Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-CHGOVUK
0.06 2014-07-25
0.06 2014-07-25
- Swith default installer from MakeMaker to ModuleBuild
- Remove ReversionOnRelease and ConfirmRelease
- Remove copy of META.json and build_file from build
- Add Git::CommitBuild plugin
- Change prereqs gathering default to Prereqs::FromCPANfile
0.05 2014-05-22
- Get version number from perl module (not git tag)
- Copy build file and META.json back from build
0.04 2014-05-12
- Fix broken build
0.03 2014-05-09
- Add prereqs option to make prereqs gathering configurable
0.02 2014-03-09
- Use CHGOVUK PluginBundle to build itself
0.01 2014-03-09
- Initial release