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svg2zinc-perl (0.6) unstable; urgency=low

  * adding README, cpaniser script, MANIFEST (generated),
  * update Tk::Zinc dependency
  * renaming the ZincExtension sub-module as Tk::Zinc::SVGExtension

 -- Christophe Mertz <>  Wed, 17 Sep 2003 18:27:08 +0200

svg2zinc-perl (0.5) unstable; urgency=low

  * slight evolutions to CPANise this module

 -- Christophe Mertz <>  Wed, 10 Sep 2003 17:57:51 +0200

svg2zinc-perl (0.4) unstable; urgency=low

  * backend classes have been defined. They are currently the following:
    Exec (for displayng the SVG code with TkZinc)
    PerlModule (for generating a perl module able to display the SVG file
    PerlScript (for generating a perl script able to display the SVG file
    Print (for simply printing on the stdout the perl code)
  * Some conversion functions have been extracted and put in the sub-module
  * addition of approx. 40 tests for the sub-module
  * svg path defined as bezier quadratic are converted to bezier cubic
    (thx and with the help of Math::Bezier::Convert)
  * gradient can be defined as other gradient with transparency
  * we now limit the number of printed lines when a not-implemented
    attribute is used many many times
  * uuencoded images included in a SVG file are now correctly displayed
  * some bugs corrections, many detected and/or corrected by

 -- Christophe Mertz <>  Thu,  4 Sep 2003 08:55:33 +0200

svg2zinc-perl (0.3) unstable; urgency=low

  * now compatible with both zinc-perl 3.2.6h and 3.2.6i (support both gradient syntax)
    Beware: 3.2.6i should be prefered since it corrects some frequent bugs
    with curves containing aligned control points
    There is now an option -version for both the parser and the svg2zinc script.
  * colors defined in svg/html but not in X defaut rgb.txt have been added
  * many bugs correction (opacity, svg id cleaning, some parsing errors, ...)

 -- Christophe Mertz <>  Tue,  6 May 2003 09:58:00 +0200

svg2zinc-perl (0.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * fill-rule is now implemented for path (thanks to zinc 3.2.6h and plc work)
  * SVG tags may be recognized even if they are prefixed with a namespace
    (-namespace arguments in both parser and svg2zinc script)
  * not (yet) implemented svg tags are detected and a warning is issued
  * not implementable tags are identified and their usage is summarized at
    the end of parsing
  * shapes with bezier are now fine;
  * multicontour shapes should be ok
  * some css are now correctly interpreted
  * works with zinc-perl 3.2.6h or higher
  * addition of some samples, either from SVG recommandation, or generated from dia
  * WARNING: some curves containing bezier segements will make zinc 3.2.6h coredump
  due to a zinc 3.2.6h bug
  * This version of svg2zinc-perl will not work any more with the next release of zinc
  due to incompatible evolution in color and gradient specification of zinc 

 -- Christophe Mertz <>  Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:42:30 +0100

svg2zinc-perl (0.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release. Attention, il y a encore de nombreux défauts

 -- Christophe Mertz <>  Fri, 10 Jan 2003 09:59:55 +0100