Changes for version 0.003 - 2024-10-14

  • Added subpath driver
  • Improved constructor behavior with hash references and driver instances
  • Driver name can now be prefixed with + to force full custom namespace
  • Changed the behavior of Composite driver
    • no longer catches errors raised in its sources
    • will not fall back to other sources if one of the sources encounters a problem
    • errors field was removed
    • sources field was renamed to source
  • Removed Feature::Compat::Try dependency
  • Increased minimum Type::Tiny version to 2


Abstraction for file storage
Base class for drivers
Local directory storage
In-memory storage of files
Driver which does nothing
Change root metadriver
Exceptions for Storage::Abstract


in lib/Storage/Abstract/Role/
in lib/Storage/Abstract/
in lib/Storage/Abstract/
in lib/Storage/Abstract/
in lib/Storage/Abstract/