, so it can extend the interaction between packages of information. For example, it can create a block to check the length of a vector using default as base
my $newblock = $rbase->create_block('lengthblock', 'default');
$newblock->add_command('length(x * y)');
my @results = $newblock->read_results();
if ($results[0] == 10) {
my $newblock2 = $rbase->create_block('meanblock', 'default');
$newblock2->add_command('z <- mean(x * y)');
my @results2 = $newblock2->read_results();
More information about the use of blocks can be found at R::YapRI::Block.
It can use interpreters (R::YapRI::Interpreter::Perl), so sometimes it can use perl hashref. instead strings to add_commands.
$rbase->add_command({ mean => [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29]});
It uses two switches to trace the R commands that you are running:
- disable_keepfiles/enable_keepfiles, to do not delete the command files and the result files after the executation of the code.
- disable_debug/enable_debug, to print as STDERR the R commands from the command file before executate them.
There are some examples of modules that wrap R::YapRI::Base for an extended functionality.
* Matrix manipulation R::YapRI::Data::Matrix
use R::YapRI::Base;
use R::YapRI::Data::Matrix;
my $rbase = R::YapRI::Base->new();
my $rmatrix = R::YapRI::Data::Matrix->new( { name => 'matrix1',
coln => 3,
rown => 3,
colnames => ['a', 'b', 'c'],
rownames => ['X', 'Y', 'Z'],
data => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
} );
$rmatrix->send_rbase($rbase, 'BLOCK1');
$rbase->add_command('eigenvect1 <- eigen(matrix1)$vectors', 'BLOCK1');
my $eigenvectors = read_rbase($rbase, 'BLOCK1', 'eigenvect1');
* Simple graph creation R::YapRI::Graph::Simple
use R::YapRI::Base;
use R::YapRI::Data::Matrix;
use R::YapRI::Graph::Simple;
my $rbase = R::YapRI::Base->new();
my $rmatrix = R::YapRI::Data::Matrix->new( { name => 'gene_expr',
coln => 2,
rown => 1,
colnames => ['WT', 'Mut'],
rownames => ['TIR1'],
data => [674, 54],
} );
my $rgraph = R::YapRI::Graph::Simple->new({
rbase => $rbase,
rdata => { height => $rmatrix },
grfile => "TirGeneExpression.bmp",
device => { bmp => { width => 600, height => 600 } },
sgraph => { barplot => { beside => 'TRUE',
main => 'Tir Gene Expression',
xlab => 'Samples',
ylab => 'Expression',
col => ["dark blue", "dark red"],
my ($filegraph, $fileresults) = $rgraph->build_graph();
Aureliano Bombarely <>
Lukas Mueller
Robert Buels
Naama Menda
Jonathan "Duke" Leto
Hosted at GitHub:
Copyright 2011 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
Copyright 2011 Sol Genomics Network (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.