The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 2.04 - 2024-09-27

  • Added a delay log file whenever the delay option was used in a test case.
  • Modified to take delays into account.
  • Fixed bug in Example # 6. Also moved required to end of file. Fixed typo in package name that broke the links.
  • Fixed the POD NAME section in all *.pm files to follow the correct naming standards.
  • Fixed t/21-return_simple.t to also test that wantarray keyword works as expected. Since so much logic depends on it.
  • CPAN Tester hack, didn't like me calling dbug_level() from BEGIN ? So added test in to verify since I can't reproduce it (-100).
  • Updated the POD NAME for all *.pm files to be fully qualified.
  • Depreciate &, now just POD stubs.
  • Fixed unexpected warning error ecountered by a CPAN tester on test case t/70_multi_thread-test.t


Fred Fish library for Perl
A Fred Fish library extension.
A Fred Fish library extension.
Fred Fish Stub library for Perl
Fred Fish Live library for Perl
Fred Fish library extension to trap Signals.
A crazy extension module for Fred::Fish::DBUG.
Fred Fish library extension to trap STDERR & STDOUT.
Gives a basic tutorial on how to use the Fred::Fish::DBUG module.